Highlander: Endgame News and G5 Convention Highlights

It wasn't only the altitude that had fans breathless and a little light-headed at the 5th Official Highlander Gathering Convention in Denver, March 17-20. Maybe it was a Quickening or the buzz felt from an immortal lurking nearby but not to worry, the Renaissance Denver Hotel was Holy Ground and seemed to be electrically charged with magic and celebration for all who came.

There was a gathering of fans meeting friends they hadn't seen since the last convention and friends meeting face to face for the first time since getting to know each other on the internet. The internet isn't the only place to learn about Highlander conventions as there were quite a few people from Denver and other areas of the country who found out in other ways. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation at the arrival of the guests of honor or maybe you could call it "the buzz". If ever a real Quickening was possible, it came close at this convention.

The stars came out to entertain and gave updates on their careers and on the new movie, Highlander: Endgame, which, at the time of the convention, still had some principal photography to complete. Appearing at the convention were, the always gracious and radiant Elizabeth Gracen, the electrifying and energizing Adrian Paul and the ever funny, and shining Stan Kirsch.

F. Braun McAsh, a sword master for the series and Highlander: Endgame and Bob Chapin, another talent in the field of stage fight choreogrpahy, gave fans the opportunity to learn stage combat styles in special workshops over the weekend. You just never know when that stage combat training will come in handy. Gillian Horvath, Highlander the Series writer and co-writer of the story Endgame is based on, was on hand with out-takes of the series. The audience heard explanations of the ins and outs of going from pen to screen along with audtion tapes from the series. F. Braun also joined Gillian for one of these workshops (Pen and Sword) and fans were able to ask questions and get into the heads and hearts of those who make the Highlander story so enduring.


Many of the fans arrived early on Thursday and yours truly was waiting in the lobby at the front door of the hotel to catch glimpses and snapshots of friends arriving. Now you might think that fans wouldn't mind having their pictures taken. I did get a few people who hid their faces, "Ack!! I've been driving for 12 hours. I need to comb my hair, and get some coffee". Oh, the price of fame and celebrity. Still, there were plenty of hugs and some very happy reunions as everyone got reaquainted and finally met those they had corresponded with on forums, newsgroups, chatrooms and message boards. I wanted fan pictures and autographs this time and I collected quite a few memories in my little book and smiled the whole time reading them on the plane ride home.

On Friday people continued to arrive for The Gathering. The only events scheduled for the day was the St. Patrick's Day party in the bar and the opening of the dealer's rooms in the afternoon. There was a little excitement in the lobby about 5:00 p.m., where fans gathered all along the balcony with cameras because two white limos had parked in front of the hotel. Someone finally figured it out and no, it wasn't Adrian, Stan and Elizabeth arriving, it was just the Clan MacWench going out on the town in style. Other groups arranged similar activities during the weekend so they could see a little bit of Denver with friends.

The St. Patrick's Day mixer on Friday night in the bar gave everyone the opportunity to go through the crowd asking awkwardly, "Who are you?" or "Do I know you?" Squeals and screams could be heard throughout the room as people finally met face to face for the first time. Some people had real names on their badges and others had their nicknames. Most everyone wore badges and buttons made to identify different internet Highlander fan groups and clans so friends could find each other. I was introduced to two women who found their way to the convention without benefit of internet access or knowing anyone online. What brave souls. The fans showed their hospitality and were a very welcoming group. Some groups kept the hotel bar jumping until the early morning hours with their shinanigans and laughter. The Clan MacWoW entertained and partied down in the bar until the wee hours of the morning.


Early Saturday morning, it seemed everyone had heard that Adrian Paul was signing autographs, all except for me of course. I finally got in line with the object of my affection to be autographed, the latest issue of the Adrian Paul PEACE newsletter and then settled in for a long wait. I have to add that the February 2000 issue of PEACE is one of the best ever and had a cover picture of Adrian taken on the Highlander: Endgame set in Romania.

The PEACE Ladies came out every now and then smiling and passed out candy and cookies to people in line. Things seemed to be going smoothly. As a matter of fact I asked one of the PEACE Ladies on Monday how things went. She said there were much fewer problems with fans than in the past. It seems most everyone was cooperative. Set up of the PEACE room went so smoothly it led one PEACE Lady to conclude, "I've been doing this to long". Thanks for doing it anyway, Arlene. *g* It was nice to see the PEACE volunteers smiling throughout the convention.

The line to the autograph room grew and grew and snaked it's way all around the lower level of the hotel. It was going to be a long but worthwhile wait. Patience was the name of the game for the G5 convention staff, as they performed admirably throughout the weekend to control the lines and crowds and make things run smoothly. I'll always remember what a Sci Fi convention chairman once told me when I complimented her on a smoothly run convention. She said the trick was to make it look to all the guests and audience that it was the smoothest run convention ever but that in reality, behind the scenes, it can be one very wild ride for staff and volunteers. My hat's off to the wonderful job and hard work of Krystmas Knoke and her staff for making it so much fun for everyone.

I was finally able to get my autograph and exchange a few pleasant words with Adrian. Before he signed my item, Adrian realized he hadn't started writing on the tablecloth (a tradtition of his and the other guests). He started to write something and I realized I had time to take a few pictures so I started snapping away. Was I shaking.......the entire time. Now how do you take pictures of Adrian when you're hands are shaking so much. The above pic is the one that came out and he wrote, "...the first tablecloth that took me waaay to long to write on."


Elizabeth Gracen.........the name says it all. Gracious, radiant, poised and beautiful inside and out with a playful, mischievous streak that affects everyone around her. She seems to leave a trail of stardust wherever she goes. Q & A's give the fans the opportunity to learn a little about the actors and the projects they've worked on and what's happening with their careers. Sometimes it works out that the actors actually learn about the fans and for some this is a dream come true. One fan's dream of meeting Elizabeth Gracen and expressing his gratitude for her work on Highlander became a reality in a way that affected everyone in the room that day. Surprising.......doesn't even begin to describe it.

John.......or Big John as everyone calls him, stood in the Q & A line like everyone else. As he came up to the mic and introduced himself, the audience roared with applause and screams of support. Elizabeth took note, smiled and asked the audience, "What's this guy's story?". John briefly explained that everyone in the audience knew that he had admired her since the beginning of the series. Elizabeth smiled and motioned for John to come over. John didn't need to think about it. I don't think his feet touched the ground and he leaped on stage in one smooth and effortless jump. Finally on stage with the incomparable Ms. Gracen, she handed him the mic and he began to say the words he had prepared long ago and hoped he would one day get to say in person (he didn't even need his notes):

"Elizabeth, you have been, you are, and you always will be to me what Adrian and the guys are to all the ladies out there. Duncan once told Amanda that she was the most beautiful woman in history. Not only were his words true, but they also apply to Elizabeth Gracen, the lovely and talented and charming and witty and sexy and gorgeous woman who portrays her. You hold a rightful and well-deserved place beside Christopher Lambert and Adrian Paul as one of the Highlander leads, and we love you dearly for that. Especially me."

I don't know about any other woman out there, but who could resist such words said with all sincerity from the heart. The time Big John spent on stage talking with Elizabeth is something he will remember the rest of his life and we all thank her for being so giving. I can't think of any better gift for this wonderful young man who's just earned his master's degree and really deserved some fun after all his hard work. A few people had approached me during the convention, asking if there was something we could do to get Elizabeth to talk to John or give him a special autograph. Most online Highlander fans know Big John and it was a testimony to him that when he said his name at the mic everyone cheered and applauded. He has a reputation for being a good friend, a gentleman, a wonderful reviewer of Highlander episodes and having a good insight into the Highlander Universe and we couldn't help but celebrate this convention with him.


Saturday afternoon, and it was finally time for Adrian's Q & A. There was that unmistakable electricity in the air again. You could just sense something big was about to happen. Then the lights went out and the huge screen on the stage burned blue in the darkened room. Everyone began screaming with anticipation. This is it! They ARE going to show the trailer for the movie! Then a familiar voice came over the sound system and an electrifying excitement filled the room:

I am Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod.................

The presentation for the movie was fast and exciting. It doesn't really give away a lot of the story for the movie except what we've heard officially from Bill Panzer and Adrian Paul in different interviews but I'll put the teaser for the movie on another page so you can avoid all spoilers if you want to. If you're game though, just picture yourself in a darkened theater and click below.

This presentation contains java scripts and may only work for an IE 4 browser or better. Choose the second link for a no java version or if the first link doesn't work for you.

Highlander:Endgame teaser review

Highlander:Endgame teaser review 2

The screaming and excitement coming from the audience was so loud during the clip, I was very grateful they showed it all over again the next day so I could see and hear more. Adrian explained that this was not the official trailer that will be shown in theaters but a special presentation that was put together to show distributors. (Probably for ShoWest, the convention of theater owners in Las Vegas earlier in March where Miramax showed clips from it's lineup of upcoming movies.)

Adrian said he didn't know when the movie would be released, maybe October, or February or whenever Dimension decides it's the right time. (Since the writing of this article, the PEACE Adrian Paul Fan Club announced that according to Miramax sources the film is scheduled for a late October release.) The film is just about ready to go into post production. We know from online chats with Ian Paul Cassidy who plays Cracker Bob in Endgame that some actors have been called back to shoot some scenes and this could still be going on now and through May 2000. Adrian mentioned during the weekend in Denver that they had shot a sword kata for the film but he had also choreographed a martial arts forms kata that had not been shot yet and he wasn't sure if it would be filmed or make it into the final cut of the movie. Gee, why don't they just ask the fans what we want. We'd tell them not to sweat it and go ahead and include the kata for the film......and another one and another one.....

During one of the Q & A's over the weekend, Adrian was asked how he was able to bring on tears so easily the way he had done in the series so many times and if it had happened since the series. He answered that when he gets into character and into the scene it just happens naturally and it did happen again in Highlander 4. Duncan reaches the lowest point of his life in Endgame and his deep angst brings on the tears.

When asked about the director of Highlander: Endgame he said that he had a lot of respect for Doug Aarniokowski for his patience and talent. He said he looked forward to working with him again.

The question of chemistry between Adrian and Christopher Lambert came up in regards to the movie. Adrian said, "Wait till you see it". He explained that there were times when they were so in sync that they mirrored each others actions at just the right moments as the camera was rolling.

I thought I was a patient person but after seeing the presentation for the film and hearing all the news Adrian had to give, I'll be wanting to see this movie YESTERDAY until it is released.

Another question that was asked over the weekend by Dorothy (Rottweiler): If Adrian was still involved in the yet to be filmed, "Invisible City"? His response was that at one point he wasn't sure if the film was going to happen but that recently they had increased the budget and gotten a new director and it looks like it's now a go. He said he would be in talks in the next week (after G5) about this project. His character in the film is not exactly a good guy but something in between. Bai Ling (The King and I) plays a prostitute who, together with someone else, is rescued by Adrian's character in a bar and through a series of events he is forced to do the right thing.

It would be hard to say anything that hasn't been said before about this very talented man. After working, what had to be, a tough schedule on the movie, he still found time and energy to give to his fans and I know it is well appreciated. I've always said that Adrian lights up a room as he enters but this time, it was positively electrifying. As one fan, Ysanne, said it best in her now coined phrase.........."We've all been "Adrian-nized".


Stan, always funny and smart, answered questions about his Political Science degree, more questions about the series and about his upcoming movie projects. After working on Highlander, which was a series produced in Canada and France, he realized that he has had to reestablish himself as an actor in this country. He just finished filming "The Flunky" which he describes as an Adam Sandler type film in which he plays the lead. Others in the film include Farrah Fawcett, Jimmy Van Patten and Dean Stockwell and was directed by Vince Van Patten. Stan's next project will be an independent film to begin shooting some time this summer. As for his Political Science degree, he says he may go into local politics after he's finished with acting in 20 or 30 years. Stan is another wonderful and talented person who we love to cheer for and has a lot going for him. Once he's flashed that brilliant smile, your hooked.


With her dark hair in a pageboy and wearing deep purple and a million watt smile, Elizabeth Gracen was very much a highlight of the convention. I think anyone who had never seen Elizabeth Gracen in person received a big treat. She is so personable and such an honest and spontaneous person and so delightful. She truly lights up the stage and has a personality that puts everyone at ease and ready for fun.

She mentioned very little of her personal ordeals of the past few years and the fans were considerate of that and never prodded for more information in the Q & A's. Although, some questions about the show gave her the occasion to allude to her having had a rough time of late in her real life, she said she was looking forward to working again. The fans are looking forward to seeing her future work and wished her the best of luck. Her documentary "The Damn Deal" about drag queens in Arkansas was previewed in April at the Highlander Down Under Convention in Brisbane, Australia where Elizabeth was also a guest.

YOU PUT A SPELL ON ME (or how I spent thousands at the auction)

Is there anything that these talented people can't do. To some, being an auctioneer of Highlander memorabilia in front of a live audience might be a daunting task but not to our heroes. They stepped up to the chore with a positive attitude. I think Adrian could charm grass to grow in a drought and he's an excellent auctioneer and salesman. When the others faltered in their auctioneering, Adrian was right there to pick up the slack. Not that Stan or Liz needed *that much* help but it was fun to watch the occasional flubbing and the "Oops, where was that last bidder?" or (Elizabeth's fluttering eyelashes) "Adrian help me."

There were many items auctioned from the set of Highlander 4. Adrian auctioned off one of the black carved handled katanas and a pair of wooden practice katanas that were used by he and Christopher Lambert on the set of the movie. Different autographed pictures and scripts from the series were also offered as prized possessions on the auction block.

The items ranged from the hilarious to the sublime, as Highlander fans would rate them. Adrian auctioned a body cast of his torso and backside taken for a stunt and special effects for the movie. (Oh, yes! I'll take one to hang over the fireplace, please.) Elizabeth played the dutiful "Price is Right" model at Adrian's request and carried the cast back and forth on the stage, all the time giving him the glare of a liberated woman. Don't worry she did it with a twinkle in her eyes.

Cabbage Patch dolls in detailed series' costumes, hair and accessories and fashioned meticulously to represent Richie, Duncan and Amanda were donated by Stitches MacWench from the Rysher Forum for the auction. Stan and Elizabeth auctioned off their doll charcters while Adrian made fun of Elizabeth's Amanda doll and Stan's Richie doll. When it came time to auction his doll, he started talking to it and had it talking back to a scottish accent! (now what was Adrian making fun of before? *g*) I think the real Adrian had left the building and this was his evil loony twin but don't tell him I said that. Anyway, we were all in stitches and the doll was sold and not to much the worse for wear.


After giving a beginners knife class to convention participants in the morning, F. Braun McAsh and Robert Chapin filled in the Saturday night time slot of the convention. Last year, Jim Byrnes and his band played and filled the convention with blues and dancing til midnight. Believe me when I say that the sword demo this year was every bit as entertaining.

F. Braun and Bob Chapin demonstrated the how's and why's of choreographing a sword fight for the stage. Volunteers were chosen from the audience who had experience in writing and stage direction to fill in as director and script writer for this demo. Big John, being a writer, volunteered to provide a premise for a story and the ending swordfight and lines to be spoken for the actors to mouth onstage and react to. Someone else from the audience pitched in as stage director actually giving directions of where to place props and where she wanted the actors to move during the fight. Props to be used were gathered from the audience and from around the room to be used as stage markers, representing things like a civil war canon. Oh yes, and there was something about a stuffed chicken added to the props that Bob had brought and always has with him.

Watching the sword fight come together slowly, a little at a time, was amazing. At first you think this isn't going to work. It doesn't look like much so far. Is this going to be boring? Then you see it seamlessly put together a little faster each time and by the time you reach the end..........beheading and quickening.

*Only make believe of course, but I don't think F. Braun and Bob Chapin counted on the antics of their volunteer director and script writer. The Civil War story inspired among others, such classic lines during the fighting as, "I'll be your Dixie Chicken" and "Go ahead! Whistle Dixie!" and really had Bob and F. Braun distracted at times and stopped in their tracks with laughter.


Gillian Horvath provided clips, out takes and audition tapes from HIghlander: The Series. The best Highlander "Road Show" as it is someitmes called is always a hit with the fans and not something you want to miss if you get to attend any convention where Gillian Horvath or Donna Lettow is appearing.

I happen to have asked Adrian a question in his earlier Q & A about whether or not there has ever been a scene that he couldn't quite shake when he left the set and maybe carried the emotion with him after the scene was over?

Adrian: (thinking for a moment, walked away across the stage and then turned back) "You're going to like this." He said that the scene he shot with Peter Wingfield in the parking lot in "Comes a Horseman" happened at a time when there were some personal issues between the two of them. They actually worked out those issues during the takes of that scene. They didn't speak for two days after that.

Later in the day Gillian showed the out takes for that scene. It was done so many times with so many various emotions and emphasis. Some were very angry and there was one with Peter throwing Adrian against the car and pushing him three times against it and screaming at him. It got to be pretty intense at times from each of them. The end of some of the scenes caught Peter getting into the jeep, slamming the door and putting his head down in total exasperation or just letting out a scream. It seemed like they did that scene 10 or more times.

There was the most beautiful montage that I had heard about but never seen because it was cut from one of the sixth season episodes. It was a montage of scenes that began with Duncan putting his sword away after Joe, who had been keeping it since Richie's death, gave it back to him. The music was reminicent of the rock music in "Modern Prometheus" but more sensitive to the subject. Duncan is shown receiving the sword from Hideo Koto and a history of his relationship to that katana. There were sword katas and moments shown when he had been forced to use it when he had not wanted to, for instance in "Courage" and "Aarchangel". It told a lot about Duncan's life and how an immortal's life is about death and survival and there is no escaping it.

We were treated to audition tapes for the parts of Richie and Kronos by various actors. After seeing these tapes, I've come to the conclusion that no one but Stan Kirsch and Valentine Pelka were meant to play those roles. There were some funny moments in these auditions. Some of the actors auditioning for Kronos' part did not say Methos' name the way we are used to hearing it and it got quite funny hearing one after the other saying "Methos" in so many different ways with a straight face. There was also dialogue by Richie's character that we have never heard before and was re-written for those first episodes.

One of the funniest clips that brought tears to my eyes and knocked the wind out my already oxygen starved lungs, (courtesy of the Denver altitude) were the clips from the filming of the tango scene on the top of the Eiffel Tower from the episode "Finale".

They showed the layout of the 3 1/2 foot wide platform where the tango would take place and how they had to change it to a 5 foot wide platform to make it safer and more comfortable for Liz and Adrian. I remember Elizabeth Gracen saying at a convention in New Orleans several years ago that she was very nervous about doing this but she never felt pressured to do it and always felt that the producers would have been okay with her opting out of it and doing it another way if she couldn't feel safe or confident about it. Footage was shown of Adrian and Elizabeth practicing the tango in a studio and then finally on the platform.

To shoot different angles of the dance scene each of the actors had their chance to dance with the camera on the platform. You won't see this anywhere in the episode. Both Adrian and Elizabeth danced with the camera and at each stop and turn made the most irregular, funny, rubber faces for the camera. I know they searched deep for those emotions. Academy award stuff, believe me. I know I was in tears. I just loved it and everyone laughed uncontrollably. That's Show Biz.


I think it's safe to say that by Saturday night everyone really thought they were immortal and could live without sleep so we tried to stay up as late as we could and then shower and look fresh to stand in line to get a good seat at the breakfast the next morning. The real immortals were in line before 8:00 a.m. I'd say it was an un-godly hour but as I left my hotel room I could hear the beautiful sound of hymns coming from the non-denominational christian service being held on some heavenly floor above me. So why was everyone getting in line for a breakfast they had tickets for? To get as close as possible to tables where those who had the highest bids were to have breakfast with the guests of honor of course. I can't be sure about this, but maybe when you become immortal you can read lips across a crowded room. It sure would have been interesting and come in handy anyway.

Of course the most entertaining part of breakfast was being with my friends and watching how we all behave like starry eyed fans and trying not to stare at the guests. We're normal, really we are. We had the best time just having a little, no a lot, of girl talk though. Who cared what I had to eat and that I paid $25 for it.

The absolute best moment for me during the breakfast was having a line of vision to where Big John was sitting at the table next to Elizabeth Gracen. It was so much fun watching his reactions. Oh, yes! Did I tell you that Big John's bid at the auction won him a seat at Elizabeth's table? His story for G5 just keeps going and going and going. You know, as unassuming as John is, he didn't expect any of this, couldn't have made it happen nor did he try to make it happen, it just all happened and that's as it should be. Call it luck, fate, karma, destiny, whatever you want. I'm sure he will remember this convention definitely as "a kind of magic".


So much fun, so many memories made. How do you say goodbye? It's always hard but we always find each other again on the net and again at other conventions. One fan gave a farewell vocal performance at Elizabeth Gracen's final Q & A on Sunday. After asking Elizabeth if she had done her own singing in the series, she asked if Elizabeth would sing us a song. Elizabeth was a little unprepared for this and politely said no. At the end of the Q & A there were 5 minutes left and we were all out of questions and there was a little lull so Liz asked the same fan if *she* could sing us a song. Now I have to say, that I know Jewels and she has worked in community theatre for a long time and even though I had never heard her sing, I figured she could.

It may have seemed a little awkward to some and even out of place to others but sometimes things fall into place as if they were meant to happen. There seemed to be a lot of synchronicity at this convention. Jewels went to the foot of the stage and dedicated the song to Liz as she took the mic and began to sing "If I Loved You" from the musical "Carousel". It's a lovely song but as others in the audience started to join in it really became apparent that others were catching on to singing this to Liz to show how much we really admire and respect her. Liz tried to keep things light and draped her scarf over her head and acted as if she were weeping and we laughed, but I think there were a few real tears too and she was obviously very touched. As the song ended, the audience applauded and called out, "We love you Liz" and then gave her a standing ovation as she waved and left the stage for the last time. I think such moments can be stifled but they could never be scripted. They are a gift from the heart and from a unique group of people who love to show how they feel about the actors they admire so much.

CLICK HERE: Pictures of Jewels Singing to Elizabeth


Some Good Samaritans saw our faces for one more unexpected night and gave their hospitality graciously and calmed our fears when the weather all but shut down the airport on Monday, the first day of spring. Through rain, and fog and ice and snow showers, and cancelled flights, Highlander fans did finally make their way home from Denver. It's always good to get back home, though, to post and share all the stories and laughter of one more Highlander convention. We don't need to do goodbyes because we know that we're only an ISP and an email away from each other. We'll meet again.....the time for the gathering is here.

So until next time, may the winds be with you and.......don't lose your heads.

Gemma Mac
Highlander Fan News
May 2000

*If you like Foundlings pictures on this page be sure to visit her site for many more and ordering information.

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