Angels Are Not Playing This HAARP,
Either Source: Idaho Observer Patents indicate technocrat design to control human
behavior in Brave New World
World renowned author and researcher Dr. Nick Begich was
in Spokane last April, 2000. He spoke to a rapt audience about
Orwellian technology now available to those dedicated to keeping
Americans under strict surveillance and control. His newest book,
Earth Rising, is a well-documented
chronicle of awesome designs by America's military-industrial complex
to keep citizens on a very tight leash -- invading our brains, if
necessary, to make us "behave."
Dr. Begich is also co-author of Angles Don't Play This
HAARP, a scientific analysis of the military's experimental
Alaska-based radio wave antenna system which is now agitating
(boiling) the ionosphere with focused radio waves. This system is
apparently part of the master plan to implement far-reaching and
insidious human control mechanisms.
The HAARP system was originally developed to facilitate
a number of projects profitable to America's corporate megalith.
Atlantic Richfield, Co. (ARCO), did the preliminary work hoping to
make enormous profits by beaming
electrical power without wires from a gas-fired powerhouse on the
Alaskan North Slope where ARCO sits on huge reserves of natural gas.
Now under control of the U.S. military and its defense contractors,
the HAARP apparatus is said to be capable of finding and disrupting
nuclear payloads and enemy communications. Dr. Begich confirmed that
there is also a
weather modification component of electromagnetic tampering with the
ionosphere, even though the U.S. signed a 1977 treaty banning weather
modification as a weapon.
As the HAARP apparatus zaps and lifts the upper
atmosphere with steerable electromagnetic beams, extremely low
frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves bounce back to earth,
penetrating all living organisms. ELF waves in certain frequencies are
known to be extremely hazardous to human health. The impact of the
full gamut of physical and psychological effects of HAARP waves on
humans are yet unknown. Therefore, the use of ELF on humans fits the
definition of scientific experimentation.
Dr. Begich has collated scientific data suggesting that
the HAARP system is immensely reckless and that its side-effects may
turn out to be worse than the weapons it supposedly guards against.
Such side-effects may be more fully realized once HAARP is operating
at its full potential of 1.7 billion
watts of effective energy.
Thanks to information which Dr. Begich collected while
researching U.S. military documents and commercial patents related to
HAARP, the European Parliament recently passed a resolution asking the
U.S. to halt the HAARP project until the full ramifications of such
technology can be properly studied. Many Europeans are already
extremely angry about NASA's Orwellian
Echelon spy satellites. European dignitaries were especially amazed
when Begich demonstrated for them a frequency device that can cause
the human brain to "hear" voices.
While digging through government documents to research
the HAARP system, Dr. Begich discovered numerous bizarre U.S. military
studies which propose to use the type of pulsed radio frequency
radiation generated by HAARP to disrupt human mental processes and
control human behavior. Such designs are apparently part of the
Pentagon's well-developed Directed Energy weapons program. Dr. Begich
noted that the Pentagon successfully used these mind-altering weapons
during the Gulf War to afflict the Iraqis with panic and irrational
behavior. That was nearly 10 years ago.
Dr. Begich explained that the human brain has its own
electrical frequencies (between 1-30 hertz) but it can easily be
"entrained" to adopt other frequencies in the environment. Thus,
select ELF frequencies beamed at the brain can disrupt normal brain
patterns, cause seizures, paralyze the
nervous system and create emotional instability. Dr. Begich said that
Directed Energy weapons can actually flip human emotions on and off
like a light switch. Select frequencies can also be used to implant
into the brain subliminal instructions against which the conscious
mind has no defense. The Air Force has readily admitted that these
electromagnetic weapons are especially valuable because they attack
silently, they can render individuals combat-ineffective and
countermeasures would be
difficult, if not impossible, to develop.
Dr. Begich is a stickler for using source documents to
verify his research conclusions. One such document is an Air Force
paper entitled New World Vistas which discusses the technology of
projecting control signals into the human brain in order to affect the
mental functions of a broad segment of the world's population. He also
cited Revolution in Military Affairs produced by the U.S. Army War
College in 1994 which discusses the eventual necessity of equipping
both military personnel and civilians with electronic position locator
devices permanently implanted under the skin. These implants would
continuously inform a central data bank of the bearers'
location. This grotesque document notes that such electronic implants
would undoubtedly violate American values, but asserts that Americans
must have their values changed so that they will willingly accept the
tracking mechanisms being prepared for them. The paper also concludes
that behavior modification is a key component of "peace enforcement"
and that sensor technologies "might be ideally suited for helping
develop desired
emotions, attitudes or behavior."
Dr. Begich pointed out how dangerous these mindsets are,
coming from a military-industrial complex that has shamelessly
conducted genocidal experiments on unwitting subjects, meddled in
internal affairs of sovereign nations and ignited global wars purely
for the profit of multinational corporations. "Even God," Dr. Begich
said, "would not remove from
mankind its free agency -- the right to think rationally and the right
to chose a course of action."
Dr. Begich noted that Directed Energy weapons can not
only remove our ability to think rationally, but they can also
insidiously interfere with body systems and damage internal organs.
Dr. Begich said the U.S. military has actually developed a code book
listing a broad array of lethal frequencies that can kill without
leaving any outward sign of damage. Certain frequencies can interfere
with lung function or stop the human
heart from a distance. He lamented that such technology has been
developed exclusively for weapons capabilities and has been withheld
from medical science, which might be able to use the technology for
purposes other than inflicting death.
"Such electromagnetic devices," said Dr. Begich, "are
now available to unscrupulous controllers to remove all human freedom
and human rights. Further," he added, "powerful frequencies harnessed
as weapons of control
can be channeled to a target population through digital televisions,
telephones and other psychotronic generators."
Dr. Begich noted that such deplorable technology is a
literal fulfillment of the published prognostications of Zbigniew
Brzezinski who worked with David Rockefeller to co-found of the
Trilateral Commission. Brzezinski predicted 30 years ago that society
would be increasingly controlled by a "unrestrained" elitist group
"which would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the
latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping
society under close surveillance and control."
Today the commission is a non-governmental,
corporation-funded powerhouse which holds the reigns of political and
economic power in the USA, Western Europe and Japan. Dr. Begich noted
that shoppers in Japan are already
entrained not to shoplift by powerful subliminal signals beamed into
their brains by directed energy generators.
Dr. Begich noted that in an age when technologies with
such negative possibilities are so readily available, individuals are
becoming increasingly transparent to their controllers, who in turn
are becoming increasingly opaque to the citizens who support them with
tax dollars. "It should be the other way around," he said.
Despite his grim revelations about Orwellian technology
in the hands of control freaks dedicated to the abuse of that
technology, Dr Begich had a very positive secondary message: Americans
can still make a difference in the scheme of things. He presented
inspiring examples of how one dedicated person can make a dramatic
difference in human history. He said we are morally obligated to do
our part to make others aware of mankind's perilous situation.
He urged his audience to read and learn about technology
so that we can maintain a dialogue, exert knowledgeable influence and
keep jealous vigilance over our few remaining freedoms, especially the
freedom to think coherently and independently. Since the world's
technological knowledge is
now doubling every nine months, we have a lot of reading to do. An
excellent place to start is with the dynamic and persuasive research
of Dr. Nick Begich.
The Idaho Observer
by PJ Morgan
May 2000
P.O. Box 1353
Rathdrum, Idaho 83858-1353
Phone: 208-255-2307