"Mysti!  Mysti!  Mysterolie!  Get back here, ya' little-"
                   But the cries fell on deaf ears, as the tiny ferretmaid toddled as fast as
      she could along the white sanded beach.  The little one liked the feel of the
      sea-spray on her paws, the way the wind whipped through the many ribbons that
      adorned her headfur.  But most of all, she liked to see her Mommy and Daddy
                   Mysterolie looked back as she ran, giggling aloud.  By the time she
      realized the creature in front of her, it was too late, and she careened right into
      the Trident-Rat who had been patrolling the shore.
                   "Well, little matey, an' what are yew doin' here?"
                    The ferretbabe could only wimper in fright at the huge searat, the
      tatteres silks that danced around her footpaws,  the metal breatstplate and skirt
      that she wore,  the gigantic three-pronged weapon she carried.  
                     "Ahoy, Sagitar," interrupted Mysterolie's pursuer, a young female
      ferret, clad in a blue silk sundress.  The rat could not help but notice the tatoo on
      her left paw, a dainty pink flower, growing from a yellow-green vine.  The
      pursuer continued, "An' wha are ya' doin' with my little daughter?"  
                      "To tell you the truth, Romsca," answered Sagitar, "She ran right inta'
      me!  Poor little thing never knew wot hit 'er!  But she's arright now, arencha'
      Mysti?"  Mysterolie only nodded her head.
                        "I suppose we'd better be going," said Romsca after a few minutes
      of chatting with her rodent friend.  "Thank yer' for findin' my daughter for me. 
      She may've ran into one o' those mangy lizards if not fer' you!"
                        "It's my pleasure," replied Sagitar, resuming her duties.


                        On the way back, Mysterolie marveled at the sights of her home, the
      Isle of Sampetra, in evening.  But tonight was different.  Colored lanterns, made
      of parchment, hung in strings from the tropical trees.  Tantalizingly delicious
      smells-cooked lobster and fish, sugar coated fruit-wafted through the air.  The
      chatter of the seabeasts mingled with the sound of willow harps and reed flutes,
      which were accompanied by the beautiful singing of gifted creatures.
                        Soon Mysti saw her family's camp, a large scarlet tent.  Nearby sat a
      young make ferret, a corsair by the look of him, trying to start a fire.  His fur
      was black-grey, quite dark for a ferret, actually.  He looked almost formal for a
      corsair however, since his tunic and headfur was not dirty and ragged, as it might
      be normally.  However, his handsome bright green eyes seemed kind and
      carefree, and instantly brightened at the sight of his mate and daughter.
                       "Daddy!" called Mysterolie, waddling to him and holding up her paws
      to be picked up.
                         "Well, I caught her, no thanks to you, Flotsam," joked Romsca,
      giving the dark ferret a peck on the cheek.
                          "An' it's a good thing you did,"Flotsam replied, "Because I have
      something I want to give her."
                          "Wha' is it?  Wha' is it?  Lemme' see!"  Mysterolie started
      scurrying around her fathers arms, trying to find the hidden present.
                          "'Old on, 'old on!"  Flotsam cried, taking a small pouch off the
      sandy ground.  The ferretbabe quickly unwrapped it.
                          A beautiful seashell was revealed, about two inches wide.  It was
      creamy white, with a bit of pink on the smooth inner side.  And on that inner
      side, intracately engraved, was the name "Mysterolie" in flowing black letters.  It
      dangled from the end of a thin chain.  Mysti, who loved shiny and artsy things
      like this, immediately put it on.  It was a bit big, butevery few minutes she would
      fiddle with it in her paws, admiring it.
                         "I had Urchin do the engraving.  Isn't it great?"
                         "It's beautiful," Romsca breathed.  "A beautiful present, and she's
      not a season old.  You're wonderful!"  She commenced to jump up and hug her
      mate lovingly.  "We're finally a family."
                         "Well, that reminds me of something I wanted to tell you," said
      Fflotsam, a worried expression on his face.  "Ya' see-"

    Source: geocities.com/area51/shire/9471

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