Or Is It Four Or More?

A Tale of the Legion of Super-Heroes


CAST: Andromeda (Laurel Gand) Brainiac 5.1 ( Querl Dox) M'Onel (Lar Gand/ Valor) Umbra (Tasmia Mallor)

Setting: This is a sequel to "Just The Three Of Us". It's Andromeda's twenty-first birthday, and things are about to get *really* complicated!

Legion HQ:

In the hall outside M'Onel's quarters. Laurel has left Lar and Tasmia to theit morning *fun*. She heads for her quaters for a shower and a change of clothes. She's just gotten out of the shower, when the door buzzer sounds. "Come in Brainiac 5.1"

Brainiac 5.1 enters saying"Good morning Laurel, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" "Good morning Querl, thank you. What can I do for you this morning?" "Actually, I thought I could be of help to *you* Laurel. Today *is* your twenty first birthday, correct?" "Yes it is Quer...

" It is my understanding that by law any Daxamite who is *not* a member of a religious order requiring them to remain celebate, *must* prove that they are sexually active. I umm I would like to eer offer my, that is if you want to I'd...." Querl are you trying to seduce me or talk me to death?" "Uumm seduce, but I'm doing an exceedingly bad job of it aren't I?" " Have you done this before?"

Querl blushes furiously:"EEERR actually, no I haven't. I *have* studied the mating rituals and the physiological aspects of the actual act of copulation , but I I have *no* practical experience."

Laurel takes Querl by the hand, walking towards her bed room:" Well, we can't have that now can we? Come along Querl, I think we can *both* eerr use the experience.

She begins to disrobe. He stands watching her as she slips off her robe:"UUMM Querl this will work better if *you* take your clothes off also." "Umm Laurel, eer how are you going to eer *not* crush me? I mean with your strength...." Lar's computerr Risa designed a damping field bed that neutalizes yellow sun rays. So I don't *have* any powers in the bed."

"AAAHH that explains Lar and Tasmias eer changed relationship, they *are* lovers correct?" "Yes Querl, and they're *very* much in love and *very* happy together!"

Querl removes his jumpsuit and boots:" Well I believe *we* could be eer as good together as they are. At least I'd like to find out." "Yes Querl, I'd like that too I'd like it very much!"

They get into the bed kissing, he nuzzles her earlobe raining nipping kisses down her neck, to her breasts. He kisses and suckles her nipples, working his way down her belly to her navel. He swirls his tongue in her navel, she moans with pleasure, encouraging him to continue lower still.

He brushes aside the concealing curls to stimulate the sensitive nob of flesh with his lips tongue, teeth, and fingers. She moans and writhes in the throws of a shattering climax. He smiles with satifaction that he gave her such pleasure.

He eases himself in her sheath slowly at first, then slowly increases the strength and tempo of his thrusts. Slowly the tension builds, as they both go higher and higher in their passionate love making. She moans louder, thrusting her hips up to meet his downward thrust. Finally the tension builds to the breaking point, they both shout their release, each screaming the others name, as they experience a soul shattering orgasm together. They both pass out from the sheer pleasure and strength of it.M

Later they lay in the after glow. Laurel gasps:" OOH Gods, I told Lar and Tasmia that I'd meet them in the commisary! I'm late! She springs out of the bed,intending to shower and dress quickly, but Querl joins her in the shower, much later they emerge and dress hurriedly. "Well I'm sure they'll understand. I'd like to join you, if you don't mind." " I don't mind at all Querl."


Legion commisary:

They enter, seeing Lar and Tasmia, they get their breakfasts, and join them. Lar:" It's about time you got here. I was about to go looking for you!" "Brainy had a birthday present for me. It took longer than we thought it would." Tasmia smiles:" So what was the present that it took nearly two hours to giv... Oh Ancestors! you you and Querl you've been making love! You're lovers!: BUUURRPPPPH Lar spews his drink in shock, choking: "GODS AND DEMONS! Why'd you wait until the *last* possible moment Querl?"

Laurel uses her telepathic plug to beg:"I'm SO SORRY! If I'd known Brainy was eer willing, but he didn't approach me until I got back to my quarters! OH GOD, don't tell him about last night, I mean I'm not sure *how* he'll react! And nobody but we *three* need to know it happened!"



Risa interuppts:" Lar, Laurel, you are *both* past due for your reproduction suppressant injections!" Lar groans:" Oh Gods. I forgot all about the sprocking thing! EEr Tasmia are you umm..." I believe I'm up to date so no worrys here,lover, at least I don't *think* there's anything to worry about."

Querl is puzzled:" What are you talking abou... I'm an *idiot* I'm *not* on a reproduction supressant regimem! Laurel when was your last menstrel cycle? *Please* say it was only a couple of days ago!" " umm Brainy the repo-supressant prevent ovalation and the entire menstral cycle! God I could be PREGNANT!" All four wince and groan.

Tasmia:" Now let's not panic. Laurel it's not as though you've been sexually active all day every day for weeks without prevention! The chances you're pregnant aren't all that great. Though you *should* get on a prevention regimem Querl. Laurel until you know whether or not you're pregnant, you can't get your injection. " Yes, I wonder how long I have to wait to find out if I'm pregnant or not."

Querl:" Forty eight hours." "All right then, the sooner the better. I really enjoyed this morning Querl, and as soon as we're *both* on a supressant regimem, I well you know." " UUMM Yes as do I but first things first!"


Umbra's Quarters:

Sitting on the couch, watching the sunset Lar and Tasmia try to relax. Tasmia teases:" Well lover, got your injection?" " Groan yes, better late than never! Gods I'm a sprocking idiot! I *knew* I had to keep up on the repro-surpressant! Now Laurel could be pregnant and *I* could be the father!" " Calm down lover. She may or may not be pregnant, and you may or may not be the father! It could just as easily be Querel's child *if* ther *is* a child at all!Let's just wait and deal with whatever happens, *when* it happens!"


M'Onel's quarters, two days later:

They are snuggling on the couch, listening to a music disc. BUZZZZZ the door intercom interrupts the music. Lar:" COme in Laurel" She rushes in clearly upset:" OOH Gods, I can't believe this is happening!" " You're pregnant, it's confirmed?" "Yes, but I *don't* know *which* of you is the father! Querl's delighted at the thought of being a father! Gods, I *have* to tell him! But oh God I may lose him! And I LOVE HIM!!" She begins crying.

Tasmia puts her arms around Laurel's shoulders:" Don't cry it won't change anything! And getting upset isn't good for you *or* the baby. Lar you're a bio-technician, is there a test you do that'll reveal *exactly* who the father is?" " Yes, there *is*. Come on Laurel, we can do it aboard the PilgrimIV. Tasmia you go find Brainy and keep him busy! Calm down Laurel, we'll get this straightened out. If the baby *is* Querl's then he *never* has to know about you and I." "All right , let's do it. I *have* to know, one way or the other!"


PilgrimIV Med-bay:

"All right Laurel just lay still, the bio-scanner bed *should* tell us ehat we need to know!" A holo-screen appears, lar read the findings and gasps:" OH my Gods, I don't believe this!" " What Lar? what's wrong with my baby?"

"Babies, Laurel, you're having fraternal twins: One male pure Daxamite, one male Daxamite/Coluan!" "OOOHH Lar I'm SOO sorry! What will we do now?" "Go have a *long* talk with Querl and Tasmia, during which we'll work this out! It'll be all right Laurel, I promise!"


M'Onel's quarters a half hour later:

"Lords of Order, what a mess! If I'd only come to you sooner Laurel, the babies would only have *one* father. This is a complete fiasco! If you agree Lar. I'll claim *both* as my own. No on need *ever* know!" Lar and Laurel sadly shake their heads: It won't work, Querl, my son will grow to look *just like me*, there's *no way* you'll be able to pass him off as yours!" "What makes you so sure? the pure Daxamite *might* well look like his mother!" "Daxamite physiology, my love! Male Daxamite offspring "always* resemble their fathers! Your plan could only work if the Pure Daxamite were a female, then it *would* look like me! Lar is there *any* chance the the scanner was wrong about the gender of the pure Daxamite?" "So slight as to be negligible<, Laurel, don;t ciunt on it!"

"Well then *I* have a suggestion. A son *should* be raised by his *father*. I'll pretend to be pregnant also, then when the babies are born, Lar's son will be presented to the rest of the universe as *our* son! Since he'll look like Lar, it'll work *much* better than *your* idea Querl. Not even the rest of the Legion need *ever* know about this! On their naming day, Lar and I will stand as 'second parents' to your and Querl's son, and you and Querl will stand as 'second parents' to *our* son!"

Lar:" That's not fair to *either* you or Laurel. You end up raising another womans child and she has to give up her child!" " Lover, you and I *both* know it would be dangerous for us to have a child of our own, but i *want your* baby! This way we each get at least a semblance of what we *really* want!"

"Thank you Tasmia, I think we should all calm down and think this through carefully! We want to do what's *best* for us all, and your plan *may* well be what's best interest of the babies. If you *really* want a child of your umm genetics, I'm sure betwen them, Lar and Querl can find a *safe* way to make it happen for you. *After* we deal with the ones already on the way, of course. There *is* an alternative to my being preg....All three of the others erupt:"NO THERE IS NOT! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO TERMINATE THIS PRENANCY LAUREL! THAT'S BARBARIC!' Laurel starts crying:" I *don't want* to terminate either baby, but well it *is* an option!" " LIKE HELL IT IS !!! IF YOU THINK I'M GOING TO LET YOU TERMINATE MY *OR* QUERL'S UNBORN SONS, YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR SPROCKING MIND!! Do you understand me Laurel?"

Querl's emphaticly nodding agreement:"I CONCOUR LAR, I TOO WILL NOT ALLOW SUCH AN ABOMINATION!!! Laurel I love you, I *can* live with your being pregnant with another mans child, but I *can't and won't*even *try* to live with your aborting his, mine or both unborns! You do such a thing and I will *never* forgive you! Now what needs to be ascertained here is do Lar and Laurel *want* to let the rest of the universe know they had a .. what is the term? Oh yes, 'one night stand' that resulted in their unborn son? Because if you *DON'T* then Tasmias plan is a sound one. As 'second mother' Laurel, you could be *highly* involved in your sons life, without the scandel of the truth coming out. As for *your* wanting Lars child, Tasmia, I'm confident that when you and Lar are ready, we *will* ascertain a *safe* method of gestation!"

" I want whatever will make *both* Tasmia *and* Laurel happy. If Tasmia and I raising the baby as *ours* will do that then that's what I want. If Laurel wants to eer weather the gossip storm than we'll go that way, I just want what's *best* for the child!"

Tasmia smiling:" We *all* want what's best for the babies! And a decision doesn't *have* to be made right this minute! We all need to adjust to this, it *was* quite a shock after all!"

"Yes we *all* need some time to think this situation through! Lar, Querl, don't worry I'm *not* going to terminate this pregnancy! I I Just thought it might be what you'd...Lar and Querl both interrupt snidly:" Well thanks Laurel, hadn't realized you thought so little of my character!"..Laurel blushes I'm sorry all right! I was a sprocking idiot to even *think* either of you two would want that! Iit's just that I'm confused all right!"

Lar:" all right then we're *at least* agreed on what we *won't* be doing about this. Now we just need to decide what we *are* going to do . But Tasmia's right we *don't have to make *any decisions right now. We've got *at least* three months possibly four or five before Laurel starts showing."

Querl:" Quite right Lar, though since it *is* a multiple birth, she'll start showing *sooner* rather than later."

Tasmia:" Eer not to change the subject , but uum Lar, remember this morning you asked me if *my* reproduction surpressant was up to date?" Lar groans:" Tas are you saying you're not...Tasmia interrupts:"Afraid so lover" Lar continues:" so there *is* a chance ooh Gods! Tasmia i eer don't know we better go to the Pilgrim and find out for sure! Then we need to talk this out. And you two need to do the same, then all four of us need to talk again! Let's go Tasmia."

"Coming Lar, see you two later!"


Pilgrim IV Med-bay:

"All right Tas, I've recalibrated the Bio-scanner and Medi-bed to your Talokite physiology. Just lay still for a few seconds, and we'll know whether or not you're pregnant," he says as he helps her onto the Medi-bed. "Lar how will you feel if I *am*? Do you *want* to be a father?" "I hadn't thought about it Tasmia, to be honest. But I *am* starting to look forward to my son that Laurel is having, but I'd rather Laurel was *only* having Brainys babies."

Tasmia cocks an eyebrow: "Yes if we had waited twenty hours or if Brainy had given Laurel clear indication of how he felt, we wouldn't be in *quite* the mess we are in. Now lets find out just *how* big a mess we *are* in shall we?" Lar chuckles: "Yes let's."

The holo-screen read out appears, Lar reads it: "Umm Tas, you *won't* be faking a pregnancy,*sigh* apparently you and Laurel were *both* err fertile that night. Unless Talokite and Daxamite gestation periods are *very* different, you should deliver on the *same* day!"

*HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ooh Ancestors! No one who knows will *ever* doubt *your* eer you know!" Lar chuckles: "Yes Tas, I know. You're *really* looking forward to this aren't you?" "OOHHH Yes! Yes, I am Lar! So what are we having?" "According to this, a girl!"

"So you'll have one of each. I'm still going to want a boy later, especially if Laurel *doesn't* go along with my plan!" "Yes, dear, but for now Risa we need a portable damping field projector, small enough for Tasmia to wear at all times until the baby's born."

The computer answers: "Yes Lar, you'll have it before you two leave the ship. For now ship's environmental settings will be adjusted to emit green solar rays, now."

"What's this abou...ooh I get it the green sun rays will prevent our daughter from developing Daxamite powers in utero! That's wonderful! You're a genius lover!" She gets down off the med-bed, hugs and kisses Lar. *MMMMM* Thanks for the compliment, now while Risa assembles it, let's go to the lounge and talk." Tasmia puts her arm around his waist, purring: "Let's go lover, we definitely need to talk!"


They go to the lounge, Lar goes the servo-com, over his shoulder: "Do you want anything to drink? Eat?" He orders a chocolate milkshake for himself then waits. "I'll have a glass of souma fruit juice, please." He orders the fruit juice, takes it to the couch, waits for Tas to sit. Hands her the glass, sits next to her: All right Tas, what's on your mind. Besides the current situation that is?"

"Well I'm still adjusting to the fact that I'm having a baby! Lar, Talok is a matriarchy in many ways. There it's the *female* who chooses her mate, not the other way around, as I've noticed many of the races of the UP and AP, including your own, do it!" "UUMM actually Tas, on Daxam, the one who initiates a courtship can be *either* partner, same goes for getting married. Do you *want* to get married, Tasmia?"

"Only if *you* want to Lar. I *won't* force marriage on you. In point of fact, on Talok, the male has virtually *no* say in the matter!" "Eer what do you mean? He doesn't even have to be there for the ceremony?" She nods yes. " That's uumm interesting, but on Daxam, both partners exchange vows, and I *would* prefer such a ceremony, though you can do the Talokite ceremony as well!"

"Yes, I would want to do that, I must tell you though, as part of the ceremony, I eer I cut off two-thirds of my left pinkie, and...:" Lar interrupts: "Uumm Tas do *I* have to do that too? My people *aren't* into that sort of uumm you know?" Tasnmia giggles: "No Lar , *you* don't have to do it, but *I* do! *My* people will *not* recognize the marriage as *valid* if I don't."

"All right, do we need a Talokite priest or official to perform the ceremony?" "No *I* can do it, here and now *if* you want!" "Sure, let's do it! What do I have to do for the ceremony?" "Nothing, my love, just watch! But I need a brazier for the ceremony. Can the ship's replicators.... : Lar disappears, within two minutes he reappears, he places an ornate brazier filled with oil in front of her.: "I hope the design is the correct one, you needed oil to, I guess burn the amputated part of your little finger. Is palm oil all right?"

"Yes, it's fine Lar, thank you. Now stand across from me, with the brazier between us. I'll do everything that needs to be done." Tasmia folds her arms across her breasts, closes her eyes and prays: "Hear me Ancestors! Heed my prayer. I come seeking your blessing upon my marriage to the man before me! Even now the *next* generation grows within my womb! Bless this marriage, the child within me, and *if* it is your will, the children yet to come! Help and guide us for all the days ahead, let our love and happiness increase each day! Lend us the strength to endure and overcome any trouble yet to come."

Taking a knife for her belt pouch: "As a sign of my troth I offer this part of myself." She cuts off her left little finger to the first knuckle: "Accept this offering and bless this union!" She holds the stump to the flames to cauterize the wound.

"Well, it's done. By Talokite law, we're married!" "That was a beautiful ceremony Tas, just hope your ancestors are listening! I think we're going to need all the help we can get! Especially when the other Legionnaires hear about this! They're going to be upset that they didn't get to be here. But we still have to do a Daxamite ceremony, umm as soon as I can get a cleric who'll perform the ceremony, that is." "Don't you mean *if* you can get a Daxamite cleric? I'm *obviously* not a Daxamite! As I understand it your people are *as* xenophobic as the Durlans, if not *more* so! Even *you* may have a hard time persuading a priest to marry you to, much as I hate the term, *alien*.

"Lar chuckles: "Not as hard as you think, Tasmia. The cleric I have in mind owes me a ka'duasp'ah, a blood debt! He can deny me *nothing* I ask of him. He *won't* like it, but he'll do it! Or he'll be honor broke and damned to Shaehel for eternity."

"Well, that'll do it! When do you want to do it, Lar?" "As soon as possible. Risa contact Karvak Zarvak on Daxam. Tell him I'm getting married, and *he's* going to perform the ceremony! Tell him he has five standard Earth days to make the preparations! If he demurs, remind him of the ka'duasp'ah, that should insure his full cooperation." "At once Lar, consider it done! Congratulations both of you!"

Tasmia chuckles: "Lar how can a computer seem *so* sentient?" "HA HA HA HA Nearly a thousand years of being virtually independent, I guess."

"Lar I *really* think you and I should raise your son, but it's for Laurel to decide. How do you feel about this?" "I agree with you, especially with Vril Dox II back in Brainy's life! I *don't* want Vril to have *anything* to do with *my* son! Unfortunately it *is* Laurel's decision! I just hope she agrees to your plan. Because I *won't* be responsible for my actions *when* Vril starts trying to manipulate *my son*!"

Tasmia runs her hand down Lars cheek trying to soothe his emotions. "I know Lar, we'll talk to her and Querl, hopefully they'll agree. At least now my pregnancy *won't* be a lie! And there's a history of fraternal twins in my family, not often, but often enough to make it believable!" "That's great Tas, because it *will* help make the story more believable. I just hope they agree."


Meanwhile in Andromedas quarters:

After they enter, Laurel goes to the compu-serve:" I'm getting a cup of Zavaroot tea, do you want anything to drink? Eat?" "A cup of Kono juice, please."

She brings the tea and juice to the couch were Querl is sitting, hands him his drink and takes the seat next to him: "Here's your Kono juice" "Thank you." He takes a swallow: "Ahh delicious. We have some decisions to make. Shall we analyze the choices before us?" "Do you analyze *everything*?" "Well, yes, I find it helps me make the best decisions, more often than not. Unless I over analyze and delay too long, which *is* why we're in this unfortunate situation."

"I overanalyzed my umm feelings for you, didn't make my interest and intentions clear enough. So you turned to Lar to satisfy the letter of Daxams S. C. C. law! If I hadn't waited as long as I did, the situation would be *much* simpler! *Both* of your twins would be mine!"

"Well I *could* have waited twelve more hours, Querl. If I had, Lar and Tasmia wouldn't have to be involved in this at all! I'm just confused, Tasmias plan is sound and it *would* spare us all, especially my babies, the gossip storm that will rage, probably for years! Especially on Daxam! Oh Gods, the cruelty my boys would have to endure! One for being a hybrid, *both* for being illegitimate and *not* having the same father! Blood lines are of paramount importance to my people, Querl! I couldn't *bear* for my babies to have to endure it, and I shudder to think of Lar's reaction!"

"Yes, his temper *can* be formidable! The few times I've seen him in a temper, I've thanked whatever gods there may be that *I wasn't* the target of his ire! His temper when roused is indeed formidable. So we will follow Tasmias plan? Of course if Tasmia *is* pregnant it will make it *much* easier to succeed."

"Umm Laurel I *know* I shouldn't ask but I eer can't stand *not* knowing ... umm when you and Lar then you and I err.." "Lar and I had sex, Querl. You and I made love, there's a *vast* difference! For one thing, though he tried to hide it, I could tell he was, well, pretending I was Tasmia! Gods, he even called me by her name! Lar has more experience than either of us Querl, he and Tas have been lovers for over five months! But I preferred *your* love making more than his, simply *because* I *knew* it was *me* you were making love to!"

"I'm sorry if I hurt you by asking, but I had to know! As for Daxam's societal bias against illegitimacy, the answer is simple, we'll be married as soon as it can be arranged! Umm marriage rites on Colu are very eer cold and sterile but binding under UP treaty, though I *don't* think Daxam *has* signed onto that part of the treaty. So finding a Daxamite cleric who'll perform a *mixed* marriage, given the near legendary xenophobia of most of your people may prove a difficulty."

Tasmia groans: "True enough, but it *would* be nice, also on Daxam it's traditional to *ask* someone to marry you, *not* simply *tell* them." Brainy blushes at her comment: "Err yes, of course. Laurel will you do me the great honor of marrying me?" "Yes, Querl, I'll marry you!"

The door intercom buzzes, Laurel calls: "Come in you two, we've been waiting!"

As they enter the room Querl notices Tasmias left hand: "Hmm are congratulations in order? I *believe* a partially amputated left little finger on a female Talokite is indicative of a marriage? And what did the bio-scan indicate?"

"EEEKKKKK oh that's great! Are you married? Are you pregnant too? Tell me!!" "HAHAHAHA Yes, by Talokite custom, I'm arranging for the Daxamite ceremony, it's in five Earth days." "How are you going to manage that? EER would you *if* you could, arrange for a double ceremony?" "Sure Laurel, no problem. RISA!" "Yes, Lar, I'll contact Karvak Zarvak again and inform him it will be a double ceremony!" "Thank you Risa."

"Your attitude towards the RISA unit is confusing to me, but it seems to work well, most confusing!" "Only to *you* Querl. It works for *me* and *that's* all that counts! Now let's get down to business shall we? Yes, Tasmia is pregnant, and eer it looks like you're both due to deliver on or about Apr. 27th of next year. Depending, of course on the length of Daxamite vs Talokite gestation periods! And Tasmia's having a girl! "

"Well, you had a busy night that night! Impregnating two women at virtually the same time," "grr ... Querl, *if* this has *any* chance of working, you *better* get over the *attitude*, pal! Because I'm *not* spending the rest of our lives letting you take verbal potshots at me whenever you feel like it!" "Point taken, I apologize! I shall curb my um jealousy, it *is* a *most* unpleasant emotion!"

"See that you *do* Querl, because I *won't* have you upsetting my husband with your attitude! This whole business is unfortunate, but what's done is done! What *matters* is what we do from now on!" "Agreed, we need to put the past *in* the past! We *all* did what we *thought* was for the best at the time! But arguing and trading insults are *not* going to solve *anything*!"

"Then you *have* come to a decision Laurel? For in the end, ultimately, the decision is solely *yours* to make! Lar, Querl, and I can only do what we can to help you." "Yes, I know that, Tasmia. And I thank you *all* for your support! I've decided that it would be best for us to do as you suggested, Tasmia. It will be umm difficult, but best for Lar's son. Also I'm *sure* that Lar would *never* be happy with Vril Dox thinking he's the whatever number of greats it is grandfather of Lar's son!" "You've got *that* right!!"

"You *do* realize that Vril *will* be at the wedding? I can *hardly not* invite him!"

"Yes, Querl, I realize that!! Just KEEP HIM AWAY FROM ME and everything should be fine!! Gods know there'll be enough of a crowd there to keep Vril *well away* from me!!"

" I know this was a hard decision for you to make Laurel. But I *also* believe it's the best one, under the circumstances! Now if you two will excuse us, come on Laurel, we need to buy our wedding gowns. And plan the refreshments for the reception afterward. You can tell me what to expect, I've *no* idea what a Daxamite wedding entails! And I need to ask Tinya to attend me." "Sure Tas, let's go. Lar fill Querl in on the ceremony, please?" "Sure Laurel, have fun you two!"

Part Three! Cast: M'Onel (Lar Gand/Valor), Umbra (Tasmia Mallor/Tas), Andromeda (Laurel Gand) , Brainiac 5.1 (Querl Dox/Brainy),Cosmic Boy ( Rokk Krinn), Live Wire ( Garth Ranzz), Spark (Ayla Ranzz), Hu,Ewa,Pol Krinn, Luc,Perla Ranzz, Laroz, Purvelua Ranzz, Graron, Grayum Ranzz,Larissa,Lyrela Ranzz, Vir l Dox II, R. J. Brande, Grev Mallor, Tenzil Kem(Tenz), Chuck Taine,Rond Vidar, The rest of the Legion membership, Workforce/Titans members: Nightwing (Richard 'Dick' Grayson), Troia (Donna Troy), The Flash (Wally West), Starfire (Koriand'r/Kory), Argent (Toni Monetti), Omen (Lilith), Tempest (Garth)

Story so far: Andromeda and Umbra are pregnant. M'Onel and Umbra have gone through the Talokite marriage ritual. Now they are heading for Daxam to have the Daxamite ceremony, in a double wedding with Andromeda and Brainiac 5.1. They've picked up a few family and friends for the wedding.

Aboard the Pilgrim IV the assembled wedding guests are relaxing, enjoying the trip. Cosmic Boy is having a reunion with his family: "Rokk you've lost weight, are you eating right?" "He's fine Ewa,leave him be." "Hey Rokk, I won the planetary Magno-ball championship! Where's Lar, I gotta tell him!' Pol leaves to look for Lar. "Lar? When did M'Onel and Pol become *so* friendly? I didn't know he'd even *meet* M'Onel!" " We meet Lar and Laurel about seven months ago Rokk. They'd come to Braal to get containers to transport relief supplies. The containers weren't ready, I knew your mother'd have a fit if I let them stay at a hotel, so they stayed with us until they were. Lar and Pol *really* hit it off! Turns out the Daxamites play a game similar to Magno-ball. Lar gave Pol a few pointers that helped Pol win the championship a few months after they'd left." "Oh yes, I remember they mentioned meeting you all, must have slipped my mind I guess."

Elsewhere on the ship Live Wire and Spark are having a family reunion of their own. Garth and Ayla are pleasantly surprised that their extended family are among the wedding guests. Ayla:" Mom, Dad, Uncle Laroz, Aunt Purvelua, Graron, Greyum, Larissa, Lyrela! It's wonderful to see you all!" Garth" It sure is, but what're you doing here? I didn't think you even *knew* Lar or Laurel!" Luc:" We meet them about seven months ago, son. They'd come to Winath to get food to relieve the suffering on the blighted worlds. The food shipment wasn't quite ready, so they stayed with us. They even attended Larissa and Lyrela's birthday feast," " Yes they gifted us with the jewelry we're wearing, isn't it beautiful! Such pretty colored glass!"

"Umm Uncle Laroz, I *know* Lar, and he *wouldn't* give fake jewels. You might want to have a jeweler appraise the stones and the settings!" "Wwhat do you mean Garth? You think those are *real* gem stones, not colored glass?!" Lar happens to walk up the Ranzz' in time to hear:" Yes , sir, those *are* emeralds, and star sapphires, why would you think otherwise? I'm not sure I understand *why* would you think Laurel and I would give the girls fake jewelry?"

"Because they're children, of course! They're *much* too young to have real gems, even in silver plated settings!" "Eer sir the settings are pure platinum *not* silver plate." "Holy Valor! My little girls have been walking around, dressed in two small fortunes worth of jewelry for nearly seven months!" Yes, sir that's a fair assessment of the situation all right," " All right, *exactly* how much are the two sets worth? Do you have *any* idea?" " Mum well it would vary but I'd guess at least a quarter of a million credi...."What!! My daughters have been playing in a quarter of a million credits!!!..." No sir, a half a million, the sets are *each* worth a quarter of a million credits. I'd suggest that you insure the sets when you get back to Winath, and have them appraised. I *could* be wrong about how much they're worth." " Yes, of course I'll do that as soon as possible."

Risa announces::" We've arrived, and the Daxam space authority have cleared us to land."They land in a large meadow. Karvak Zavak had erected a large tent pavilion for the weddings and reception, and a smaller one.

"Welcome, welcome, all is ready for the ceremonies. We can begin as soon as you wish M'Onel." "Thank you Karvak, our brides are umm getting ready. I'll tell the guests they can begin taking their seats." Larissa runs up to Lar :" HI Lar, thank you for inviting us to your wedding. And Daddy says I have to thank you again for the jewelry!" " Glad you all could come Larissa, do me a favor? Go to Laurel's cabin and tell her and Tasmia that everything is ready. We'll start the weddings as soon as they're ready. " Yes Lar, I'll tell them."

Jo comes up to Lar:" Hey buddy, are you and Querl getting hitched in your Legion uniforms? Because if not, you two need to change now!" "HAHAHA your right Jo, Querl and I need to change. Tell him to come to my cabin now will you? I'll be changed before he gets there."

On his way to change, Lar sees Argent, Flash, Starfire, Troia, Tempest, Nightwing, and Omen. He pauses to speak to them:" Toni, Wally, Kory, Donna,Garth,Dick,Lilith, glad you could make it! It was kind of the rest of Workforce to cover for the Legion, but why'd Roy choose not to come?" "Umm Roy is commitment phobic Lar, you won't catch him anywhere *near* a wedding!" Glad you're speaking to me Dick, thought you'd *never* speak to me again. You were furious with me for bringing you to this century. But it *did* save your life. Or would you have preferred letting Brother Blood immolate you?"

"No Lar the rest of the Titans have taken turns chewing me out for my attitude when I first woke up, after you saved me. How *did* you know the remains in the urn your archeologist friend found in the ruins of the Batcave *weren't* mine anyway?" " Your codename engraved on the urn base indicated it was *supposed* to be you Dick. But molecular analysis showed trace elements from the moon Titan. That's when I realized we *could* save you. I brought a non-animated Probe from Titan, then Rond Vidar used his time cube to switch you and the probe. You came here badly burned, but nothing thirtieth century medical technology couldn't cure," " Thanks for saving *me* at least..." Dick the remains in the urns engraved Damage and Cyborg read out as consistent with what would be left of Victor and Grant. Jesse Quick as flying in mid air when Blood incinerated her, her remains too scattered to be gathered into an urn. Of the four Titans Blood *killed* that day, *you* were the only one that we had *any* shot at saving via a time switch. Now excuse me, I have to change for the wedding." "Well, thanks again and congratulations to you all. See you later Lar."

Lar reaches his cabin to find Querl already changed:" I thought you'd be here *before* me Lar! You better hurry, Laurel and Tasmia are ready and waiting" Lar quickly changes into the traditional Daxamite wedding robe of pure white:" Wow Querl, don't *need* x-ray vision to see you even through the robe! Gods, I hope Tasmias isn't as easily... "since *her* pigmentation is a pastel shade of blue it shouldn't be a problem. Of course if *any* of us were wearing underwear under these robes, modesty *wouldn't* be a problem!" "HAHAHA true, fortunately the youngest guests are Winathites, so that's *not* a problem. C'mon Querl, let's get you and Laurel married!" " And you and Tasmia married for the second time this week!"

############################################################################## ###

In the large pavilion:

Karvak: "AHH here come the happy couples!" the guests quiet down in their seats as the couples walk to stand before Karvak:" Friends, family members, we have come here today to witness the lifebonding of Lar Gand to Tasmia Mallor, and Laurel Gand to Querl Dox. This stop is irrevocable, not to be entered into lightly, without much fore thought and so I ask if *any* here know of a reason why these life bondings should *not* take place, say it now or never!"...... Let us begin the vow exchange, Lar state your lineage and vows!" " I am Lar of the House of Gand, son of Kel, the son of Lar, the son of Del, The son Kel, the son of Del, the son of Lar, all of the House of Gand. I take you Tasmia to be my lifemate. I will love, honor and cherish you alone, all the days of my life. For me there is *only* you now and for all eternity."

Tasmia state your lineage and vows!" " I am Tasmia of the Clan Mallor, daughter of Tarnia, the daughter of Sarven, the son of Grev, the son of Garak, the son of Lydearth, the son of Lydea, the daughter of Lyrissa, all of the Clan Mallor! I take you Lar to be my lifemate, my keritalyn. I will love, honor, and cherish you all the days of my life. I will bear your children and yours alone, if it is the ancestors will! For me there is only you for now and for all time!"

"Laurel state your lineage and vows!" " I am Laurel of the House of Gand, daughter of Lauren, the daughter of Laur, the son of Kol, the son of Laur, the son of Kol, the son of Laur, all of the House of Gand. I take you Querl for my lifemate. I will love, honor, and cherish you all the days of my life. For me there is only *you* now and for all eternity!"

"Querl state your lineage and vows!" " I am Querl of the House of Dox/Brainiac, son of Braina, the daughter of Lyrl, the son of Vril II, the son of Vril I, all of the House of Dox/ Brainiac! I take you Laurel as my lifemate. I will love, honor, and cherish you all the days of your life. For me there is only you, now and until the day I die."

Karvak:" Now the wristbands!" Tinya presents two pairs of wristbands. To Lar and Tasmia she gives the set in shifting swirl patterns of scarlet, baby blue, and black. To Laurel and Querl she give the set in shifting swirls of emerald, aquamarine, and yellow. Each couple places the band on each others left wrists. Karvak:"The colors and patterns are a symbol of your unions. the bands will *not* come off so long as you live. No others may duplicate the color scheme and patterns of Lar and Tasmia, *or* Laurel and Querl! By the power and will of Roa, and the laws of Daxam, I pronounce you lifebonded! Gentlebeings, you may seal your vows with a kiss. Honored family and friends, I present Tonth and Tonthra Gand, Tonth ad Tonthra Dox!

The guests cheer:"CONGRATULATIONS!" "Family and guests, the happy couples will now retire to the small pavilion for the final rite of Bonding and Joining!" The four retire to the smaller pavilion. The inside of which is divided into three rooms, in the first is a pedestal table with a pitcher and four chalices, two enameled in the colors of each couple. The 'doors' to the other two rooms are drapes, one in each couples colors.

"Laurel, Lar was *extremely* vague about this, actually , *he didn't mentionthis*! Could you explain? Obviously, we each drink from the chalices in *our* colors, whatever is in the pitcher. But what do we do after that?" "Lar, Laurel didn't mention this to me *either*! You two start explaining, *noow* please!"

Lar and Laurel look at their spouses and each other, Lar answers:"All right, but it's eer complicated. We Daxamites *never* talk about this with off-worlders! The brew in the pitcher is composed of fermented herbs. They're mildly narcotic, and eer act as a umm sexual stimulant. They also umm activate a latent psi ability *all* Daxamites have." Querl and Tasmia :"What psi ability?" Laurel answers:" Two actually. First we eer mind meld. Each of us will experience our spouses *entire* life, both conscious and unconscious memories, then comes the joining." Tasmia:" Joining? What's that mean?"She asks her husband.

"The joining of mind and soul Tas, a permanent bond forms, w Now Re'll be permanently psi linked *if* we do it, Tasmia" "What do you mean *if*?""There are two reasons why none of us should drink it Tas, three for you and I." Querl asks dryly:" And those are?" " The two that apply to all three of you are that A. we have *no* idea how your or Tasmias physiology's will metabolize the brew, it's *never* been given to a Non-Daxamite! It *could* be deadly to one or both of you!. and B. we have *no* idea what effect it will have, if any, to the babies. Most brides are *not* already pregnant, and the few who were, well the babies were pure Daxamite."

"And the reason that applies *only* to us Lar?"" Staying sane Tas!! The brew will bring back the *entirety* of my life! *all* one thousand twenty-one years of it,back for *both* of us. Staying sane the first time took a *lot* of forgetting the first time around, Tas. I found and built the inner strength to endure one day at a time. But the brew will bring it *all* back at once! I i"m not sure I'm *strong* enough to go through it all *again* and stay sane! And I'm not sure if you could endure it all either."

Querl interjects:" I believe you are selling yourself and your wife short Lar. Now the Risa unit arranged all of this correct? She *does* have the complete UP Medical/Physiological records for *every* UP and AP member species?" Lar nods assent. " I therefore infer that it analyzed all data on the brew, as well as Coluan and Talokite physiology, and concluded it was perfectly safe for *all* of us to drink the brew. Also I further theorize that each of us, during this mind meld process will draw strength form each other. You and the Risa unit *already* share a psi link correct?" Lar again nods yes. "Well, then the Risa unit knows you as well or *better* than you know yourself! It more than likely calculated the probable outcome of your joining with Tasmia, and concluded that all would be well! Therefore I for one intend to share this drink with my wife and learn for myself *exactly* what this joining entails!"

Querl pours their drinks, handing Laurel her chalice:"To you my dear, and to new experiences!" He quaffs down the brew, laurel following suit. Tasmia pours their drinks, handing him his:"To us, the *only* thing that matters is our love!" She entwines their arms as they drink together.


The reception is in full swing. The guests are having a wonderful time. Though *some* are beginning to speculate *why* the happy couples *haven't* joined the party yet! Omen and Gates are comparing their teleportation methods: "And you can teleport several others besides yourself? Amazing, it's all I can do to take two or three with me!" "Perhaps your range will expand as you mature, and gain mastery of your power."

"And you're precognitive? Can you do it at will or does it simply happen?" They simply happen and I...the small pavilion will be destroyed in three minutes!" "What!? We have to warn them!! Let's go!!" They teleport to the doomed pavilion. " I'll get Querl and Laurel, you get the other two Omen."

Gates bursts into the room" QUERL, LAUREL! QUICKLY THIS PLACE IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED IN LESS THAN TWO MINUTES!" Laurel groggily:"HUH WWhat GATES!?" "Never mind Laurel, GATES GET US OUT OF HERE NOW!! teleport us to the ship!""Certainly come on you two!"

Simultaneously, in the next room, Omen appears beside the bed "LAR TASMIA, QUICKLY WE *MUST* LEAVE THIS PLACE! It will be destroyed in less than two minutes! Tasmia sleepily:"MMM wwhat? OMEN?! " Later Tasmia! Lilith teleport us to the PilgrimIV NOW!! Explanations can wait!!"Lar grabs his robe." Come my friends, time is short!"

They disappear, reappearing on the bridge of the Pilgrim. "RISA! sensor sweep the area! C'mon Tas, you better get some clothes on. We're probably going to have...*BAAWHHOOMM*...the ship shudders from the shockwave of the explosion. "RISA what the Nass was that?!!""A plasma-mortar shell just destroyed the small pavilion, Lar. I have informed the guests that the pavilion was empty. The Legionnaires are searching for the assailants, the Titans are bringing the rest of the guests to the ship. I've picked up a large contingent of Daxamites, they register as being fully energized by Yellow sun energy.""Set the ships life support to green solar energy!" "Converting to green solar now!"

Lilith is confused:"Lar *why* would your people try to kill the four of you?" "Most likely a contingent of the White Triangle, what *I* *don't* understand is *how* they're fully powered here on Daxam! They *didn't* get any of my *or* Laurels anti-lead serum. Is Meta missing any of his?" "He has said *nothing*to *any* Workforce/Titan member, except what was absolutely*neccessary for whatever mission he and we are on. He is *not* given to unnecessary communication of *any* kind!" "DAMN, I'm *not* liking the sound od *any* of this!!"

At that moment the guests enter the bridge. "LAR What happened? Where's Tasmia and the others? Iis she all right?" "We're all fine for now Grev." "What's happened Lar? Why would umm never mind, you four have *plenty* of enemies!" " True , Dick, but I *don't* think it's because of our Legion careers! More likely a bunch of bigoted fools! Risa, warn the Legionnaire about the powered Daxamites!"

"I *did* when I first picked up their presence! I've *also* armed the weapons array, and once the guests boarded, raised the shields!" " The weapons *won't* affect them and the shields won't hold for long." *THOOM THOOM* The ship shudders."Risa contact the Legionnaires, can you tell how many are attacking the ship? Try to do a molecular level bio-scan on the attackers, find out the *exact* formula of the anti-lead serum they're using. If you can do that, contact Element Lad, tell him the formula and to turn one of it's elemental parts to oxygen! That *should* cause them to loose their powers!" Dick interjects:" That *would* make them a lot easier to deal with!!"

The ship shudders *SCREEEEECH* Risa announces:" Lar they've breached the airlock, we've been boarded!" "Scan them Risa! Make *sure* they're powerless here in the ship! Dick you Titans try to slow them down, while I take the rest to the guests to the Brig. That's the best fortified area on the ship. They'll be safest there!" "Sounds like a good plan Lar. Let's do it Titans!" As the Titans leave, Querl, Laurel and Tasmia enter the room, having dressed for action, Tasmia hands Lar *his* clothes. Querl inquires:"Any idea what's going on here?" "As near as we can tell a large group of Daxamites, fully powered, tried to blow us up, and are now attacking the ship. I'm going on the assumption we're dealing with members of the White Triangle"

Vril Dox interjects:" *Who or what* is the White Triangle?" Lar looks at Querl:'*you* deal with *him* *I* have *better*to do!" Lar takes the rest of the guests from the room, intending to lead them to the safest area of the ship. Less than half way there, two masked figures block their way. " Risa, put a maximum density force field around the others!"

The masked intruder to Lars left snarls:" That's all right traitor! After we finish with you, we'll finish them! You cannot defeat us all, even now more of our number are coming!" "I *can* and I *will*! You two here and now, the rest later, with the help of my friends! Count on it you SPROCKING JERK!!" Intruder to Lars right:"Without your powers? I *doubt* it genetrasher!" " *If* I *needed* my powers to handle scum like you two I would *never* have joined the Legion!!!" A brief fight ensues, true to his word, Lar kicks ass! The two terrorists are soon unconscious on the floor, before they can continue to the brig, a larger group confront them.

Lar thinks:" Gods and Demons! I'm good, but fifteen to one are*lousy* odds! Via psi link:"Risa do an internal transport, get the others out of here, 'port them to the section of the ship *farthest* from the attackers and lock that section down *tight* until the situation is resolved! Also inform the Legion *and* Titans that I could *really* use some help with this bunch!"

The guests except for Pol and Grev disappear. "BLOODY NASS!! Pol, Grev what are you doing here? How'd you block the transporter? Never mind I *have* to get you two out of here!" Pol pleading "Please Lar I used my magnetism to block the 'porter.. I guessed what Pol was doing and stood close enough to stay too...Both together" LET *US* HELP YOU LAR!" " NO WAY! ROKK AND TAS WOULD KILL ME!"

Lar grabs the boys and tries to evade the intruders, but the three are soon surrounded! Lar maneuvers the boys trying to keep them in a corner and himself between them and the attackers. But neither boy cooperates. Both stand on a side of Lar, Grev casts the entire area in darkness.

"BLOODY NASS GREV DROP THE SHADOW!! *I* CAN'T SEE AND NEITHER CAN POL!!" Grev complies:" Sorry, guess I *should've* gone with the rest!" Pol uses his magnetism to pommel the intruders with every scrap of loose metal he can find."Hey Grev, try small shadows, just around their heads maybe? That way Lar and I *will* be able to see what we need to be doing!" THWACK WHUMP THAWACK, Lar is fighting some of the intruders, in the corner of his eye he sees one of the intruders about to shoot Pol:"LOOK OUT POL!" he shouts as he dives between Pol and the would be killer.AAAARRRGGHHH", Lar takes the blast meant for Pol.

"LAR!!!NOOOOOOO!!!!!" Pol screams as he magnetically hurls the shooter through a three foot bulkhead. At that moment the Legion and Titans arrive, quickly subduing the remaining attackers.

*SOB*SOB*SOB*"Lar C'mon Lar wake up, PLEASE WAKE UP!!" Grev and Pol sob as they gently shake Lars shoulder, terrified by the growing pool of blood on the floor. Rokk, Tasmia and Querl rush to the aid of the three "C'mon Pol, give Querl room to work on Lar!" "OOHH Tasmia!we *only* wanted to help him!!" "SHUSH Grev it's all right, oh ancestors let him be all right!" " Risa unit, transport Lar, Tasmia and I to the Med-bay IMMEDIATELY!!" "I *am* sorry,but my programming allows *only* Lar to give me commands!" "BY MY ANCESTORS! RISA YOUR *PRIMARY* PROGRAMED FUNCTION IS TO INSURE LARS WELL BEING, HEALTH, AND HAPPINESS! HE HAS A GAPING HOLE IN HIS ABDOMEN!! HE NEEDS TO BE IN THE MED-BAY!!"

"Transporting necessary personnel to the Med-bay!" Lar, Tasmia, and Querl vanish.


Pilgrim IV Med-bay:

Querl has placed Lar in the Mdei-bed, he's reading aloud: "Umm massive internal organ damage, internal bleeding. Hmm wonder *why* the brain waves aren't in the usual pattern? Better do a brain scan...Tasmia frantically interrupts:" How bad is it Brainy? Hhhe'll recover fully won't he? TELL ME HE'LL BE ALL RIGHT!! ANSWER ME DAMN YOU!!"

"We have to place him in the robo-surgical unit Tasmia. His left kidney is irr- epairable, lower intestine is severely damaged, possibly irrepairable, upper intestine is severely damaged, but definately repairable. His digestive system will *never* be the same, but he *should* survive."

They transfer him to the robo-surg. unit. The read out of the brain scan appears, Querl is startled by the results. At that moment Laurel, Dr. Gym'll, Vril Dox, Apparition, Ultra Boy, Cosmic Boy,Pol Krinn,Hu and Ewa Krinn enter the Med-bay.

Dr. Gym'll excitedly:"Well where's the patient?! The shoter is beyond medical help, though Andromeda seemed upset when we unmasked him." "My wife was upset? Why Laurel, did you know him? Never mind that now, get on the Medi-bed, I need to do a brain scan on you for a comparison. Laurels puzzled."Comparison to what Querl?" she asks as she gets on the Medi-bed. "To Lars, his brainwave patternis changing! And when I scanned his brain to determine why, the read out showed a rather large portion of the brain that is normally *not* used is highly active! I *think* it might be a side effect of that brew. I want to see ifyour brain waves and activity have been similarly altered. I *also* want to do these tests on Tasmia and myself, but that can wait."

"I ask again WHERE IS THE PATIENT?!" "My husband is in the robo-surg. unit Dr. Gym'll. please feel free to check the readouts!" "So what does my brain scan tell you Querl?" :No change in the pattern, slight increase in activity, negligible increase in the area Lar shows a large increase in, most curious."

"That's very interesting, but my boy Pol needs some medical attention err kill- ing that bastiche was a terrible shock!" Yes of course, Mr Krinn, bring him here for a bio-scan, and if iit's indicated I'll give him a mild sedative." Vril interjects:" There are some uniformed Daxamites here. Thye seemed extremely aggitated when they saw the dead terrorist, though they act as though *he* were a murder victem, instead of a criminal who died in the course of committing attempted murder!"

"Hmm most unusual, Laurel can you add any information that could explain their attitude?" " Yes Querl, unfortunately the dead man is Rarvan Daxuo, the *only* child of the Orator, the head of Daxams High Commission!"

"What does who his father is have to do with what the authorities are going to do about this? What's going to happen to my little brother?!"

At that moment the robo-surg. unit opens, Lar nearly collapses as he exits the unit. Querl: Jo put him in the empty medi-bed!" After Jo does so Lar weakly states:"Rokk, *nothing* is going to happen to Pol! I *won't* allow it! Risa, stall the authorities, contact Imra. Tell her to link up *all* the wedding guests telepa- thically. I need to make *sure* everyone has the story straight!" "At once Lar!"

Imra appears in everyones minds:"All right Lar, we're all linked. What's the story?" "All *any* of you know is that when you found us, Rarvan was dead, I was critically wounded, and Pol was going into shock! But I told *you*, Querl, Tasmia, that *I* killed Rarvan in self defense. Imra impress this on Pol please! He's been mildly sedated, the *last* thing we need is for him to start telling anyone who'll listen that *he* killed Rarvan!" "Agreed Lar, *if* you are *sure* this is the best way to handle this!"

"Bbut what will happen to *you* Lar? Why this deception? Shouldn't we simply tell the whole truth? It *was* self defense after all!" " Mr. Krinn, I'd rather *not* risk it. My injuries make self defense an obvious conclusion, there *shouldn't* be any problem. But if Pol, who was uninjured, says he kill- ed Rarvan, *then* there could be problems. Especially considering *who* Rar- vans father is!" Ewa demands:" Listen to Lar Hu! *He* knows his people and *how* they'll react!"

"Listen Lar, Pol's *my* brother, I'll say *I* killed Rarven! With your injuries, you *couldn't* have thrown him thru that bulkhead!" "Wrong Rokk. Watch!" Lar concentrates, Vril Dox suddenly levitates and flies toward the bulkhead, stopping short of hitting it. "Apparently the brew did *more* than it was supposed to. I'm not sure what else, if anything,I'll find I can do but telekinesis appears to be my newest power, for now at least."

"Interesting demostration! Thank you for stopping my flight *before* I hit the bulkhead, but that *didn't* prove you could've thrown Rarvan *thru* the bulkhead!" "Perhaps Lar *should* throw you thru the bulkhead Vril!"

"No Tasmia, Vril has a point. Risa replicate a dummy model of Rarvan, same height,weight,mass. I'll throw *that* thru a different section of the same bulkhead. *That* should convince everyone that *I* killed Rarvan, in self defense of course."

"Yes immediately Lar. The authorities are demanding to speak to *you* Lar." "Let them come in here Risa, we might as well get this over with!" " Lar are you sur...Tinya interrupts:"Lar knows what he's doing, Tas, just have faith!"

At that moment Nightwing,Starfire, and Grev Mallor escort the authorities into the room. The leader identifys himself:" I am Comman- der Delkar Ardax, we've had reports of an explosion, and sounds of battle. We've been informed by a large group of aliens that *you* Lar GaNd have confessed to the murder of Rarvan Daxou! We're here to inves- tigate the death and make the arrest!"

"I *wouldn't* call it murder! It's a clear case of self defense! My friends and I came to Daxam to celebrate my marriage to Tasmia Mallor and my cousin Laurels marriage to Querl Dox! Our wedding guests were enjoying themselves in the large pavilion. The four of us were in the small pavilion. You *did* see the crater were it *was* I trust? Gates and Omen somehow knew it was going to be destroyed. Omen is a preconitive /teleporter, so I assume she had a premonition. Anyway they teleported us out just in time. The masked prisoners had lobed a plasma mortar round into the pavilion. They then attacked this ship and everyone in it. I was trying to lead the non-hero guests to the most secure section of the ship. A large group of them tried to stop us. I had Risa transport the guests to the safe area. Unfortunatelyy Pol Krinn used his manetic powers to block his tranport, Grev Mallor was close enough to Pol to *also* stay behind.

I tried to get Pol and Grev to safety. Rarvan tried to shoot Pol, I took the blast for Pol, and I killed him. My fellow legionnaires and the Titans arrived just after I killed Rarvan in self defense! They subdued the rest of the attackers. Querl and Tasmia brought me here to the Med-bay to prevent *my* dying as well."

"Do you have any witnesses to corroborate your story? We'll be inter- viewing the alledged attackers, so I trust you have a witness who will con- firm *your* version of what happened here?"

"By X'Hal! You talk as if *we* attacked *them*! Is *every* Daxamite other than Lar and Laurel insane!?" "Easy Kory, honey, antagonizing Delkar *won't* help the situation!"

"Pol, Grev Mallor, and the Med-bay records of my injuries." "What were your injuries?" " I took a lazer blast to the abdomen. I now have only one kidney,less than half of my lower intestine, and a little more than half of my upper intestine. Rarvan damned near disembowled me!"

"Indeed, then le't go to the crime scene shall we?" "Of course, just a moment. Risa site to site transport us to where I killed Rarvan." They disappear, reappearing in the area of the killing. Rarvans body lies covered by a tarp.

"I'm pleased to see you've left the scene intact. Makes my job *much* easier! Now you and the boys were in the corner, yes? That's were the large Blood stain is, so Iassume that's correct?" Lar nods yes.

"This dummy is here for what purpose? Is that were Rarvan was? Then how could *you* have thrown him thru the bulkhead with your injur- ies? Are you *certain* it was *you* that threw him *or* are you cover- ing for the Braalian?"

"The dummy is there for a demonstration of *how* I threw Rarvan. Watch and learn Delkar." Lar moves to stand beside the blood stain."As you may have guessed, my wife and I drank the joining brew. It's effects were somewhat *more* than usual, for me at least. Observe!"

Lar concentrates on the dummy, lifting and throwing it thru the bulkhead. "*That* Delkar is how *I* killed Rarvan, in self defense!" "So I see and so you say! But it is for the High Commission to decide!"

"My husband is *still* recovering from his injuries Delkar! He needs to lie down and rest!" "Yes, but we must go to Halkon'daza so the High Commission can make their ruling in this matter!"

"*sigh* Very well Delkar. Risa make sure all the guests are on board, the airlock is repaired, then fly to Halkon'daza." "Consider it done Lar. And...Lar disappears... Delkar I've teleported Lar back to the Med-bay. You may continue your questioning, *after* he's rested!"

" Yes indeed, though *if* you wish Delkar, you *can* question the rest of the wedding guests. But they'll only confirm what my hus- band has already told you!"

"Yes I *would* like to question Pol Krinn and Grev Mallor! My subordinants are questioning the alledged attackers! But I *won't* be questioning any of the rest of you. ccording to Tonth Gand, Only Pol and Grev actually *witnessed* the killing." "Well follow me Delkar, Pol and Grev are *also* in the Med-bay."

"I'll join you soon to check on Lars injuries. He *shouldn't* have left the Med-bay. He's going to need a considerable recovery per- iod. But Dr. Gym'll is there already, so there's no rush for me to examine him. I'll be wanting to do brain scans on both of us later Tas."

"Later Querl,*after* this situation is straightened out, all right?" "As you wish Tasmia."

"C'mon Kory, let's see if there's anything we can do to help clean up the mess in the remaining pavilion. Then we can take off for Halkon'daza and conclude this business. Then we can all get back to celebrating the weddings!" " Sure Dick let's go."

Laurel enters, Kory exclaims:"Laurel *why* didn't Delkar con- gratulate any of you on your marriages? He also seems to *want* to bel- ieve that Lar *murdered* Rarvan in cold blood! Are *all* Daxamites exc- ept Lar and yourself insane, insensitive , or both?!" "I've often wond- ered about that myself. Though I count myself with the general Daxamite population. Lar is the *best* of the Daxamites, no doubt about it."

"From what I've seen of Daxamites so far, I'd say you've got *that* right. Though I'd say you're not that far behind him." "Dick's right. I'd say Lar's the best *male* and you're the best *female*!" "I thank you *both* for the sentiment. *But* I'm nowhere near being in Lars league!" I'm trying to come closer to his standard though."

"X'Hal, why do you say that Laurel?" "Well my past association with the White Triangle for one thing! Lar would *never* have gotten involved with them!" " He *would* have if he'd been *raised* to be a member of the White Triangle, as you were Laurel! You're *not* like that anymore! You'd never have married *me* if you were!"

Risa interrupts:" We're about to take off for Halkon'daza. If you'd like to join the rest of the guests, they're in the lounge, exc- ept for Tasmia, Grev, and the Krinns. They're in the Med-bay with Del- kar, Lar and Pol."

"I believe I'll go to the Med-bay,perhaps do a brain scan on Tasmia and myself. Though Lar *is* the *only* one of the four of us to exhibit any telkinetic ability. Coming,Laurel?" "Sure Brainy, good thing he *is* telekinetic now! Makes the situation with Rarvan easier to conclude satisfactorily!"

"How long before we reach Halkon'daza? And how long will it take for the trial? The sooner this is over with the sooner we can all relax and get back celebrating! You four *never* made it to the party! We can't have that now can we?!" "Daxamite justice is swift Dick. The case will be resolved before day's end. And we'll reach Halkon'daza in minutes!For my cousins sake I hope it goes well!" "X'Hal, I hope you're right Laurel, and it's resolved the way Lar wants it to be!"


The High Commissions courtroom:

The Orator: "Bring forward my son's killer!"

Lar groans thinking: "Oh this is going to be *so* much fun, right up there with getting shot! Or lead poisoning, yes right up there with it!"

"I object Orator! Your sons death was a result of *his* actions! My cousin had no choice!" "Of *that* I am *far* from convinced! Your cousin has *not* convinced me that his killing of my son was justified!"

"By your leave, Orator Daxou, my investigation leads cred- ence to Lar Gands account of the events leading to your son's death. Rarvan *was* a member of the White Triangle, he *did* take part in the attack against the Gand/Mallor, Gand/ Dox wedding party. He did in fact shoot Lar, who by the grace of Roa survived. The joining brew has, at least for now, endowed Lar with telkinesis. Which he used, possibly unintentionally, to throw Rarvan thru a bulkhead, res- ulting in his death. The *only* finding possible is self defense, at least in *my* opinion."

"Your opinion is noted, Delkar. But *I* still believe my son *didn't* *have* to be killed! I'm *sure* my son *could* have been sub- dued *without* the use of deadly force!"

"Orator, at the time, I saw *no* other alternative! *Believe me* when I say *if* I *had* seen an alternative I'd have done it! But in the rush and in the pain I was in I *didn't*, and for *that* I'm sorry!"

" Oh I'm *sure* you are, but *not* as sorry as you *will* be! Are there any witnesses to corroborate *your* version of the chain of events that lead to my sons death?"

"Mmme, sir, Ii wwas ththere! I'm Ppol Krinn and it happened just like Lar said! Your son attacked us. He was shooting at me, but Lar took the blast instead. Then Raarvan went flying thru the bulkhead and Lar was bleeding a lot and I was sooo scared!" Pol breaks down cry- ing."I'm sorry, I'm soo sorry!" Rokk hugs his brother:" It's all ] right Pol, everything will be all right!" "I I I was there too I'm Grev Mallor,and Pol and I were trying to help Lar, but we were'nt much help,especially me! And Lar took the blast for Pol and Rarvan went thru the bulk- head, but it was his *own* fault! He shouldn't have attacked us *sob*!!" Tasmia comforts her young cousin:"Shh That's all right Grev, everything will be fine!"

"Don't make promises you can't keep legionnaires! Everything will most certainly *not* be all rihgt *or* fine! MY SON IS DEAD! AND SOME- ONES GOING TO *PAY* FOR IT!"

"VERY WELL THEN SENTANCE ME! Let's get this farce over with!"

"Very well then, Lar Gand, you are *banished* from Daxam, on pain of *death*! Be off the planet *before* the sunsets! If you are still on Daxam after sunset, you *will* be executed!"


Lar bows slightly:"I hear and accept!" He turns to his friends:"Let's go, the sun sets soon! Back to the Pilgrim IV, we need to go home!" Pol fiercely whispers: "Lar! Let me tell the truth! You *don't* have to do this!"

"Yes I *do* Pol! You must *never* tell! The sentance that *you* would have recieved would have been, and if you *ever* tell *will* be DEATH!"

"Ancestors! Let's get going *all* of you! the sooner we leave this accursed planet the better! The sun sets within the hour, and I want my husband *off* this mudball *before* then!"

"Um Lar I um I *don't* know what to say!" "Don't say anything Rokk, just *don't* try to courtmartial me for Rarvans death when we get back to HQ."


Aboard the ship,everyone is grim at the sentance handed down. Lar is standing at a large viewport, watching the receding Daxam. He's quietly crying.

Laurel puts her hand on his shoulder:" OOh Lar I'm soo sorry!" Lar wipes his tears away:"It hurts Laurel. It's stupid,I know! I'm one thousand twenty-two years old and I've spent *less* than seventeen of those years *on* Daxam! Yet it IS *one* thing to stay away from home by *choice*, quite another to be *banished*! Hell it's not even the *first* time I've been banished, for Roa's sake! I *know* they'll lift the sentance as soon as they *need* me again! But it still hurts!"

Tasmia walks up and kisses him:"All right you, my darling husband, need to be in bed, restin! Come along luv. Laurel, Querl is looking for you, he mumbled something about your needing to rest!"

Lar chides Tasmia telepathically:" You and Querl! Forgot about the psi- link already! *Much* easier than walking around looking for us!"aloud:" Laurel you need to use your psi-link to remind Querl about it! Apparently our spouses have *already* forgotten about it! Good night Laurel, you and Querl have *fun*!"

"HA HA HA Ooh we will! You and Tasmiaumm I guess you're still too sore, poor baby! Married less than a week and *already* have to forego all the pleasure of umm never mind!... Lars glare stops Laurels teasing... Se you in the morning you two, sleep well!"

"I'll do my best, cousin! You sleep well too!"

The End?