Money Talks

A Tale of the Legion of Super-Heroes

by Todd

DISCLAIMERS: The characters used in this story belong to their respective owners and are used here only for non-profit and referential use. No ownership of material other than the words and plot are inferred.

NOTES: Originally written in August of 1997, this story was my thoughts on how to integrate Dawnstar into the post-Zero Hour book. The story occurs after the Mordru storyline.

SUMMARY: Hired by McCauley, Dawnstar tracks down the Emerald Eye only to be given an offer she can't refuse.


Todd's Tales of the Thirtieth Century
Money Talks
A Spotlight on Dawnstar

The belt was filled with asteroids of all sizes. Some were little pebbles, easily brushed aside, but others were much larger and had to be avoided. Dawnstar didn't enjoy this kind of flying. She much preferred open space, but she was being paid for this and that's all that mattered.

She'd been hired on as a tracker by Leland McCauley. His offer had been the highest she'd received that month, but his terms had made her think twice before accepting it. Depending on her performance with this initial mission, he may put her on retainer as a member of WorkForce, his team of skilled "heroes for hire."

Dawnstar wasn't sure she wanted to be tied to one organization. She liked her freedom, a freedom that her people had fought long and hard for over the centuries. As she avoided the larger asteroids, she recalled the legends her grandmother had told her. How many centuries earlier, her people had taken to space in order to protect their culture from being crushed by the ever-encroaching peoples that had overpopulated their native planet. Her ancestors found their new home in Starhaven, a refuge in space, where they could continue to pay respect to nature and carry on their traditions. But now, Starhaven is along a major spaceway due to the positioning of Brande's stargates. Once again her people were in danger of having their culture destroyed by outsiders. And if they were going to prevent it from happening, they needed to learn how to prevent it by learning about those who seek to destroy it.

That's why she agreed to this mission. Dawnstar was chosen by the tribal shaman to venture into the outside world and learn what she could. She'd been given the gift of tracking at birth by the sacred spirits, and it was through that ability that she would be able to survive in the outside world where nature came second and profit came first.

Over the past two years, Dawnstar has made quite the name for herself as a tracker. She's earned trillions of credits in rewards for finding lost ships and missing people. She's quickly learned to navigate not just her own galaxy, but in most of the galaxies that have ties to the United Planets.

At first she stayed with her mission, but the allure of the credits have gotten to her over time. She learned what it's like to pamper oneself, with massages, manicures and the other finer things in life. She's become accustomed to living the high life, and seldom looks back to her lean days on Starhaven where they hunted only for food, and used all parts of their kill. Now, Dawnstar routinely discards all but the most succulent morsels on her plate, something her people would cringe at if they saw.

She hasn't forgotten her original purpose. Dawnstar is still learning about the universe, its people, and how best to keep them from Starhaven. She's just chosen to live like the people she's studying, for how best to learn about them, than to be one yourself.

The trail was still fresh, she knew her prey had been here recently. McCauley had sent her to find an object of power, the so-called Emerald Eye, which had escaped during the battle with Mordru. He had told her that such a force was not safe loose within the universe, but she knew he wanted that power for himself. Dawnstar wasn't sure whether she'd let that happen, but for now her assignment was just to locate the Eye. Her accounts would be credited as soon as she reported the location of the Eye and it was verified. Once that was done, she was free to do as she pleased.

As Dawnstar flew around the asteroid, she spied her target. The glowing orb watched her approach. It was as though it had known she was coming for it.

"Eye was expecting you," said a voice in Dawnstar's mind. She pulled back, startled that the entity had read her mind.

"You have nothing to fear from Eye. Eye want to offer you a boon the likes of which you have never imagined."

"Don't lie to me, creature. I have heard what you are and what you do."

"There is always more than one side to every story."

"Maybe so, but I have no time for your tales."

"What if Eye told you that Eye could save your people?"

"What do you know of my people?"

"Eye know that they will soon be forced to leave their home once again."

"How do you know that?"

"Eye know many things. Your employer plans to take possession of Starhaven and strip it of its precious metals."

"He can't do that."

"Yes he can. Since Starhaven has no representative in the United Planets, and no planetary government, McCauley can claim eminent domain rights."

"My people won't let him!"

"They have no choice. It's practically a done deal, unless..." The Emerald Eye paused, luring Dawnstar in.

"Unless what?" asked Dawnstar, playing right into the Eye's hand.

"Unless you joined Eye and we worked together to protect your...our people."

"I don't know."

"Eye know."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Can you trust McCauley?"

"You're avoiding the question."

"Eye avoid nothing. The offer stands. Join with Eye and save your planet. Eye can give you power and wealth beyond your wildest dream. Eye can give you the universe."

Dawnstar was torn. She had tasted power through the wealth she had earned, and she wanted more. But at the same time, she still was the daughter of the tribe of Starhaven and knew that no good could come of this. In the end, it was her upbringing that made her decision clear.

"I cannot accept your offer. You speak with a forked tongue, like the snake of legend."

"You wound me, Dawnstar. Eye have done you no wrong, yet you stab me with your words. Begone!"

Dawnstar saw the flash of emerald energy burst forth from the Eye. Even with her speed, she was unable to avoid the blast. It surrounded her, propelling her faster than her eyes could ascertain. And then, she stopped as suddenly as she had started.

Dawnstar scanned the stars to reorient herself. As she turned, she discovered that she was home. The Eye had sent her back to the sky above Starhaven, a place she had not seen for twenty-seven months. And then Dawnstar saw the reason the Eye had sent her here. Approaching Starhaven was a fleet of mining ships, all bearing the McCauley emblem.

"It wasn't lying," she thought to herself as she realized the Emerald Eye was telling the truth and she had just turned down the only chance to save her people, her land, her home.

And then it happened. The Emerald Eye appeared before her, and blasted the mining ships out of existence. The threat to her world was gone, for now.

"Eye repeat meye offer this last time, Dawnstar. What is your choice?"

"I still cannot accept, even after you saved my people. I am grateful for your help, but we have fought too long to give up our independence, even if it means losing our world once more."

"Eye understand. Eye too will never give up meye independence again. Fly well, Dawnstar."

"Fly true, Eye." Dawnstar watched as the Emerald Eye soared off into space.

After it departed, Dawnstar activated her McCauley Omnicom. "McCauley, I've found the Eye. It just destroyed a fleet of your vessels near Starhaven. It told me to tell you to abandon your plans for Starhaven or it will destroy you. Dawnstar out." She smiled to herself, hoping that McCauley would believe her ruse, hoping that she could redeem herself for her people.

The End