The Transformers is a registered trademark of Hasbro and my characters do not mean any harm to them.Impulse is Trynia's character.
The Steel and The Spark

Hot Rod walked down the hall. Thinking to himself, ~What to do to get Arcee. I really like her but.... I just can't... But I want her to know I like her.~ He bumped into his little sister Bluebolt. "Hey bro, what's up?" said Bluebolt with a perk in her voice. Hot Rod looked at his sister. "Oh, hmmm, hi sis. I just was thinking that's all. What are you up to?" He grinned at her. The young bot looked at her brother. "Oh nothing really." She had a guilty look on her face. "Sister!!!!! Now what are you up to?" He gave her strong look. "Sorry can't tell ya." She then ran off, making Hot Rod wonder what in the world she was up to now.

Arcee was sitting in the garden listening to the love doves singing to each other. ~Does he love me... he loves me not... he loves me... he loves me not... he loves me~ As she pulled the last petal from the flower she was holding, she looked up at the blue sky. What in the world was she going to do about these feelings for her fellow Autobot? Sigh

Bluebolt stopped running. She caught her breath. ~Wow that was close. I can't let him find out what I'm up to or it will ruin my Surprise for him and Arcee.~ She giggled at her plan to get her brother and Arcee alone together. ~Now if only Ultra Magnus and Daniel will agree to her plans.~ She ran off again looking for them.

Daniel was waiting for Hot Rod to show up and take him fishing. He love talking to his friend about things that happened around the Autbot City and what were going to happen next. "Hot Rod, over here!" He waved to Hot Rod as he came into view. Hot Rod waved back. "What's happening Daniel?" Daniel looked at his friend."Hot Rod you said you were going to take me fishing." Hot Rod almost kicked himself. "Gosh, Daniel I forgot. If you like we still can go now." Daniel jumped for joy. He grabbed his fishing pole and Hot Rod transformed into his car mode. They drove off towards their favorite fishing hole.

Bluebolt found Impulse working on one of the computers in the main control room. "Hey Impulse. Have you seen Ultra Magnus?" Impulse hit her head on the keyboard and looked up at the young bot. "What was the question again Bluebolt?" Impulse rubbed her head. Bluebolt rolled her eyes. "I asked have you seen Ultra Magnus?" She got up off the floor and looked at Bluebolt. "Last time I saw him he was talking to Prime and Kup in the Communication room. Why do you wish to talk to him for?" Bluebolt gave Impulse a small grin. "I need his help with some thing. It's a secret. Thanks for the help." Before Impulse could ask Bluebolt another question the young bot shot off towards the Communication room. "So full of energy." Impulse shook her head.

What will Hot Rod get Arcee? Will Bluebolt find Ultra Magnus and what is she up too?Find out next time as we watch The Steel and The Spark
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