Dannell was my friend, my supporter and even, sometimes, my advisor. She was an extremely strong influence on my writing, and I can definitely say that I would probably have gotten discouraged a long time ago if it weren't for her constant encouragement and advice. For this and many other reasons, I think it appropriate for me to try and honor her memory this way. I hope she would have liked it.

I will miss her terribly.



"Goodbye To A Friend"

A Loving Tribute to Dannell Lites

by Casey

A large asteroid named Shanghalla in the Archipelago Asteroid belt, far in the future...

"Are you okay?"

The brooding, dark-haired young man stopped only long enough to cast a sideways glance at his visitor before his hands resumed their polishing. The golden monument sparkled before him with the reflected light of a hundred stars.

"I'm fine," he said quietly, his brow knitting as a particularly stubborn smudge refused to vanish.

"Yeah, I can see that," the other young man replied, flipping his cape out behind him as he took a seat on a nearby rock formation. He picked up a pebble and cast it into the starry sky overhead, just as he used to do in the wheat fields of Kansas.

Kal-El stared after the stone, watching as it cleared the asteroid's atmosphere at super-speed and streaked away, becoming a kind of mini-comet.

"Shady's worried about you, you know," he said, turning his head to stare at his friend's back. "She wanted to come, but I thought it would be better if I spoke to you alone."

"Good call," the Daxamite answered, dropping the blue cape that he was using to polish the monument. "I'm not sure she could understand..."

He turned and walked resignedly over to join his friend upon the rocks. Superboy watched quietly as Mon-El leaned back, folded his hands behind his head and stared up at the stars before doing the same. Long moments of silence passed between the two of them, moments that were heavy with regret and unspoken sorrow, yet also with the comfortable understanding that only old friends can share. Finally, one of them spoke.

"You were her favorite," Kal-El said, his eyes never leaving the bright firmament above.

Mon-El grinned. "I know," he answered, his eyes fixed upon the sky as well.

He smiled to himself as he remembered the stories, stories that she had written and that many had enjoyed, including him; stories that were as vibrant, funny, thoughtful and sincere as the woman who wrote them. No matter what the subject or characters, she could always be counted upon to spin a tale of wonder and intricate detail, educating as well as entertaining her many fans. From the dark, brooding vigilantes of Gotham City to the bright, futuristic adventures of the Legion, Dannell Lites could write it all, and write it well. She even managed to find some nice things to say about a certain magnetic mutant.

"He might have sparked her interest once in a while," Mon-El mused with a wry grin, "But I was definitely her favorite."

Superboy smiled at that and leaned forward, pushing himself up off the rocks. He walked over to the newly placed monument and ran his fingertips across the words etched in the gleaming gold plaque; words put there by Mon-El's own enhanced vision.


For a moment, Kal lowered his head and said a silent prayer. Then, he turned and walked solemnly over to stand at Mon-El's side. As he did, he could have sworn that he saw something in his teammate's eye, but said nothing of it. He knew that soon the entire Legion and various guests would arrive to pay their last respects, but this was Mon-El's time, his own personal goodbye. He was entitled to it. After all, he was her favorite.

With a heartfelt salute, the two young men turned and flew off, neither of them bothering to wipe the tears from their cheeks.


Rest in Peace, Dannell.