Dean Haglund

11/2/99 - Saw Dean Haglund's One Man Show "Paranoia Will Destroy Ya!"  It was awesome!  We talked to him after the show and amazingly enough he remembered us from the set of 'Triangle.'  He told us Tom Braidwood and Bruce Harwood would be at his new show the next night and told us to come.

11/3/99 - Saw Dean's new show "Relationships I Never Had."  It was written and performed by Dean Haglund and Denalda Williams.  (You might remember Denalda from "Syzygy" and "Irresistible."  She played the astrologist, Zirinka, and the Food Service Lady, Marilyn, who hired Pfaster.)

Tom and Bruce were there and I talked to them before the show.  Tom recognized me immediatly and I gave him the picture we took with him on the set.  Bruce seemed very shy but was still friendly.  We talked again after the show.  Dean was surprised but pleased I showed up.  After the show everyone went next door to the bar.