Angels Don't Play This HAARP!
Advances In Tesla Technology
U. S. Government's Ground-Based "Star Wars" Weapon: High
Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
The U.S. Government has a new, ground-based "Star Wars"
weapon which is being tested in the remote bush country of Alaska.
This new system is intended to heat and lift a portion of the
ionosphere above a selected location on the planet in order to make a
huge invisible "mirror" for bouncing electromagnetic radiation back to
the surface of Earth. Is it wise to poke a hole, as it will do, in
Earth's electrical
umbrella? Is it wise to prod a dynamic natural system without knowing
how it will react? The U.S. Military claims HAARP is designed to
communicate with submerged submarines and to penetrate the land with
ELF (extremely low frequency) waves to search for hidden tunnels or
other sites of military interest. What else can HAARP technology do?
It can, according to author Nick Begich:
(1) shield a territory from interconnentinental
ballistic missles,
(2) fry satellites,
(3) disrupt communications over a large area of the
(4) change the chemical structure of the upper
atmosphere and possibly alter the weather,
(5) affect human mental functioning, and
(6) generally impact the health of humans and other
biological systems in negative ways.
This system may go fully on-line at any time, perhaps in
March (1997), according to some reports. Do we, the taxpayers, deserve
to know the facts about this powerful experimental weapons system that
may impact us and our entire planet in negative ways? (Editor's note:
this interview was
published in our March/April, 1997 issue. On three occasions in 1997
Dr. Begich went to Europe to meet with environmental experts. He also
gave numerous interviews and lectured to several hundred legislators
and Parliamentarians representing more than 40 countries. His
presentations were apparently well-received. His book, Angels Don't
Play This HAARP, is now translated into German and Japanese and has
been named one of the most important books of the year fir 1996. Dr.
Begich recently said in a news release: "HAARP represents a small part
of the hidden technologies being developed by military planners, and
increasing reports in the media continue to confirm what we began to
uncover several years ago." United States Secretary of Defense William
Cohen apparently stated in a press briefing, while commenting on new
technological threats possibly held by terrorist organizations:
"Others are engaging in an eco-type of terrorism whereby
they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, (and) volcanoes
remotely, using the use of electromagnetic waves." Dr Begich's news
release adds:
"While the Secretary of Defense suggests this capability
might be possessed by terrorist organizations, the U.S. military
continues to deny that they also control such technology." Dr. Nick
Begich and his organization Earthpulse Press may be contacted through
email at
LE: Some people have not heard of HAARP. Can you give a
"thumbnail sketch" of what this is all about?
Begich: Yes. HAARP is basically a project that's in a
very infant stage here in Alaska. It's best characterized as a
research project to develop a ground-based Star Wars weapons
technology with a number of applications for the military. It's
jointly run by the Navy and Air Force with some support, academic
support, by the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. HAARP manipulates
the ionosphere, which is a layer that is approximately 30 to 620 miles
above the Earth's surface. It causes the ionosphere to modulate or
vibrate, returning an ELF (an extremely low frequency signal) that
penetrates the Earth's land masses and oceans for a number of uses,
such as communicating with submarines at higher data rates than
otherwise possible.
LE: How do you think HAARP could affect our health with
these ELF waves?
Begich: When we look at ELF radiations coming back from
the ionosphere, we know these waves can affect the living systems,
including human beings. This is our primary concern. We're talking
about the effects of these kinds of subtle energies on humans, such as
on some forms of mental disruption in the human brain. This research
was done originally at Yale University, but has been carried out in a
number of other universities throughout the world. The other major
health area of concern to us is ozone depletion. The ionosphere (which
is a natural shield surrounding the Earth that filters out cosmic
radiation, x-rays and particle streams which would make life on the
planet virtually impossible if not filtered out), is the very area
they are seeking to disturb, or as they say, "perturb," with these
high energy experiments. It's our belief that, as they continue to
increase power levels beyond their current levels, the health and
safety risks become much greater and we start to enter into a regime
with which no one has really experimented.
LE: We were talking with a scientist and he said that
when the government exploded the first atomic bomb, they (the
scientists) didn't know whether or not it would destroy the entire
world because they had never exploded one. And, they didn't care. The
government was determined to explode it anyway, regardless of the risk
of destroying our whole civilization. Is this the situation with
Begich: Yes. That's very true. The problem is that when
you start manipulating systems which are so interwoven in this entire
global system, you can't touch one part without affecting another.
I think we need to be more prudent and more cautious and
less reckless in our science. When you look at the miliary track
record concerning environmental sciences and the testing of weapons
programs, whether it was the '40's, '50's and '60's in Nevada, where
people were being irradiated; whether it was in Alaska, where they
injected radioactive iodine in the Native American populations to see
what would happen; or the number of other programs that we hear about
from time to time, it
is clear that we need a more cautious approach.
As an example of how the secrecy syndrome has evolved in
the United States, I read a Washington Post article this summer which
reported that 40% of the Air Force equipment budget is for black
projects. These are the projects so secret that even the U.S. Congress
doesn't know what they're funding.
LE: What are your main concerns about HAARP?
Begich: We're concerned about the effects on living
Another aspect is the project's potential to interfere
with migration patterns of certain species. The effect on weather is
another issue that concerns us. Also, HAARP has pulsed frequencies
that trigger correlating frequencies in the human brain that can
actually change the behavior of humans over a very broad geographic
area! When radio frequencies are pulsed at the low end, say in the one
to six Hertz range, people become very passive, relaxed and sluggish.
On the opposite end, if the pulse rate was cranked up to between
fifteen and thirty Hertz, people would be much more active, even
agitated. Others would be really stressed, tense and intense with the
people around them. Jose Delgado at Yale University demonstrated this
using pulsed
radio waves. He was able to move primates and humans from a state of
lethargy, almost asleep, to the point of high agitation and anger,
like turning on and off a light switch. That is a huge jump in
technology. This is a big issue and should be a big issue!
The idea of influencing human behavior is so
foundational to who we are and such a violation of who we are that,
without proper public debate, I think we are making a huge mistake.
The other aspect of this is that as these weapons
technologies develop, people will say, "Well, you know, the
international community will get involved." Indeed, in this case, they
have begun to do so. What many people don't realize is that many
international agreements have provisions that exclude domestic use. As
an example, the most recent chemical and biological weapons treaty ban
agreed to by one hundred countries has one exemption. That exemption
is that countries
can continue to develop biological and chemical agents for domestic
use provided that it is done for policing and/or riot control actions.
In other words, weapons that the United States cannot use against its
declared enemies could, in fact, be used, whether it is a gas or
biological agent, against U.S. citizens! Almost every international
agreement has similar provisions. In our book, Angels Don't Play This
HAARP, paragraphs and pages are cited within those documents so
readers can look this up for themselves. That's a scary realization!
We also cite the actual policy that allows for use of this weaponry
against the U.S. public by the Justice Department. Last year (1996)
after our book was published, $22 million went into funding that
transfer of technology from the Department of Defense to the
Department of Justice. So, what the military can no longer do under
international agreements, the U.S. Department of Justice can do and be
totally in compliance, because our domestic law has not addressed the
issue in the appropriate way.
LE: What are other things the HAARP technology can do?
Begich: Well, here we are (in 1997) about to launch into
this technology, of which HAARP is but a small part of the overall
theater of magnetic warfare. This concept needs public debate and
discussion before we launch something that we may regret.
LE: Can you discuss positive uses of ELF waves? We only
hear of negative ones usually.
Begich: There are some very good ones. I have friends in
Europe (in fact we're publishing a book called The Electric Spark of
Life) who developed a method of low frequency, but it is a pulsed
electric current, for electro-acupuncture. They're also using a pulsed
laser acupuncture method. They've treated thousands and thousands of
people very successfully using these methods in Europe. Pulsed energy
light and sound devices are used for brain wave entrainment for
There are a number of technologies developed to improve natural human
mental abilities, as well as to improve health. Like anything, the
intent of the operator and the knowledge of the operator determine
whether something is used for good or bad.
If we can shift our emphasis from "kill systems" to
"living systems" using this knowledge, we can truly address some
serious problems dealing with health conditions.
An application developed by Dr. Bernard Eastlund, the
inventor of the original HAARP technology, is the combination HAARP
technology with a fusion torch, which can be used for burning
low-level radioactive waste and neutralizing that waste while
producing energy from it. That's an interesting environmental
technology. He thought about the HAARP technology being used for
replenishing ozone in the upper atmosphere and for decreasing
pollutants by accessing the resident frequencies that would generate
and create chemical reactions in the upper atmosphere. Getting rid of
air pollution by using this kind of
system is an incredible application!
LE: Can this technology be used to program people to do
(Editor's note: We heard from what we consider a
reliable source, about a report from the Soviet Union concerning a
"device" being directed at workers in a school yard with instructions
being mentally "sent" to them somehow, directing them to put down
their tools, go to the school door and ask their supervisor if
anything else was needed to be done that day. The workers, according
to this report, did exactly that. We did not see the actual report,
but we believe that the person who told us about it was in integrity)
Begich: In terms of causing specific information
transfers, we don't think so. I say that because we don't know enough
about where they are headed beyond today. Now, in terms of affecting
overall behavior, that it can do. In terms of being able to direct it
specifically, as we understand HAARP today, it can't be done. However,
a smaller system, using the same basic technology, could very well do
it. In fact, we know that there are tactical weapons systems which
utilize pulsed microwaves. These were shown on 60 Minutes (in 1996) to
affect behavior. Those smaller systems have been around for a long
time and are even being discussed publicly in superficial ways. The
concept of
creating a point of high agitation within a population is very
possible. As we see it, HAARP covers a bigger geographic area, and
this entire area is subjected to the returning ELF frequencies. The
energy densities are sufficient when it cranks up that it gets even
more profound in its effect, and behavioral changes can happen. And
you don't know it's happening. It's not some type of violation that
happens as when a bullet pierces tissue. It's a violation that is much
more subtle and difficult to put your finger on.
LE: Some years ago we saw a video of a man who had
invented a weather control machine that he claimed could redirect the
jet stream air currents in different ways at certain times, creating
fluxuation in the weather. He offered his technology, he said, to the
United States government and they weren't interested.
Begich: The reason the United States government probably
told him they weren't interested was because they already had his
technology! In China Lakes, the Navy operates a research facility. In
the early 1970's the government ran four programs there. At the time
the names were even classified. They have been declassified at this
point I believe. They were called "Rainmaker I" and "Rainmaker II."
These were utilizing electrostatics and other methods for manipulating
patterns from 1971 to 1974. The Russians were experimenting at the
same time. There was a Congressional investigation because of a huge
power outage in Canada at that time and the suggestion that artificial
weather modification might be responsible. Out of that period of time
came the Weather Warfare Treaties in 1976. This tells us that the
United States and Russia were starting to create problems that were
not so easily reigned in. The treaties were strong enough so that
everyone got scared and felt they ought to sign off on them.
Putting this into a modern context, take a look at how
the Earth releases its energy. It releases it in a couple of different
ways. If you look at earthquakes' density, intensity, depth and
frequency, you can see a very clear pattern over the last thirty years
of gradual increase and, now, a much more marked interest in the last
five years. In conjunction with that, over the last thirty years, look
at the changes in weather patterns globally, and you will see, again,
a very pronounced curve, particularly in the last five or six years,
not just
in the United States but everywhere. In the midst of all of this,
along the "acupuncture meridians" of the planet, we're about to
release huge amounts of man-made energy with HAARP. Where is the straw
that breaks the camel's back in all of this science? We don't really
know but we may push the button to find out.
LE: Do you have any additional thoughts you'd care to
Begich: Yes. The most important thing that needs to be
said in all of this is that "individuals still matter!" Make a
difference by your inquiries to Congress. A handful of us brought this
issue out initially, and I can say with knowledge, there is
confidence, and, still, within this system (that we live in on planet
Earth), the opportunity for creating change still exists. Take a
position on the issue! Then, do something with it! Don't just sit
around and let it roll around inside your head. Actually put it out
there and do something with your knowledge!
HAARP is not the only system available for taking
advantage of these new technologies. The military has developed
smaller weapons systems for use in battlefield applications. These new
weapons were disclosed in documents authored and compiled by the
United States Air Force. The documents indicated that these weapons
can be used for mind control, for inducing heart attacks, causing
electronic failures and creating computer malfunctions. More recently,
information about these new weapons has been revealed in International
Red Cross documents and in
other press reports. In a CBS 60 Minutes broadcast on February 11,
1996, a report on some of these new systems was shown. The CBS program
discussed some of the effects of these new weapons which included
disorientation and flu-like symptoms being caused.
This new classification of weapons has created some
level of concern by military planners, to find a way to introduce
these systems (into our society). The United States Army has developed
a concept called the "Revolution In Military Affairs (RMA)" which
begins to unfold the weapons introduction plan. What this document
points out is that many of these weapons will operate in a way which
is in conflict with
American values! The document reveals that the Army acknowledges the
conflict with American values and openly discusses the problem that
this presents. The document then describes a number of ways to reshape
those values so that these new weapons can be used! The basic problem,
from my perspective, is that the U.S. Army's role in the American
scene is not intended to shape and form public values. Rather, it is
supposed to "reflect" American values. The idea that any branch of
government should see their role as one of "setting" the national
ethic (rather than reflecting it) is, in my opinion, wrong!
Author Dr. Nick Begich, M.D.
Interviewed By Kenneth Burke