The Book Of Wagers

While anyone is welcome to contribute to this page, it is mainly intended for members of the book forum, who spend a large part of their time arguing the various theories listed here. Often I (and no doubt others) get tempted to simply say "Well, wait until the next book comes out and PROVES I'm right!"

So I decided it would be a good idea to start a record of who says what. In effect we're wagering on theories, although the only stake is the chance to gloat when a theory is proved. Bets are listed below: you can send your own in by mailing me or by posting on the forum. You can either bet on an already listed theory, or start your own. They can be indefinite (e.g. Verin is Black Ajah) or have a definite time set (e.g. Verin will be proved to be Black Ajah by the end of book 10).

The rules: No anonymous submissions will be accepted. No bets can be changed once posted here. No silly bets, particularly not if they have anything to do with Bela, will be accepted. No bets already proved or disproved in previous books will be accepted.

The last Book of Wagers: opened after The Path of Daggers, closed for Winter's Heart 

After consideration, I decided that no bets would remain in force after Winter's Heart unless renewed by the bettor. If you wish to renew yours, let me know; otherwise they will be automatically deleted.

Leanna Shadar the Mad Amanda Sedai
The Lady Warden Julius al'Thain tomiathon
Huge Midget The Car'a'carn Valion
One_Bad_Aiel Belryan MaW
The Adversary Stratastar seiera
Asha'man Forge Wakim mahiro
Witte Arduhn Nevman
Auther Hawkwing lorelorn Lord Gaidin
Morridin Der'morat Kinjiru
trisomy Miang Vis'tar
Shadar Tay Karak
Heero TheMez Lanfir Sedai
Sesephe Cyphrus Catalina
Kiriath Carramaena kenco
Asha'man Varel    

Leanna bets:

Taim is Demandred.
Verin is not Black Ajah.
Nynaeve and Semirhage will face off in battle.
Moiraine is alive.
We will meet Moiraine or hear more of her fate in book 10.
Noal is Jain Farstrider.
All seven Ajahs will remain intact at least until after Tarmon Gai'don.
Elaida will be stilled or killed before Seaine's group can report to her about the Black Ajah.
Elayne's twins are Shivan and Calian (the sibling Heroes)

Shadar the Mad bets:

Demandred is Taim
Mesaana is Danelle
Semirhage is Therava
Noal is Farstrider
Graendal killed Asmodean
Verin is not Black Ajah
Olver is not Gaidal Cain
Moiraine is alive
Logain and Toveine will be a couple
Nynaeve will fight Semirhage
The destruction of Shadar Logoth hurt Fain

Amanda Sedai bets:

Verin is not Black Ajah.
Moiraine will appear again sometime in the series.
The series will end with the sentence "There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time.  But it was an ending."

RJ will either credit WoT to "Loial, son of Arent, son of Halan" or end the book with a quote from Loial's writings.
Mazrim Taim's identity will be revealed in book 10.

The Ways will not be affected by the destruction of Shadar Logoth or the cleansing of the taint. Another access key for the female Choedan Kal will be found.

The Lady Warden bets:

Taim is not Demandred.
Anath is Semirhage.
The Taint has not been completely healed.
Moiraine died, but will be back.
Nynaeve will down another Forsaken.
Olver is not Gaidal Cain.

Julius al'Thain bets:

Danelle is Mesaana
Anath is Semirhage
Red Ajah is disbanded by the end of book 10
Logain kills Taim
Alanna will release Rand from his bond by the end of book 10
Noal is Jain Farstrider

tomiathon bets:

Moiraine is alive
Olver is not Gaidal Cain
Taim is Demandred
Verin is not Black Ajah
Logain and Taimandred will get into a showdown and Logain will become M'Hael
Min is or was a darkfriend, or will be turned to the shadow
Anath is Semirhage
Danelle is Mesaana

Huge Midget bets:

Semirhage is Anath.
Mesaana is Danelle.
Taim IS Demandred.
Moridin is Ishamael.
Moiraine will be back.
Sammael is alive.
Graendel killed Asmodean.
Noal is Jain Farstrider.
Olver is Gaidal Cain.
Verin is not Black Ajah.
Logain will kill Taim/Demandred.
The Taint isn't completely gone.
Mat is a Hero of the Horn now.

The Car'a'carn bets:

Taim is Demandred.
Mat's memories are from his previous lives.

Valion bets:

Olver is Gaidal Cain
Verin is black Ajah
Moiraine is alive
Taim is Demandred
Sammael is alive
The taint is gone
Anath is Semmy
Danelle is Messy
Ishy is Mori
Shaidar Haran is partly the DO
Olver is Gaidal Cain
Granny killed Asmo
Fain is partly the DO too

One_Bad_Aiel bets:

Noal is Jain who is Gaidal Cain.
Moiraine is coming back in the end of the next book, in classic Gandalf style.
Mesaana is gonna be killed by Egwene.
Taim is Demandred.
Sammael is the mystery man ordering Slayer around.
The taint is gone.

Belryan bets:

Taim is Demandred
Mesaana is Danelle
Semirhage is Anath
Noal is Jain Farstrider
Moiraine is Alive
Graendal killed Asmodean
Moridin is Ishamael
Shaidar Haran is not Ishamael
Shaidar Haran is not Moridin
Sammael is not dead.
Osan'Gar/Dashiva/Aginor is dead. And will not be reincarnated.
Tuon will put the male a'dam around Rand's neck.
The Taint is gone.
The Men are still as insane as they used to be.
Fain is still as powerful as ever.
Olver is Cain
Elayne's children are the Twin Heroes of the Horn.
The Third Age is about to End (give it 9 months)

MaW bets:

Taim is not Demandred
Logain will become M'Hael
Elaida will kill Alviarin and unite the Tower... and then hand over to Egwene (this fulfills her Foretelling).
We'll never find out who killed Asmodean until the very end of the series, because RJ thinks it's funny that we can't work it out for ourselves
We've not seen the last of the Choedan Kal
Mat will take an irritatingly long time to work out about the bellfounders

The Adversary bets:

Taim is NOT Demandred.
Alanna will die.
Anath is Semirhage.
Moiraine is alive.
Thom will marry Moiraine.
Logain will testify in the White Tower to abolish the Red Ajah.
The Borderlands will suffer defeat after defeat at the hands of Shadowspawn, until the Golden Crane flies again under al'Lan Mandragoran, and the forgotten nation of Malkier rises and rallies to his call.
The Creator will speak for all the world to hear.
Noal is Jain Farstrider.
Noal will solve Aludra's riddle of the Bellfounders.
Matt invents the Cannon (Bellfounders).
Loial will fight against the Seanchan Ogier.
The Shadowspawn armies will be herded into the Ways and the connections to the Waygates permanently severed.
Morgase will become the Queen of a now leaderless country.
Cadsuane will die.
Aram will find "The Song" in the Rhuidean Ter'Angreal.
The Aiel Waste will become a paradise.
Berelain will marry Galad.
Elaida will be killed confronting fleeing Darkfriends in the Tower(Alviarin?).
The Green Man will return.

Stratastar bets:

Book 10, Last chapters will focus on Rand vrs Taimandred
Moiraine is alive, and has reasons for being covert
Thom has more to the eye that it seems
Mat's dice will not work while Tuon is near him
The guy that blured Rand's vision in Far Madding is the same person who helped him in CoS (waiting to hear more from him, he seems really cool)
Seanchean will ally with Rand in the end (in the end!)
Tuon will weasel her way towards Rand for the ultimate purpose of destroying him.
Moridin will defy the word of the Dark One, when he see's the Choedan Kal/Callandor within his grasps.

seiera bets:

Moiraine IS NOT dead
Noal IS Jain Farstrider
Osan'gar/Aginor/Dashiva is dead and will not be coming back
Shadar Haran is not Ishamael/Moridin
The Taint is gone, but becuase of it's removal, there will be some other problem w/ saidin
the destruction of Shadar Logoth hurt Fain
Taim IS NOT Demandred

Asha'man Forge bets:

Taim is Demandred
Olver isn't Cain
Verin is not Black Ajah
Graendal balefired Asmodean
Moiraine is alive and will marry Thom
Danelle is Mesaana
Berelein will Marry Galad
Sammael is dead
Anath is Semirhage
The taint is gone
Noal is Farstrider

Wakim bets:

Noal is Jain Farstrider (of course)
Mat is drawn to Tuon by the 'finn's manipulation, not the Wheel's natural order of things.
The 'finn's feed on courage.
The Red Ajah will be abolished due to the noticeable absence of the taint.
Tuon will turn against the Seanchan.
Padan Fain will suffer a serious loss of power due to the destruction of Shadar Logoth.
Padan Fain's power came from the Shadar Logoth evil.
Moiraine lives!
Mat will invent gunpowder

mahiro bets:

The Borderlanders are going after the Black Tower
Tenobia will pursue Rand romantically
Noal is Jain Farstrider
Noal is acting under orders of Graendal
Norry is Demandred
Olver is Cain
Anath is Semirhage
Sammael ordered Isam to kill Rand and Min
Thom will marry Moiraine
Rand will die in the last book
Min, Elayne, and Aviendha will then use the dream ter'angreal to visit Rand in Tel'aran'rhoid
We will see Valan Luca again
Book 10 will be called "The End of Illusions"
Unicorns exist in the Land of the Madmen
The 4 armies are using Elayne's "opposition" to Rand as an excuse to depose her
Elenia knows Rand is Tigraine's son
Tarmon Gaidon will not truly be the "Last Battle"

Witte bets:

Shadowspawn will appear in the next book
Seachan will ask for help to kill shadowspawn which links them with other nations
Taim is NOT Demandred
Taim is evil
Perrin will rescue Falie
Nyervene will have a minor/no role in the next book

Arduhn bets:

Olver is Cain
Tuon wants to meet Rand(duh) and thinks mat is an omen(raven) and will lead her to rand.
Mat will lead the seanchan beside tuon
Graendal killed asmo
Masema is in leage with forsaken and black ajah.
Masema is involved in the scheme with suroth.
Mat will betray the secrets of the illuminators(half the light of the world...)
Lews therin not only killed Illyena but divided her thread(on the wot) three ways.
Rand and Egwene will unite the Aes sedai(male and female) into one group.
Egwene is...that female aes sedai leader from the aol...reborn.
Thom will go into the Finn land and save Moiraine.

Nevman bets:

Moiraine is alive
Taim is Demandred
Aram is not a Darkfriend
Sammael is Alive
Olver is not Gaidal Cain
Verin is not Black Ajah
Thom will rescue Moiraine
The Oath Rod is not one of the Nine Rods of Dominion
The Oath Rod is responsible for the ageless look
Cadsuane is not Moiraine
Mat won't lose an eye
The "Song" Tuatha'an are searching for is more a Talent than one an actual song.
The "Song" will be found for the Epilogue of the last book
The Nym will be re-created for the Epilogue of the last book
Logain will kill Taim and become M'Hael
A man must Heal a women of severing and vice versa to be fully effective
Siuan and Gareth get together
Sheriam is not Black Ajah
Slayer/Luc/Isam (whatever he's called!) killed Asmodean

Auther Hawkwing bets:

Olver is not Gaidal Cain
Moiraine is alive
Siuan and Garth will get together/bond

lorelorn bets:

Elaida will be turned to the Shadow by 13 BA & 13 Myrdraal
Thom will rescue Moiraine from Finnland.
Olver will (inadvertantly) tell Thom how to rescue Moiraine from Finnland
Therava will kill Sevanna
Tallanvor will die trying to free Morgase
Sammael is giving Isam his orders
Danelle is not Mesaana
Davram Bashere will die during Tarmon Gaidon
Lan will die during Tarmon Gaidon
Lord Dobraine will die during Tarmon Gaidon
Galad will kill Eamon Valda
Faile, Morgase, and the Queen of Ghealdan will be freed by the Whitecloaks.
Taim is not Demandred

Lord Gaidin bets:

Olwer is Gaidal Cain.
Moiraine is alive.
Noal is "Old Cully", the begger DF that Carridin were suppose to have a meeting with after Samaell visited him in Ebou Dar.
Taim is not Demandred.
Verin is not a DF.
Nynaeve will discover who Halima realy is.
Nynaeve will proceed to kick Aran'gar's cute little butt.
Cadsuane is not Moiraine.
At a crucial moment, Cyndane will sacrifice herself for Rand because deep down she realy did love him.
Samaell is the mistery figure who's bossing around Slayer.
Mat will loose an eye.
The way in wich Elayne, Avi & Min bonded Rand will prove to have slightly unpleasent side effects. (Keyword is 'unpleasent').
Daved Hanlon will almost succed in "getting his hands on" Elayne *shudders* but the BA sisters in Caemlyn will kill him before he beginns -without realy knowing what is realy going on- while attempting to kidnap Elayne.
Egwene and Rand will have a meeting after she has healed the WT, and she will get really angry about him having sisters who have sworn fealty to him; remember Elaida's wieving? "He will face the Amerlyn and he will know her wrath".

Morridin bets:

Taim is Demandred.
Saidin is totally cleaned.
Moiraine will be back in book 10
Ewnene will take the oath rod.
Egwene will reunite TWT.
Many more black sisters will be revealed (by the oath rod).

Der'morat bets:

Taim is not Demandred.
Anath is Semirhage.
The Taint has been completely healed.
Moiraine was stilled and Thom will rescue her
Egwene will turn (or will be forced to turn) to shadow
Olver is Gaidal Cain.
Verin is not Black Ajah
Logain will become M'Hael
Sammael is alive and was the man who was ordering Isam/Luc in WH
Mat, Perrin and Min are Heroes of the Horn
Noal is Jain Farstrider
Graendal killed Asmodean
Tuon will try to collar Rand
The destruction of the evil in Shadar Logoth had some effect on Fain/Mordeth
The "third one" is the Dragon of the 1st age
Cadsuane will die while helping Rand
Mat will not lose an eye
Gawyn will die
Mat will use gunpowder as a massdestruction weapon
Rand will die in the last book but will raise (or will be raised) from dead in the 3rd day
Land of Madmen won't have a big part in the series
Sheriam is Black Ajah

Kinjiru bets:

Taim is not Demandred ;
Moraine is alive ;
Thom will marry Moirane ;
Elayne will not rule Cairhein ;
Logaine will take up the role of Champion of the Light after Rand's death or permanent incapacitation;
Olver is not Gaidal Cain;
Birgitte kills the DF that took over as Elayne's bodyguard captain (will happen in book 10);
The Tinkers will not find the Song;
Egwene's crew and Elaida's crew will NOT fight each other in open war;
The WT will be mended due to a direct attack by the Seanchan, during which Egwene will be raised for true over Elaida;
Elaida will kill Alvarian, and thus avoid the sentance of death for Tower treason;
Matt will convince his Illuminator chickie to give up her secrets and thus he will develop a sort of gunpowder;
His process of discovery will be what causes him to lose an eye;
Matt will use his ashandarei to save Tuon's life, thus sealing his fate to marry her (by saving her life, she will be allowed to marry him due to some convoluted Seanchan law);
Emond's Field will survive Tarmon Gaidon and become the center of New Manetherene;
Malkier will not arise from its ashes;
However, Lan will play a pivitol role in the rest of the series

trisomy bets:

Olver is Gaidin Cain. (its the ugly factor)
Morianne will come back, all on her own.
Thom will have his limp healed.
Perrin will have sex with Berlaine.
Elaynes will have a difficult labor and some type of one power assisted birthing.
Avienda's will be worse.
The removal of Shadar Logoth will affect Fains mind. (more sane er...less insane)
Rand will laugh !

Miang bets:

Taim is Demandred.
Moiraine is alive.
Shadar Haran is the Dark One quite literally.
Olver is indeed Cain.
Birgette dies by the end of the series and is rebound as a Hero.
Noal is Jain Farstrider, who really needs to start getting around to considering his retirement by the way.
Verin isn't Black now, although she might have been in the past.
Rand will kneel to the Crystal Throne, willingly or not.
Mat looses one of his eyes.
Perrin will still be griping about being called "Lord Perrin" all the way to Tarmon Gaidon.

Vis'tar bets:

Verin is not Black Ajah
Moiraine is alive
Thom will be the one to rescue Moiraine
Cadsuane has a ter'angreal similar to Mat's
Shaidar Haran is only an extension of the Dark One
Olver's constant playing of the game snakes and foxes is going to remind Thom of how to beat the 'finns to get Moirraine back.
Graendal killed Asmodean.

Shadar bets:

Taim is Demandred.
Lan will kill Isam/Luc/Slayer (perhaps at cost of his life)
Rand will sacrifice his child(ren) (Elaynes I guess)- (his blood on the rocks... and fits his 'title' Kinslayer)
Could the guy who helped Rand in Shadar Logoth at the end of aCoS be Harid Fel reborn by the creator..... The DO has the power to have people reborn so why not the creator
Machin Shin will become involved - either a) escape b) be destroyed or c) kill of someone important
Erith is a Darkfriend (some of these are getting stupid but you've never heard them before)
Soon most of the Borderlands will be over-run by trollocs - No armies left and the trollocs are breeding up for a major offensive this will start of tarmon gaidon giving rand battles on multiple fronts (seanchan, trollocs, borderland armies?)

Tay bets:

Olver is not Gaidal Cain.
Darlin becomes the first King of Tear.
Logain is Tamrilyn at the end of series.
Morianne is not dead.
Rands final showdown with DO is after TG has finished.
Red Ajah is finished.
Hopper is killed by Slayer in Book 10.

Karak bets:

Semirhage is Anath.
Mesaana is NOT Danelle.
Mesaana is posing as a non-channeler inside the WT.
Mesaana will be caught by the BA Hunters from WH prologue, not the wundergirls.
Taim is NOT Demandred.
Moridin is Ishamael.
Moiraine will be back.
Thom will do the bringing back.
Sammael is dead.
Sammael will be reincarnated.
Graendel killed Asmodean.
Noal is Jain Farstrider.
Olver is a symbol of Mat's newfound responsibility, nothing more.
Verin is not Black Ajah.
Cadsuane is not Black Ajah.
Logain will kill Taim.
The Taint is completely gone, but noone believes it.
Nynaeve will kill Semhirage.
Rand will kill Demandred.
Cadsuane will kill Graendal.
Moghidean will kill Moridin.
Egwene will kill Halima.
Rand will die in a manner similar to what Egwene's acceptance test hinted (mercy killing).

Heero bets:

Egwene as lone Amyrlin after reunite.
Alviarin plays pivotal role.
Tower stays in current "nutty" state (read: really tense and paranoid) until the sneaky "ninja" AS team reveals their findings.
Verin is not Black Ajah
Part of Rand is or will be the Dark One
Aram is not a dark friend
The Tinkers will find or be given the "first" of the Nym, either Someshta resurrected or his offspring.
The Oath Rod gives the ageless look
As the best stones player ever, Thom will come out ahead in a bargain with the Aelfinn/Eelfinn.

TheMez bets:

Shara/Sharans will be involved (to a greater extent than simply a couple of Sharans as servants to Graendal and a couple of stories told by Noal)
The Land of the Madmen will be involved
The Land of the Madmen will be involved to a lesser extent than Shara will
Min is not a darkfriend
Verin currently is not a darkfriend (I wont comment on whether she used to be or not)
Moiraine is/will be alive
Aludra will be killed
When Rand/Mat/Perrin meet each other face to face the swirling colours will appear again, making communication difficult
Saidin has been completely healed of the taint
Birgitte will die
Birgitte will be rebound as a Hero of the Horn
Slayer/Isam/Luc will kidnap Olver
Cadsuane is not Moiraine
Sammael is alive
Rand's side will heal
Morgase will end up ruling Cairhien
Logain will become M'Hael
Moghedien is dead

Lanfir Sedai bets:

Taim is Demandred.
Mesaana is Danelle.
Semirhage is Anath.
Sammael is still alive.
Noal is Jain Farstrider.
Slayer killed Asmodean.
Moridin is Ishamael.
Aginor is dead, blasted away by Elza. And will not be reincarnated anymore.
The Taint is gone.
Olver is not Cain.
Verin is not bound to the Oath Rod (anymore), even though she still lives by it.
Moiraine is alive and will marry Thom.
Berelain will fall in love with Galad.
Cyndane/Lanfear's death will have something to do with the kick-ass sa'angreal.
Sevanna will die a painful death.
Mesaana and Aran'gar will be killed by Egwene.
Alviarin will kill Elaida, and be killed by Seaine and Pevara, the Black Ajah hunters.
Nynaeve will be the one to face Moghedien and Semirhage in the end.

Sesephe bets:

Logain and Toveine are heroes of the horn reborn.
Logain kills Taimandred.
Noal is Farstrider is Ol' Cully.
Moggy survived.
Thom goes to the Tower of Genjii.
Thom rescues Moi from the Aelfinn.
Slayer killed Asmodean.
Shadar Haran is Asmodean (his own 'last chance').
Berelain marries Galad.
The Amayar hold a great many secrets from AOL in trust.
Tuon knew she'd marry Mat.
Mat loses an eye.
Tuon collars Rand.
Mat inadvertently helps Tuon collar Rand.
Mat blames himself for Rand being collared.
Kari al'Thor was a stilled Aes Sedai.
Avi will become surrogate birth mother to Elayne's twins.
Cadsuane has a ter'angreal that protects against channeling.
Alviarin arranges for Elaida to be turned to BA.
Andor and Cairhien will become one nation (under a grooooove... gettin' down just foooooor the funk of it).
Verin is no longer bound by all 3 of the WT oaths.

Cyphrus bets:

Rand will not die.
Rand will score in the next book with at least 2 women.
Mat will score with Tuon.
Tylin will be angry.
Perrin will score with his wife, but not Berelain.

Catalina bets:

Semirhage is Anath
Verin is not Black
Taim is not Demandred, but is a bad, bad man.
Moiraine will reappear at some point
All three of Rand, Mat and Perrin are heroes of the horn
Nynaeve is a hero of the horn
Noal is Jain Farstrider
Taringail was killed by Thom to protect Morgase and the children
Mat will have to convince Tuon that Aes Sedai should not be leashed (the balance scale thing).
Jesus Christ was the Dragon
Thom will rescue Moiraine from Finns, Aludra's firestocks will be crucial.
Faile/Perrin will inherit the Saldaean throne (Tenobia dies childless, Bashere dies, faile inherits)

Kiriath bets:

Graendal killed Asmodean
Taim is Demandred's proxy.
Logain will be M'hael.
Semirhage is Anath.
Mesaana's Danelle.
Min has Finn blood.
Thom will rescue Moiraine - in book 11.
The series will have 13 books, possibly including the Guide.
The ending will tie in with the first book's Prologue.
Rand's three girls are all bits of Ilyena :)
Rand will fight Moridin (Moridin being the DO's champion) in the Last
Battle, possibly even in place of fighting the DO directly.
Sammael is NOT dead, screw the interview :P
The Taint is All Gone.

Carramaena bets:

Olver is Gaidal Cain.
Taim is Demandred.
Berelain and Galad will become lovers.
The Blight will be healed somehow and Malkier will return.
Nynaeve will be involved in Semirhage's death, even if not in a duel.
Mat will blow the Horn again.
The taint is not All Gone.
Cyndane/Lanfear will make one more attempt to win Rand.
Moiraine will be back! At least two of these people will be involved in her rescue: Thom, Mat, Olver, Aludra, Egwene.
Bayle Domon do be going to marry Egeanin. ;)

kenco bets:

Taim is Demandred
Moiraine is Alive
Moiraine will marry Thom
Noal is Jain Fairstrider
Semirhage is Anath
Satelle Anan is Martine Janata
Rand will die at Tarmon Gaidon and be resurrected by Elayne, Min and Aviendah
WoT will not end at Tarmon Gaidon - or even close
Rand will NOT break the world

Asha'man Varel bets:

Taim is Demandred.
Moiraine is alive.
The series will be either 10 or 14 books long.
Verin is not Black Ajah, but is not bound by at least one of the Three Oaths
The "twice dawns the day" refers to Rand's child being born the same day Rand dies
Nynaeve will find a way to Heal Rand's death, and it will involve Fire
Rand will he Healed from death three days after his death
Moiraine's staff is affected by the Power in some fashion

Raina's Hold