Mass Media On HAARP
We review still more articles about the technology to
control the weather. You will be stunned to learn how prevalent it is
today. We conclude with a shocking United Nations pamphlet that ties
weather control into their New World Order Plan! Part 3 of 3.
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you
understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being
gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your
daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look
at the news the same way again.
NEWS BRIEF: "Malaysia to Battle Smog With
Cyclones" "KULA LUMPUR -- Malaysia's war on smog is about to get a
new twist. The government wants to create man-made cyclones to scrub
away the haze that has plagued Malaysia since July. 'We
will use special technology to create an artificial cyclone to clean
the air', said Datuk Law Hieng Ding, minister for science, technology
and the environment. The plan calls for the use of new
Russian technology to create cyclones -- the giant storms also known
as typhoons and hurricanes -- to cause torrential rains, washing the
smoke out of the air. The Malaysian cabinet and the finance minister
have approved the plan, Datuk Law said. A
Malaysian company, BioCure Sdn. Bhd., will sign a memorandum of
understanding soon with a government-owned Russian party to produce
the cyclone."
"Datuk Law declined to disclose the size of the cyclone
to be generated, or the mechanism. 'The details I don't have', he
said. He did say, though, that the cyclone generated would be 'quite
strong'. Datuk Law also declined to disclose the price of creating the
cyclone. But, he said, Malaysia doesn't have to pay if the project
doesn't work."
This article is written by the prestigious Wall Street
Journal, and it reports, very matter of factly, that Malaysia is
ordering a cyclone just as someone might order some
lawn furniture from a catalog! We also learned that the Russians have
the capability of creating such a huge storm for a fee. Also unsaid,
but inferred, is that this cyclone could be steered or controlled so
that it would come close enough to Malaysia to clear away the haze
that was bedeviling that nation, but not so close it would cause any
damage. Further, the nations close to Malaysia are not quoted as being
overly concerned that this most powerful of storms might accidentally
hit their shores.
This news is quite stupendous, and it opens up all sorts
of questions about our incredible and unprecedented hurricanes in the
past 5 years. Were these hurricanes also caused by our scientists, or
by the Russian scientists? If our scientists created them, then the
Federal Government needs to be strung up and quartered for the pain,
anguish, and death caused by these terrible storms. If the Russian
scientists caused these storms, then they have just committed an act
of war against the United States!
NEWS BRIEF: The New York Times September 24,
1992, reported that a Russian company which deals with weather
modification sell Weather Control Electronic Equipment to certain
people in Russia who want to manipulate the weather in a specific
area. This weather control technology is being used by farmers to
alter the climate for beneficial agricultural purposes.
Then, the Wall Street Journal, on October 2, 1992,
reported that a Russian company called "Elate Intelligent
Technologies, Inc.," sells weather control equipment by using the
advertising slogan, "Weather Made to Order". This motto is even on
their business cards! The commercial Director of Elate, Igor Pirogoff,
stated that "Elate is capable of fine-tuning the weather patterns over
a 200 square mile area for as little as $200 U.S. per day". Is it just
coincidence that this 200 square mile effective range is the same
range as our new GWEN towers? We will be discussing what GWEN towers
are and how they work. Suffice it to say that GWEN towers are
apparently being used in conjunction with HAARP towers to shoot
enormous bursts of energy
into the atmosphere to control our weather.
This Wall Street Journal article also quoted Mr.
Pirogoff as saying that Hurricane Andrew could have been decreased
"into a wimpy little squall". This statement is so
shocking as to border on being ridiculous! Hurricane Andrew was so
powerful that it caused several billion dollars worth of damage,
killed a number of people, and destroyed or altered the lives of tens
of thousands. Now, we learn that American scientists could have turned
Andrew into a little harmless squall. But, I suppose the real question
is this: did our scientists create Andrew in the first place?
At the very least, couldn't our scientists have
"steered" Hurricane Andrew out to sea, away from our coastland? After
all, the Russian scientists, according to this Wall Street Journal
article, were able to "steer" the hurricanes they deliberately
produced so that it would not damage any city of
any country. Perhaps our scientists did not steer Hurricane Andrew
away because our political leadership did not want them to steer
Andrew away! Perhaps Hurricane Andrew was one step in a long campaign
to convince Americans that we need to change our
fundamental way of living.
NEWS BRIEF: "Basic Facts About the United
Nations" On the inside of the front cover, this pamphlet
enthusiastically recounts some of the agreements the United Nations
has negotiated with the nations of the world that
supposedly makes this world a better place in which to live.
Incredibly, this U.N. Treaty is listed as the second noteworthy
accomplishment, under the year, "1977".
"1977 -- The Convention on the Prohibition of Military
or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques.
ENMOD Convention prohibits the use of techniques that
would have widespread, long-lasting or severe effects through
deliberate manipulation of natural processes and cause such phenomena
as earthquakes, tidal waves, and changes in climate and
in weather patterns."
Just like that, this pamphlet states boldly that
scientists do possess Weather Warfare capability, and then lists some
of the various individual capabilities. Aren't we fortunate that the
political leaders of the world have signed a piece of paper forbidding
nations from using these weapons against each other? History is full
of instances where pieces of paper called Treaties have been ignored
almost from the moment they were signed.
However, this Treaty, or Convention, does not forbid
political leaders from using these Weather Warfare weapons against
their own people! This is what is occurring here, I believe, to
convince Americans that our Industrial Civilization is so polluting
the world that these storms are a natural result. Then, once they are
so convinced, Americans will be amenable to changing our Industrial
Civilization, and to moving into the U.N. Biodiversity Areas already
mapped out. Of course, Americans are not at that point yet, but how
many more "unprecedented" storms will it take, one after another, one
on top of another, to convince them?
This United Nations' pamphlet then lists the
dramatically increasing incidence of losses from Natural Disasters,
giving us statistics that we will share with you. This is the table
included in this pamphlet.
"Before 1987, there was only one disaster, the cost of
which exceeded $1 billion in insured losses. Since 1987, however,
thirteen additional such disasters have occurred."
Hurricane "Alicia" (USA, 1983)
$1.65 billion $1.90 billion $2.00 billion $2.25 billion $3.00 billion $3.25 billion $3.70 billion $5.00 billion $6.00 billion $6.80 billion $12.00 billion $30.00 billion $30.00 billion
"Source: From Disaster Management to Sustainable
Development: How the Public Sector, Private Sector, and Voluntary
Organizations Can Work Together, WHO, 1994."
The use of the word, "sustainable" in the footnote,
above, is damning evidence that all these natural disasters fit nicely
into the New World Order Plan. One of the most used words in New Age
literature is "sustainable". The demonic Guiding Spirits of the New
Age leadership have repeatedly stated that the current Industrial
Civilization is not "sustainable" and must be
These Guiding Spirits further claim that, if mankind
does not voluntarily eliminate its cherished Industrial Civilization,
Mother Gaia (Earth Goddess) will begin to "cleanse" the earth herself.
How will this Earth Goddess, Mother Gaia, "cleanse" the earth of the
Industrial Civilization? She will
cleanse the earth through natural disasters that will steadily build
to such enormous levels that our Industrial Civilization will fall.
Tens of millions, and perhaps hundreds of millions, of
people will have to die for Mother Gaia to properly "cleanse" herself.
But, once this "cleansing" is accomplished, the world will be able to
live in perfect harmony with nature, because its
civilization will be the kind that existed 300 years ago, and the
population of the earth will have been reduced by two-thirds ["Herald
of a New Age", by Ruth Montgomery].
This scenario is laid out in numerous New Age books.
Isn't it convenient that Mother Gaia will have such wonderful
assistance from Russian and American scientists?
As you examine the table, above, can you see that we
have been experiencing steadily increasing levels of natural disasters
since 1983? New Age adherents will point to their
writings to say that Mother Gaia is, indeed, beginning her leansing
action; we point to the Weather Warfare capabilities to say that
scientists are deliberately fulfilling Mother Gaia's
prophecies! In fact, this scenario is the ultimate in self-fulfilling
prophecies", don't you think?
This U.N. pamphlet was written in 1994. Since then, we
have seen additional "unprecedented" weather. Right now, [1998] we are
experiencing record setting heat waves in the South and the most
unusually powerful storms in the northern Midwest and the Northeast.
Most assuredly, our scientists, working for the President and the
Pentagon are engineering this pattern of weather disasters.
Now, you can understand President Clinton's recent
statement that Global Warming is a reality, not a debatable fact
anymore. When he says that the 5 warmest years on record have all
occurred in the decade of the 1990's, he is right because that is the
plan by which these scientists are operating. The vision I have of
this situation is straight out of the movie, "Wizard of Oz". Remember
Dorothy standing in front of the tapestry, being so
afraid of the sounds and effects coming loudly out of it? Then, we see
that the Wizard is sitting at an organ type machine behind the
tapestry deliberately causing all of these effects!
While our political leaders are out front of the TV
cameras extolling the dangers of Global Warming, and beginning to
build to the climax of their plan to "combat" it, our scientists are
sitting behind the tapestry, operating the controls of the most
incredible "machine" in world history, producing the type of weather
than will make Clinton and Gore believable heroes.
Vice President Al Gore has already established himself
as a New Age extremist of the highest degree by publishing and
promoting his book, "Earth In The Balance". Gore's boss, President
Clinton, is no less an Environmental Activist as Gore. And, if Clinton
is forced out of office because of these scandals enveloping him,
America will wake up facing the most dangerous American President ever
in Gore. Al Gore will be the most extremist Environmental wacko ever
to possess the awesome powers of the Presidency. And not only that,
Gore will have the quiet but devastating weapon of Weather Warfare at
his disposal!
We could quote many more articles that the ones chosen
for this Three Part Report. These other articles come from prestigious
papers as the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Newsweek
Magazine, and Federal Government publications. However, for the sake
of brevity, we will not be reporting these other articles
individually, as they tell the same story as the
ones we have reported.
The major fact we have proven is that Weather Control
and Warfare capabilities have been long reported in various ways over
the past decades, but no one has ever paid much attention. The vast
majority of the people still believe that man cannot control the
Weather, that only God can control it. Deeply seated notions are very
difficult to remove, and this notion that only God can create and
control Weather is one of the most deeply seated.
All this activity of deliberately creating natural
disasters, and of using such natural disasters against us, all fits
the goals of the New World Order. Let us conclude by examining these
"When we come into our kingdom, our orators will expound
great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to
bring it at the end under our beneficent rule. Who will ever suspect,
then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a
political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of
many centuries?" [Protocol #13,
'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"]
1. Convince all peoples of the world that a Global
Government is absolutely essential to "solve" all the problems facing
2. Convince all peoples of the world that the present
Industrial Civilization is not "sustainable", and must be eliminated.
Obviously, people will have to be scared out of their minds by planned
crises to come to this point.
3. Move people out of cities and into the countryside.
The genocide in Cambodia was the trial run for this part of the
4. Reduce the population of the world from 6 billion
people to only 2 billion in the space of a few short years. This part
of the Plan will be carried out in conjunction with the plan to move
people out of cities.
5. Set aside approximately 50% of all land that will not
be usable by humans, or even used by humans. This effort will follow
the United Nations Biodiversity Treaty, which we covered in a previous
article, NEWS1101, "Rewilding Of America Continues". Clinton's
"American Heritage Rivers" project is part of this plan, as well.
6. Successfully stage the appearance of Antichrist. We
will also demonstrate that certain aspects of this Weather Warfare
capability can be utilized to produce the "Lying Signs and Wonders"
predicted by Biblical prophecy.
We are truly at the moment in world history where the
appearance of Antichrist is very close. This Weather Warfare
capability places the forces of Antichrist [New Age] more in control
of the basic functions of the world than ever before. We are truly
closer to the point of Revelation, Chapter 6, than ever before.
Indeed, the occult world is waiting for the appearance of their
Superman, Antichrist, with bated breath. The End of the Age is truly
upon us.
Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you
adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this
ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and
then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones.
Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge
as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I
have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to
Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we
can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal
Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him,
you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He
will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the
Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and
personal Bible Study.
We have reported that a United Nations treaty is on
record prohibiting any nation from using Weather Weapons against any
other nation. Now, we will review articles that have appeared in the
last 20 years boldly declaring that Weather Weapons do exist and do
work. [Part 2 of 3]
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you
understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being
gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your
daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look
at the news the same way again.
NEWS BRIEF: "United States and Other World Powers
Should Outlaw Tampering With Weather for Use as War Weapon" "The U.S. and other world powers should sign a treaty to
outlaw the tampering with weather as an instrument of war. It may seem
farfetched to think of using weather as a weapon -- but I'm convinced
that the U.S. did, in fact, use rainmaking techniques as a weapon of
war in Southeast Asia."
Let us stop right here and now and digest just what
Senator Claiborne Pell has told us. He said that the United States
used Weather as a Weapon during the Vietnam War. We fought the Vietnam
War from 1965-74 in a large capacity. Using Weather Weapons in the
early 1970's would fit the time frame with which we are familiar. In
NEWS1196, "UN Treaty Proves Weather Control Is Real", we reported that
the UN treaty was signed on 10 October 1976. Pell is arguing in this
editorial in 1975 that the US should sign this treaty.
Now, let us hear some more from Senator Pell.
"We need a treaty now to prevent such actions -- before
the military leaders of the world start directing storms, manipulating
climates, and inducing earthquakes against their enemies. The basic
idea of environmental warfare is simple -- if a nation can learn to
trigger natural events it can inflict terrible damage on an enemy
through rainfall, flooding, tidal waves, earthquakes, and even climate
changes that could devastate an enemy nation's agriculture." [NOTE: IN
NEWS1196, "UN Treaty Proves Weather Control Is Real", the treaty
forbids destroying the 'biota' of a nation. The 'biota' is the entire
ecosystem of a region, just what Pell is speaking of here!]
In one single paragraph, Senator Pell has confirmed our
earlier article, NEWS1196, "UN Treaty Proves Weather Control Is Real".
In this article, we studied what the treaty outlaws and then
extrapolated what the technology could do. Our extrapolations were
right on target! Weather Weapons do exist and they work!
Now, back to Senator Pell.
"It may seem a great leap of imagination to ... such
science-fiction ideas as unleashing earthquakes, melting the polar ice
cap, changing the course of warm ocean currents, or
modifying the weather of an adversary's farm belt. But, in military
technology, today's science fiction is tomorrow's strategic reality.
Apart from the sheer horror of the prospect of
unbridled environmental warfare, there is, I believe, another
compelling reason to ban such action. We know, or should know, by now,
that no nation can maintain for long a monopoly on new
warfare technology. If we can develop weather warfare techniques, so
can and will other major powers. Experience has taught us that the
weapons that make us feel secure today will make us feel very
insecure, indeed, when our adversaries possess the same capabilities.
Now is the time to act -- so we never have to worry about countries
directing storms at each other."
This Editorial by Senator Claiborne Pell is
non-technical confirmation that Weather Control Weaponry does exist,
and that the United States is the leader in developing it. Or, at
least, we were the leader in 1975, when Pell penned this concerned
article. Pell's warnings exactly parallel the technologies about which
we wrote in NEWS1196.
In summary, Pell said Weather Weapons could cause the
following disasters:
* Rainfall that produces flooding -- anyone
remember our 1993 unprecedented flooding in the Mid-west? In fact,
some counties in the Mid-west have been declared Disaster Areas in
three of the past five years. Farming must be a wreck out there.
* Tidal Waves -- Anyone remember the huge Tsunami
Wave that just struck Papua, New Guinea, just one week ago, in July,
* Earthquakes -- Once again, we reiterate what we
said in NEWS1196. Such capability means that scientists afar off,
pulling certain levers, can create earthquakes wherever they want, and
probably, of the intensity they desire. It is one thing for people to
live in such earthquake prone areas like California, thinking they
will just "take their chances" of an earthquake killing them. But, it
is another matter, indeed, for
people living in these earthquake prone areas to understand they are
living in a hunter's rifle scope!! Of course, the "rifle" being aimed
at them is not a traditional rifle, but the weapon of Weather Control
that can produce earthquakes wherever and whenever they choose, of
whatever intensity they choose.
* "Climate Changes that could devastate an enemy
nation's agriculture" -- In NEWS1196, we noted that one of the
devastating actions that this UN Treaty outlaws is damage to the
"biota" of a nation. The word, "biota" refers to the "animal and plant
life of a particular region considered as a total ecological entity".
[Dictionary] In other words, these Weather Control capabilities can
wipe out an entire ecological system?!
This revelation is astounding! If the goal of the scientists wielding
these weather weapons, is to totally annihilate a civilization, they
can easily do so, it appears!
Now that we have heard such shocking news from Senator
Pell, let us examine some other news that might further demonstrate
this Weather Warfare capability.
NEWS BRIEF: The June 5, 1977, New York Times
described the great earthquake which destroyed Tangshan, China on July
28, 1976, and killed over 650,000 people.
"Just before the first tremor at 3:42 am, the sky lit up
like daylight. The multi-hued lights, mainly white and red, were seen
up to 200 miles away. Leaves on many trees were burned to a crisp and
growing vegetables were scorched on one side, as if by a fireball."
Some investigators believe these electrical effects were
associated with electromagnetic plasma and ball lightning and the
strange array of flashes that result from Tesla-style technology and
/or HAARP-like transmissions. Was this brilliant flash of colored
light what Tesla was talking about in 1935 when he mentioned "all
kinds of unique effects"? Was this earthquake just a test of the
system, conducted on the unsuspecting people of China? It certainly
does not appear that it was a natural earthquake. Indeed, many
scientists have reported seeing unusual
lightening flashes and balls of light, usually blue, that either
precedes or accompanies many of the recent weather disasters.
Given the political game being played out in today's
world, this monstrous earthquake, killing 650,000 people, might have
been a warning by the United States to China that we control
technology that can literally annihilate their nation. China would
have immediately understood that we could kill their nation without
stepping foot on their soil. China would have
immediately realized they had no weapon that could counter this
Weather Weapon. This kind of action would have the sort of
"Real-politick" of which Kessinger and Bismarck would have been proud.
We will be discussing Tesla in greater detail in other,
more technical journals. However, suffice it to say that Tesla was a
greater inventor than anyone in American history, including Thomas
Edison. Tesla developed technologies of sending Low Frequency waves
through earth and in other experiments. Tesla bragged about being able
to use his technology to "split the earth in half" and in producing a
"death beam" of unimaginable magnitude. This current technology is
heavily based upon Tesla's work and his patents.
Briefly, this Weather Weapon is all about energy. Just
as any storm expends unbelievable amounts of electrical energy, so
scientists have discovered that, by sending enormous amounts of
electrical energy into the atmosphere, they can control the weather,
even directing it to where they want it to go. But, we will be
discussing this aspect in more technical detail later.
NEWS BRIEF: "Pentagon & Kremlin Are Playing With Our
Weather And Giving Us Storms and Floods" "Ponte claims the Soviets have made advances in bending
the all-important jet stream that sweeps across Siberia to set global
wind patterns. By using explosive devices in the jet stream,
scientists are trying to make it dip and rise in a wave that could
replace the frigid Siberian winters with milder air from the south."
"Researchers believe the jet stream can be set in a
constant wave. 'It can even be fine-tuned to wipe out a wheat crop in
the Midwest or any other part of the world', Ponte says. 'With that
power, Siberia could blossom and the rest of the world could dry up.
The tinkering they've done is very serious,' Ponte and we can't rule
it out, for causing the record cold winter last
year.' The Soviets are also considering using nuclear devices to blow
up a river bottom to change its course. 'Changing the flow could help
thaw out the Arctic Ocean', Ponte says. 'And thawing the icecaps could
cause flooding worldwide and alter weather patterns.' "
Doesn't this article capture much of the capability
about which we have been writing in this series of articles on Weather
Warfare? Consider the various types of weather phenomenon
mentioned in this article, above:
a. Controlling the Jet Stream -- some reports
indicate that the Jet Stream has, indeed, been changed. We read one
report -- that we have since lost -- that said the Jet Stream was
lowering, to the point where it might soon be blowing on the surface.
Since the Jet Stream travels several hundreds of miles per hour, life
on the surface would be impossible if the Jet Stream got that low.
But, if you wanted to force people out of the cities and into the
countryside, and if you wanted to change the Industrial Civilization,
this would be one great weapon! If any of you hear of any storms
blowing 200 miles per hour or more, send that article to me!
b. Changing course of rivers
c. Thawing icecaps -- Hardly a week goes by that
we are not hearing of melting ice caps and glaciers. Yet, here we see
that Weather Warfare can do just that. As we get into the technical
aspect of how this Weather Warfare is carried out, we need to
understand simply that scientists are shooting tens of
millions of watts of power into the atmosphere. In other words, they
are deliberately warming the atmosphere, and then turning around and
warning us of "Global Warming"!
d. Altering Weather Patterns -- Again, we have
seen daily reports of the unprecedented weather in this country and
abroad. Some major TV networks are making our very unusual,
unprecedented weather a nightly feature on their news. Now, we know
that scientists from both Russia and America can create and direct the
weather. Does that make them liable for the devastation and death that
has resulted from much of our unprecedented" weather? It should make
them liable, but we know nothing will happen because our Government is
never going to admit they control the weather.
e. Worldwide Flooding -- We have certainly seen
much flooding in the United States since 1993. However, much of the
world has also seen highly devastating floods. Third World countries
have been very hard hit.
Let us conclude this most interesting article with some
of the most revealing statements he made about Weather Warfare.
1. "Controlling the weather is vitally important because
it would allow world domination without dropping a single bomb".
[Hmmm, world domination. Isn't that just what the New World Order Plan
is all about?]
2. "Earthquakes can be generated with accuracy ... Doing
the same thing [create earthquakes] on the ocean floor can cause quite
a large tidal wave." Does anyone remember Papua New Guinea, just last
week? [July, 1998]
3. Scientists can manipulate the jet stream to "wipe out
a wheat crop in the Midwest or any other place in the world". Not only
do we think of the past 5 years in our breadbasket Midwest, but also
Africa. Would the peaceniks who have put on concerts to raise support
to send grains and foodstuffs to Africa have been so willing had they
understood American scientists had created the severe and long-lasting
drought devastating that continent?
4. "The magnitude of this [weather warfare] is greater
than anything we've ever seen before, and could very well be
responsible for the unusual weather hardships we've had."
5. "Awesome strides already have been made in using the
power of weather for weapons", he reveals, adding, "We were making
typhoons in the Vietnam conflict." Wait a minute! Wasn't this the
charge Senator Claiborne Pell was making in his Editorial, above? Yes,
it was! Therefore, this technology
was being used effectively, possibly as early as the late-1960's. In
later articles, we will educate you to the fact that, in 1993, this
technology hit a far greater potential than the world has ever seen so
NEWS BRIEF: Did you know that a law has been on
the books since the late 1960's to forbid anyone from using Weather
Modification techniques unless they received specific permission from
the Federal Government? You can read all about this law by going to
This law is "U.S. C. TITLE 15 -- SECTION 33 -- COMMERCE
AND TRADE, Chapter 9A -- Weather Modification Activities or
Attempts -- Reporting".
Again, we have to ask the question, "why is it necessary
to have such a law unless you have the technology"? Is Weather Control
technology so commonplace that such a law is necessary? After all,
this law presupposes that people other than the Federal Government can
alter or control the weather, because it forbids such activity by
private individuals or companies.
The answer is, "Yes", and we turn to a most unusual
place to prove that Weather Control is so common it can be carried out
by people or organizations not connected to the Federal Government!
Several Russian corporations are openly advertising to farmers that
they have the capability to change the weather up to 200 miles for
farmers, for a fee of course! ("Weather Control Video: A Report to the
U.S. Senate, by Bob Fletcher)
If you research the information concerning this U.S.
bill, you will discover a very interesting fact: the funding for the
enforcement of this law expired in 1988. It was precisely this year
that Dr. Nick Begich wrote that funding went into deep the Black
Budget, extremely secret funding so that the much greater potential of
a system called HAARP could be established in Alaska ["Angels Don't
Play This HAARP: Advances In Tesla Technology"].
NEWS BRIEF: "Weather Modification As A Future Weapon:
The Military May Have Added The Weather To Its Arsenal" "Both intentionally and by accident, man has discovered
ways to alter the weather ... In 1968, Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a
geophysicist who is now a member of the President's Council on
Environmental Quality [President Nixon], described possible military
applications of weather modification in a chapter of the book, 'Unless
Peace Comes'. " Louise Purrett then lists some of the devastating
weather that can be produced:
1. Heavy precipitation -- Of course, heavy
precipitation causes flooding, just exactly what we have been
experiencing lately, in the most fertile and productive agricultural
land in the world, i.e., the American Midwest. Our own Government is
using this Weather Warfare on us! Why? They want to move us into the
New World Order, and change our system of Government. As we have
stated so many times in the past, they are planning a severe series of
crises to so panic us that we
will allow our freedoms to be taken away.
2. Drought -- Today, July, 1998, the South,
especially Texas, is experiencing the kind of drought that devastates
farmers, and drives them into bankruptcy. How many straight days of
record heat does it take to turn fertile farmland into useless
wasteland? Remember, no civilization can survive if it loses its
ability to feed its people. Since this current group of leaders is New
Agers who hate our Industrial Civilization, we should be very
concerned about their ability to control weather!
3. Steer Hurricanes toward targeted shores
[Anyone remember Andrew?]
4. Warm or cool the entire world's temperature --
I think it is now very clear that our scientists are causing Global
Warming. Of course, such Global Warming serves the purposes of causing
enough panic to allow a Global Government to be established. See
NEWS1198 for more details.
5. Punching a hole in the Ozone layer over an enemy
nation. Isn't it interesting to note that this phenomenon is
precisely what it being alleged by New Age leaders,
especially President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore? What is their
solution? To totally change our lifestyle. We will speak more to what
they really mean by this in NEWS1198.
6. Alter the Ice Caps, possibly even bringing on
a new Ice Age. Therefore we know that these technology can be used to
bring on either a warming or a cooling of the entire world, depending
upon what the leaders want to do. It seems apparent that they have
decided to warm the world.
We find a source like Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a
geophysicist of the caliber needed to become head of President Nixon's
EPA Council, totally believable.
In later articles, we shall provide much technical data
that will allow you to further understand this most important new
military capability. However, we wish to make it very clear that the
current group of political leaders of the world that control all the
military of all the nations also
control this new military technology. These same leaders are 110%
committed to bringing the world into the Kingdom of Antichrist
popularly called the New World Order. These men are committed to doing
whatever is needed to bring about this new order, and to successfully
stage their Superman, Antichrist. America, and American leaders, is at
the forefront in this effort to stage Antichrist, and establish his
kingdom on earth.
Therefore, as we are discussing the technical aspects of
this new technology we are calling "Weather Warfare", please
understand that our national leaders will be utilizing this technology
to accomplish the goals set out in New Age and New World Order
literature. Let us succinctly list these goals now:
1. Convince all peoples of the world that a Global
Government is absolutely essential to "solve" all the problems facing
2. Convince all peoples of the world that the present
Industrial Civilization is not "sustainable", and must be eliminated.
Obviously, people will have to be scared out of their minds by planned
crises to come to this point.
3. Move people out of cities and into the countryside.
The genocide in Cambodia was the trial run for this part of the
4. Reduce the population of the world from 6 billion
people to only 2 billion in the space of a few short years. This part
of the Plan will be carried out in conjunction with the plan to move
people out of cities.
5. Set aside approximately 50% of all land that will not
be usable by humans, or even used by humans. This effort will follow
the United Nations Biodiversity Treaty, which we covered in a previous
article, NEWS1101, "Rewilding Of America Continues". Clinton's
"American Heritage Rivers" project is part of this plan, as well.
6. Successfully stage the appearance of Antichrist. We
will also demonstrate that certain aspects of this Weather Warfare
capability can be utilized to produce the "Lying Signs and Wonders"
predicted by Biblical prophecy.
As you read all of our forthcoming articles, please keep
these New World Order goals fully in your mind. You will find that you
can more easily make sense of the events as they really begin to
unfold. We have demonstrated that the United Nations' Treaty
prohibiting Weather Warfare, and these selected articles from Mass
Media sources, absolutely prove the existence of Weather Warfare from
a non-technical point of view. If man can now control the basic
functions of weather, we are truly at the most frightening point in
world history. We are truly at the point where wicked man can now
control the world's basic operating functions.
But, we also know that this new technology to control
the weather and use it as warfare, will be utilized to stage
Antichrist and establish his Global government, economy, and religion.
Additionally, these wicked men will also use this technology to
fulfill many of the End Times' prophecies found in Scripture.
We are truly at the End of the Age. Are you spiritually
ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones?
This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first
understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies
to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly
trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door
of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many
times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These
perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus
Christ, making an eternal
We have been able to verify that scientists have been
able to control Weather to the point of being able to use it as a
military weapon, since the early 1970's! The proof is in the secret
U.N. Treaty we discovered! Your life will never be the same.
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you
understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being
gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your
daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look
at the news the same way again.
If you were to go back 150 years in records of American
laws concerning automobiles, you would discover absolutely nothing. No
laws had been passed regulating anything about automobiles in 1848!
Why is this true? Why was no one concerned about the safe manufacture,
operating, or riding in, automobiles in 1848? The answer is clearly
obvious. No one was worried one iota about automobiles in 1848 because
no autos had been invented yet.
As mindless as this little exercise may seem to you, we
went through it to prove a point critical to understanding the
information we are about to share with you.
Before automobiles came into existence, society had no reason to
create laws regulating them in any way, shape, or form. However, once
autos came into existence, laws were increasingly needed
to keep their operation safe. As autos changed, and became more
powerful and complex, laws had to change to keep up with the
technology. In the 1970's, when the numbers of cars on the
road in America approached the unbelievable number of 100,000,000,
laws were created to reduce the emissions produced by the engines so
that our air quality would remain high. Once again, we reiterate the
fact that laws about cars were needed only when enough cars were on
the road to constitute a hazard if they were not operated correctly.
Conversely, we need to point out that the existence of
the laws about cars proves that cars exist, and exist in the quantity
needed to produce the type of laws we see on our books. If an alien
from outer space were to visit this Earth many eons from now, and
wanted to find out how we humans moved about our cities, he would have
to look no further than the laws in our
records to know that we operated a machine we called autos. He would
further be able to ascertain much technical data about the auto from
the laws in our records.
To put this principle in another way, the very existence
of laws about autos proves that autos existed, and existed in enough
quantity to prove to be a huge problem without the laws that regulated
everything. The existence of the recorded law proved the existence of
the automobile! Of course, the same could be said for anything in our
society, both technical and
Since this is true, you can imagine our surprise and
shock when we discovered that a United Nations Treaty exists which
pledges all member states to refrain from using Weather Control as a
lethal weapon upon other states! We had long heard of Weather Control
devices called HAARP and the GWEN towers, but could find no material
beyond concerned New Age scientists. We
refused to publish articles on this Weather Control capability based
only upon New Age sources, since New Agers strongly tend to be so
radical as to tell any lie, or expand the truth to any
degree, to get you to believe their point.
However, we have since come into a lot of information
from sources not New Age, is well documented, and contains the very
same information as our New Age sources.
We now believe that American and Russian scientists can
and do control our weather. They can and do create much of the
disturbances seen in nature in the past decade. How many times have
you heard the weatherman say:
Worst storm in history Undoubtedly, you can think of many more examples, but
you get my point, that something is afoot with our weather. Some
force, or a combination of forces, is causing our terribly
unusual, unprecedented, weather. Most professional weathermen shake
their heads at this unusual phenomenon and simply say they do not know
what is causing this type of weather. A lot of
politicians, like Vice President Al Gore, are jumping on the bandwagon
of Global Warming, warning that more terrible things are going to
happen unless we change our lifestyle dramatically. What Gore does not
say publicly these days that he said in his book, "Earth In The
Balance", is that the lifestyle change he expects to make is the
elimination of our entire Industrial Civilization. When Gore attacks
the automobile, and wants it eliminated, you know he has his eyes set
on our fundamental way of life. [Read Former Radio Transcript, CE1055,
"Gore's Book, 'Earth In The Balance' Promotes New World Hysteria To
Move World To Global Government"].
Now, let us get back to this United Nations' Treaty. We
will examine details of this treaty to prohibit member states from
using Weather Weapons on each other. We will also allow you to see the
entire document.
Let us begin with the cover letter.
Notice that the date of this cover letter was 27 October
1978, which means that this treaty was in effect at the time this
certified true copy was mailed. The name of the treaty is "CONVENTION
This title alone tells us conclusively that scientists
of at least several nations who have a history of being hostile to one
another now possess scientific knowledge that can control damaging
weather to the point of being able to use such weather as hostile,
destructive weapons. Exactly which countries possess this damaging
capability is not clear; however, we know that, in this 20th Century,
Western Capitalism has been nose-to-nose with Eastern Russian
Communism. Therefore, we can only conclude that both Russia and
America possess this technology.
What kind of damaging weather might be useful as
military weapons? I think the following list might be possible
1. Earthquakes -- This phenomenon might be the
most terrifying, since people cannot live without foundation. Entire
city structures are based upon buildings having dependable
foundations. Therefore, since the New World Order Plan envisions
eliminating cities, we might expect that earthquakes would be a
preferred weapon of choice. Severe earthquakes might result in the
wholesale evacuation of cities.
2. Hurricanes and/or Typhoons -- Wind has proven
to be such a devastating force that, once again, it might force
large-scale evacuation of cities if the incidence of hurricanes were
to become so regular as to render a city location
3. Flooding -- Rampaging waters are a huge force
that threatens entire regions of the country. Since the goal is to
force farmers out of business, or to return the most fertile farmlands
back to "Nature" [which New Agers call
'Rewilding'], floods would be a most useful weapon. Read NEWS1028,
"1997 -- The Year New World Order Plan Changes, To Produce A 'Thinning
of Population' " for full details. Also, read NEWS1101, "Rewilding of
America Continues Under Our Noses"].
Flooding can also force farmers to miss an entire
planting and growing season, thus reducing the amount of food
available to a population. Most people think of a lack of food being
caused by drought, when the reality is that flooding at the wrong time
of the year can produce an equal loss of food production.
4. Drought -- Lack of water is more devastating
to farming than flooding. Since the population growth of the past 60
years would not have been possible had it not been for the growth in
food production, we might expect that drought might be a useful tool
in persuading people of the need to drastically reduce population
In both flooding and drought, we have the potential of
really devastating the way of life of a people. New World Order
writings exhibit a total lack of respect for the current Industrial
Civilization in which we are living. When I was growing up, the
Government had enough grain and other foods stored that would last
several consecutive years of drought or flooding. However, now we have
less than one year's supply stored. If the same people who control the
amount of food stored for emergency also control the Weather, we have
the potential of
a really messy situation. They literally could get rid of our
emergency supplies first, and then devastate the crop for the next
year through Weather Weapons.
Remember that the overall goal of the New World Order
Plan is to reduce the world's population by two-thirds, and to set
aside over 50% of America and other nations that would not off limits
to humans for using or residing. These same people, i.e., Gore,
Clinton, Bush, Gingrich, now have control over the
amount of emergency stocks of food and of Weather Control
5. Tsunami Waves -- If someone would want to
force people away from living on the coastline of any nation,
consistent tsunami waves would be the ideal tool. This huge wave is
totally devastating and terribly frightening.
6. Volcanoes -- Erupting volcanoes can also
dramatically change the landscape of the region in which it is
located. Nearby cities can, and have been, eliminated.
7. Tornadoes -- We have experienced such an
increase in devastating tornado activity, one has to really wonder
8. Severe Heat over a long period of time -- Of
course, this capability produces the Drought of which we speak, above,
and probably should have been mentioned in conjunction with it.
However, as our nation is currently in the grip of unprecedented heat
this summer, with Texas and other areas of the South in the grip of
really serious Heat Wave, we must conclude that our own scientists are
controlling this terrible weather. How many consecutive days of 100+
degree weather does it take for fertile and productive farmland to be
turned into wasteland? Does anyone know? Are we about to find out?
Now, let us return back to this United Nations' treaty
prohibiting the hostile, or military, use of Weather Modification
The first page of this report simply sets forth the
framework into which the treaty fits, and is generally not exciting.
However, a couple of points jump out at you when you read it
A. Paragraph 1, beginning with the word
"Guided" -- "Guided by the interest of consolidating peace, and
wishing to contribute to the cause of halting the arms race, and of
bringing about general and complete disarmament under strict and
effective international control ..." Were you aware that the entire
world, including the United States, was engaged in "general and
complete disarmament under strict and effective international
control"? Not only is general disarmament of independent nations of
world a New World Order goal, but the turning over of weapons,
materiel, and men to the United Nations is a long term goal!
We have long quoted Alice Bailey at this point, quoting
her book, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy". Listen to the
chilling words of her demonic master, "Master D.K.". "In the
preparatory period for the New World Order, there will be a steady and
regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be
permitted to produce or organise any equipment for destructive
purposes ... One of the first tasks of any future peace conference
will be to regulate this matter and gradually see to the disarming of
the nations." [Page 191, written in 1939]
The United Nations is the global body given the
responsibility of seeing that this planned disarmament takes place.
Since the Vietnam War, we have seen the United Nations given more and
more of a prominent role in governmental, economic, and military
affairs. This 1976 treaty recognizes the preeminent role of the United
Nations in disarmament.
The United States' Administrations of Bush and Clinton
have carefully and quietly gone about to accomplish American
compliance to this general disarmament. Our own shrinking of American
military has been carried out under the twin disguises of a lack of an
enemy now that the USSR has dissolved, and under the guise of budget
cutbacks. However, a number of American troops have gone under the
command of NATO generals, which is just an adjunct of the United
Nations. We are also transferring weaponry and materiel to the United
America has been submitting to the UN for some time now,
right under the noses of the people. But, you say, given all the
incessant wars of this century, which have been brought about by the
warring of individual nations, wouldn't we be better off having one
global authority? Certainly, we would be better off if
the leadership of this global authority is Godly, kind, generous, and
really desiring peace. But, we know this is not the case. Once they
have reached a certain point, their goal is to stage the appearance of
Antichrist. Listen to the chilling words of Master D.K. once again.
"As a means in the hands of the United Nations to
enforce the outer forms of peace ... the atom bomb does not belong to
the three nations who perfected it ... It belongs to the United
Nations for use (or rather hope, simply for threatened use) when
aggressive action on the part of any nation rears its ugly head."
[Page 548, written in 1946, soon after the UN was established].
How wonderful! The United Nations plans to use the
atomic bomb once it becomes the only possessor of it! Then, when you
understand that the person who will be controlling the United Nations
at this time is Antichrist, you really have a frightening
scenario developing, do you not? I am reminded of a certain
prophecy, in the Book of Revelation 6.
In verses 1-2, we see the appearance of Antichrist, as
he is pictured as riding on the world scene on a white horse, which
means that he will be claiming to be Jesus Christ, Who really rides on
a white horse in chapter 19.
Then, in verses 3-4, we see the very next event after
the appearance of Antichrist to be all-out war. "And there went out
another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat
thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one
another: and there was given unto him a great sword." This word,
"great" really means "huge". The rider of this horse wields a "huge"
sword. Could this be nuclear weaponry? Doubt it not! The original word
in the Greek is "megas", Strong's #G3173, meaning, "(+ fear)
exceedingly, great (-est), high, large, loud, mighty, + (be) sore
(afraid), strong". When you combine this insight into the passage in
Joel 2:30-31, where God describes weapons that produce the very
effects of nuclear warfare, especially the tall white columns of
smoke! Then, God says that this type of warfare will occur before the
Great Day of the Lord begins, i.e., before the Great Tribulation.
Now, let us return back to this UN treaty prohibiting
the hostile use of Weather Modification Techniques against member
B. "Recognizing that scientific and technical
advances may open new possibilities with respect to modification of
the environment." We cannot ask for a more clear statement that
acknowledges the existence of effective Weather Control capability
than this one, can we? This statement was made by the United Nations,
not by us, nor by any "far-out", "wacky" Patriot group, but by the
United Nations!
C. "Recognizing, however, that military or any other
hostile use of such [weather modification] techniques could have
effects extremely harmful to human welfare". Once again, we have
explicit admission that scientists can now control the weather so as
to destroy another nation!
D. "Desiring to prohibit effectively military or any
other hostile use of environmental modification techniques in order to
eliminate the dangers to mankind from such use, and affirming their
willingness to work towards the achievement of this objective."
This is the last admission that such weather modification capabilities
exist before they get into the treaty provisions prohibiting the
exercise of such capabilities. We think we have used their own
admissions effectively enough to prove that Weather Control
capabilities do exist, and must be capable of wreaking enormous
[NOTE: You can examine this document in detail]
Now, let us get into the text of this treaty itself.
1. "Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not
to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental
modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe
effects as the means of destruction, damage, or injury to any other
State Party."
2. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to
assist, encourage, or induce any State, group of States, or
international organization to engage in activities contrary to the
provisions of paragraph 1 of this article."
This Article of agreement reveals much of the capability
of Weather Control techniques. We learn that such Weather Capabilities
can produce effects that are:
a. Widespread -- can cover large geographical
areas. How large of an area did our 1993 floods cover? This flooding
covered the entire Mississippi River basin from North Dakota to
Louisiana, tens of thousands of square miles.
b. Long-lasting -- Such weather devastation can
last for years. Obviously, if a nation cannot grow crops for enough
consecutive years, that nation must permanently change or die. In our
article, NEWS1106, "Hatred Toward Our Civilization", we demonstrate
that our own leaders hate our Industrial civilization, because we
consume too much irreplaceable resources, like oil and mineral ore.
Our own leaders believe our
current civilization must be changed, by destruction if need be. You
must get the lie out of your head that our own leaders have our best
interests in their heart of hearts. It simply is not so!
c. Severe -- We read that these Weather Control
capabilities can produce "severe damage, destruction, and injury".
Certainly, Hurricane Andrew produced that kind of destruction. Was
Andrew caused by these techniques? Doubt it not!
"As used in article I, the term, 'environmental
modification techniques' refers to any technique for changing --
through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes -- the
dynamics, composition, or structure of the earth, including its biota,
lithosphere, hydrosphere, or of outer space."
Once again, this paragraph reveals much of the Weather
Control capabilities currently being possessed by the scientists of at
least some of the nations of the world. We read that these
capabilities include:
1. The "deliberate manipulation of natural processes".
Obviously, scientists can seize hold of natural processes and turn
them to their own use. A good example of a natural process is the flow
of the Jet Stream. They undoubtedly can manipulate the Jet Stream!
Since much of our precipitation, or the lack thereof, is controlled by
the Jet Stream, we have every right to be very worried about losing
our productive farmland! We should also understand that the very
destructive tornadoes, hail, and other destructive weathers are
controlled by the Jet Stream.
2. These Weather Modification techniques can also
control the "dynamics" of the earth. The Jet Stream is one such
dynamic, but so are rainstorms, thunder and lightening, and hail. Can
they control these as well? Doubt it not!
3.Scientists can also change the "composition or
structure of the earth". This certainly sounds like earthquakes to me!
We have been reporting since 1992 that the military can create
earthquakes at any place on earth, using small nuclear devices.
However, we had no idea they can create earthquakes using
"Environmental Modification Techniques"! Such capability means that
scientists afar off, pulling certain levers, can create earthquakes
wherever they want, and probably, of the
intensity they desire. It is one thing for people to live in such
earthquake prone areas like California, thinking they will just "take
their chances" of an earthquake killing them. But, it is another
matter, indeed, for people living in these earthquake prone areas to
understand they are in a hunter's rifle scope!! Of course, the "rifle"
being aimed at them is not a traditional rifle, but the weapon of
Weather Control that can produce earthquakes wherever and whenever
they choose, of whatever intensity they choose.
4.These Weather Control techniques can damage, injure,
or destroy, the "biota" of a nation! The word, "biota" refers to the
"animal and plant life of a particular region considered as a total
ecological entity". [Dictionary] In
other words, these Weather Control capabilities can wipe out an entire
ecological system?! This revelation is astounding! If the goal of the
scientists wielding these weather weapons, is to
totally annihilate a civilization, they can easily do so, it
appears! What complete ecological system in these United States might
be at risk? At this point, I do not know, but we are certainly
researching this question vigorously.
5.These Weather Control techniques can damage, injure,
or destroy the "lithosphere" of a nation. The word, "lithosphere"
refers to "the solid outer layer of the earth. It
lies above the semi-fluid asthenosphere [30-150 miles down] and
includes the crust and the solid part of the mantle down to about 75
kilometers (47 miles)." [Dictionary] My friends, this is precisely the
region that are affected by earthquakes! We should now be under no
illusion that our scientists, and our
Government, can produce any earthquake they want to, in whatever area
they want to, and at whatever intensity they desire! Are you in their
direct line of fire? Are you living in an area they are planning to
obliterate any time soon?
6.These Weather Control capabilities can also damage,
injure, or destroy the atmosphere of a nation, or group of nations. We
will soon report the conclusions of a book entitled, "Angels Don't
Play This HAARP", written by a concerned New Age scientist who worked
on this Government program for a while before he became totally
concerned about the possibility of totally destroying the Earth's
atmosphere. This will be a series of very interesting articles. Stay
7.Outer Space can even be damaged, injured, or destroyed
by these weapons.
Truly, the "promises" made by this treaty are sobering
beyond belief! The entire structure, surface, and life on Earth can
now be controlled, or annihilated. We will be devoting many articles
to this subject of Weather Weapons, educating you more precisely how
it is done. The main point you need to understand from this article is
that Global Warming is being deliberately created with only two goals
in mind:
1. To convince people all over the world that only a
Global Government, with unfettered powers, can "solve" the problems
they have deliberately created. Too many people today already believe
this lie. The person to watch in this regard is Vice President Gore,
who is out front warning of the dire consequences we will suffer if
this Global Warming is not brought under control. Truly, this world is
at the point envisioned by the writers of the "Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion", the first comprehensive New World Order Plan
written. Listen: "When we come into our kingdom, our orators will
expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order
to bring it at the end under our beneficent rule. Who will ever
suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us
according to a
political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of
many centuries?" [Protocol #13]
We are at this point now. Vice President Gore is the
lead man in creating the oratory that will turn "humanity upside down"
in order to usher us into the kingdom of the New World Order. Rush
Limbaugh is the lead man in ensuring that no one will ever understand
how thoroughly they have been "stage-managed"!
2. To create the devastating disasters that will
convince the majority of the people that they must relocate, abandon
our Industrial Civilization, and accept the draconian "remedies"
espoused by Antichrist. Watch President Clinton
in this regard. The Guiding Spirits of Ruth Montgomery revealed, in
her book, "Herald of the New Age", that the President of the U.S.
during the decade of the 1990's, would begin to urge people to take
note of Environmental issues, and to begin to prepare
us for the need to relocate. President Clinton has taken up this
Environmental role. Watch Clinton address Environmental issues as
these planned disasters begin to unfold, and watch him specifically
begin to talk about "relocating" into "safe areas" of the country.
We should now understand that our past 5 years of
"unprecedented" violent weather is the result of these Weather Control
capabilities. We find it very, very sobering to realize that the
control of our Weather, and the ability to wreak havoc and devastation
on an entire nation, continent, and ecosystem, is now in the hands of
Luciferians. These people have deliberately
written much about their desire to control the earth, to destroy our
current civilization, and to rapidly reduce population by 4 billion
Truly, the End of the Age is upon us. Are you
spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your
loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to
first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop
strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been
thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open
the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use
it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result.
These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for
Jesus Christ, making an eternal
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal
Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him,
you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He
will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the
Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and
personal Bible Study.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but
have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age,
and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so
now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you
are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you
were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of
Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become
Born Again, go to This
is also an excellent site for new and mature Christians.
We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which
seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New
World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.
Finally, we would love to hear from you. You can write
us at:
by Chen May Yee,
Staff Reporter of the Wall Street Journal
Thursday, November 13, 1997, page A19.
pamphlet, 1994.
Winter storm "Herta" (Europe, 1990)
Forest Fire (USA, 1991)
Winter Storm "Wiebke" (Europe, 1990)
Winter Storm "Vivian" (Europe, 1990)
Winter Gale (Western Europe, 1987)
Blizzard (USA, 1993)
Typhoon "Mireille" (Japan, 1991)
Winter Storm "Daria" (Europe, 1990)
Hurricane "Hugo" (Caribbean, USA, 1989)
$9.00 billion
Floods (USA, 1994)
Earthquake (USA, 1994)
Hurricane "Andrew" (USA, 1991)
Editorial by Senator Claiborne Pell
D-Rhode Island, The Providence
Journal Bulletin, 1975.
by L. Ponte, Pentagon Researcher
Star Magazine
July, 1982.
Louise A. Purrett
Science News, April 15 1972
Vol. 101, page 255.
Worst flood in past 100 years
Unprecedented --------------- [fill in the blanks]
500-year Flood
Unbelievable -------- [fill in the blanks]
Unexplainable --- [fill in the blanks]