The Unnatural - 4/25/99  (Happy Birthday, Adge!)

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David Duchovny (recipient of the 1999 TV
Guide Award for Favorite Actor in a Drama)
wrote and directed this fanciful tale that links
the nation's most celebrated UFO incident and
the national pastime.  Digging for an X-File,
Mulder (Duchovny) finds one in a photograph
of an odd trio: a Nigro Leagues baseball great
(Jesse L. Martin); former FBI agent Arthur
Dales (Darren McGavin); and the alien bounty
hunter (Brian Thompson) - taken in 1947
Roswell, N.M.  Dales tells the story, about a gifted
young player and his rhapsodic love of the sport.
Young Dales: Fred Lane.  Ted: Paul Wilson.
Black Coach: Lou Beatty Jr.  (1:00)