Thus Spake The Creator

Fans and the FAQ

Q: Hi. I suppose you already know through some of the signings and various letters that you have large  fan clubs on most of the major online services and that we've basically been going through the books with a fine tooth comb. I believe you've even seen the FAQ. I was wondering on whether you excpected anything like this and has it affected you in any way?
A: I never expected anything in the _least_ like this, and as far as affecting me in any way -- I now look through the peephole before I open doors. 

Q: Hi Mr. Jordan. I was at your conference yesterday on Compuserve but didn't get to finish asking the rest of my questions. At book signings: how mnay books do you sign per person and if asked would you sign a book in your real name and pen name? 
A: Generally I sign as many books as anyone brings, but the practical limit is set by how many people there are and how much time I have to spend at that store. For the rest, are you saying Robert Jordan isn't my real name?

Q: Mr. Jordan, Are you aware of the interest that has risen on thr internet and here on AOL about your books? 
A: Yes. 

Q: Do you follow any of the aol discussions of your writings? 
A: Only when someone downloads and sends hard-copy to me. 

Q: Were you surprised at the huge following that have become almost obsessed with WOT 
A: Yes, very much. 

Q: Do you have any interest in establishing a board to interact with fans ala R. Fiest? 
A: If I did, I'd never get _any_ writing done. 

Q: I'm sorry. How long after publishing The Eye of the World did you recognize the extent of the popularity of your book, and did you know at that time that the "World" would grow to such a great proportion (i.e., that you'd have written this many books)? 
A: I never expected anything like this, and I really don't know how long it took me to realize that the books were very popular. It rather crept up on me.

Q: Did you think the series would be come this popular? 
A: No. I hoped, but I never thought.

Q: Mr.Jordan are you willing to do lectures at colleges and universities? 
A: Depending entirely on whether I have time, which I seldom do, unfortunately. 

Q: Did your interaction with fans lead you to make certain things previously hidden obvious in this book? 
A: No, not interaction with fans. There are always things that are going to become more obvious as the story goes along. I certainly don't intend to keep everything hidden until the very last. There won't be any Perry Mason revelation scene where all the characters sit down and say, "This is what happened and this is why it happened.":)

Comment: Mr. Jordan, I want to inform you that a recent graduate of the University of Notre Dame has just completed a thesis on the rebirth of philosophy in literature centered around your wheel of time series 
A: That's very nice to know. I've had several people send my copies of their master's theses and other undergraduate theses, comparing me to Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. It's enough to swell my head. Luckily, my wife takes care of that little problem. ;)

Q: I was just wondering if you have read the FAQ compiled by many of your fans. If so, how would you evaluate it's accuracy? 
A: It's been about a year since someone's sent me a copy of the FAQ. At that time, the proportions were running pretty much the same as the early ones I'd seen: about a third are right, a third are almost right, and the rest are blue sky. In fact, there have been some arguments over things I'd thought I'd made clear. (Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? Bela knows!) 

Q: Do you realize what you are putting us through with the time between books? 
A: You guys get to sit around with your feet up between books! :) I bust my hump writing them. 

Q: Mr Jordan, do you have any personal thoughts about people Role Playing in the world you have given us? 
A: I have a standard letter that I send to people when they ask for permission to do role-playing, in which I grant them very limited permission to do this. It says, in effect, that you have permission to do it in this instance as long as you don't try to make a profit off of it. 

Q: First I'd like to thank you for such a wonderful series. I'm curious about something, do you ever look at some of things people theorize about your books, in your newsgroup for example. Do you ever look to see how close other people's theories are. 
A: Yes, but only when someone sends me a FAQ. Sometimes someone will send me a print out of the latest FAQ from the latest source, or send it on disk (it helps if I can access it through Wordperfect 5.1) generally these things divide up evenly... a third of the answers are right... a third are almost right... and a third are very off the wall. 

Q: Of the many themes that occur throughout your books, which do you consider the most important? 
A: I think that's for the reader t decide. I like to put things out there and let the readers absorb them as they will. One of the things that has happened that I rather enjoyed was listening to some people talk as they waited for me to sign books... they were discussing the books, then change dthe subject, and, without meaning to, were discussing what I consider one o f the subjects of the books..that was very gratifying. 

Q: I was wondering if you accept fan mail.....if so, how can I write to you? Also, how many books long do you think this series will end up being? I have no objections to it being long....... 
A: I like recieving fan mail! Write care of TOR books, 175 Fifth Avenue, NY NY 10010. They forward fan mail to me at fairly regular intervals. There will be a few more books, but not too many. 

Comment: You are truly the master of fantasy Master Jordan. Tolkein is wonderful, but I'm afraid you eclipse him. Although, you do have fifty years of experience on him. 
A: That sounds like the finest kind of butter to me and if you don't mind, I'll keep one hand on my wallet. 

Q: Do you ever get tired of people turning every typo in your books into another plot line? 
A: No, I just wish I could stop there from being any typos.

Q: I'm just you ever get on the Internet and read any of the theories and ideas people post about the Wheel of Time? Were I in your shoes, I might be pretty entertained by that.
A: No. I usually avoid the net. It's too addictive and I don't have the time. Occasionally, though, people will send me printouts of the latest FAQ or send it to me on disk, and I do enjoy browsing through that. Let me add: I haven't seen one in about a year (hint hint).

Q: I have heard that you once said there are many things in your books that you were surprised readers hadn't discovered. And there were also things you were surprised we had "deciphered." Any comments?
A: Too true. Too true. But when I find out that something I wanted to be obvious isn't, I do look around to see if I can find another place to slip in a hint.

Q: Robert, I'd love to meet you sometime. I love your books with a passion and think you are an incredible writer. Do you ever go to conventions or have any plans on touring to promote your next book?
A: I believe my publisher intends for me to tour for THE PATH OF DAGGERS. But I have no idea which cities will be included. As far as conventions go, I attend far fewer than I would like to because three days at a convention are three days I'm not writing.

Q: Was it your idea for the Robert Jordan hot line? I think that's such a great idea.
A: The hot line at Tor was my idea. And you reminded me -- I have to record a new message. It's been a while since I've recorded one. A lot of what's on that is outdated now, I'm afraid. That is, if you mean the message that I've recorded at Tor Books.

Q: I am in two online guilds based on the World of Time series, but I heard you have officially approved one; I have also heard you approved no guilds. Which guild, if any did you approve? (And why did you let Darrel Sweet do your book covers? The Armylin wants to know.)
A: I have approved several fan clubs who wrote to me and asked me to endorse them. I don't approve anybody exclusively. As far as Darrel goes, he was selected by the publisher.

Q: Who exactly schedules your book tours? I have noticed the tours usually take you to a lot of large eastern and western U.S. cities. Does Tor know that, indeed, you do have fans in the Southwest? 
A: I think they do, but I am a simple scrivener. I go where I am sent. I am told, "Go thou, and sign!" and I go thou and sign!

Q: The Wheel of Time is the first series that I have been following where the development of the story line coincides with a vast amount of fan discussion on the World Wide Web and elsewhere. Given that you have stated you know how the story ends -- all the major plotlines but not every single incident -- do you ever find yourself taking into account the speculation about certain plotlines that occurs on some of the bulletin boards and newsgroups because it either requires clarification or suggests to you a better way of resolving some plot element? 
A: No, I very seldom see any of the speculation. Occasionally someone will send me printouts of things that have been posted on the web sites. The last time I saw anything like that was about a year ago. I think three times I've been sent a copy of the FAQ, and while the comments in the FAQ have changed, at least in some places, I still have the same comment myself: About a third of the speculation there is right, about a third is almost right -- it's sort of in the right direction, but they're not quite going in the direction I am -- and the remaining third is totally blue sky. but I won't tell anybody which third is which. Read and find out... I know where it's going, and I really just don't take the time to get into the web sites.

Q: The Wheel of Time has been called the best fantasy epic of all time, and you've been compared with legendary fantasist J.R.R. Tolkien. How do you deal with all this adulation?
A: I grin nervously a lot. It's very nice. But my high school football coach gave me one of the best pieces of advice that someone in my position can have. He said, "Saturday morning, you can read the newspaper and you can believe how good they say you are. Monday, when you come to practice, nobody knows your name, and you have one week to get ready for the only game you'll ever have to make a reputation."
So it's very nice to look around and have people pat me on the back and say, "Oh, you're wonderful, you're great, you're tremendous," but I know the end of this. I go and sit in front of the computer, and nobody knows my name, and I have one book to try and make a reputation.

Q: You've got an especially enthusiastic readership. How do you deal with people who take your books too seriously?
A: Depends on what they're writing to me about. I explain that no, there really isn't a One Power, there is no ability to channel, and I cannot teach you these things because they don't exist. And I'm not a guru, I'm not a spiritual leader, do not quit your job. I will not allow you to sit at my feet. Go on with your life. But I don't read a lot of fan comments. I don't go on the Web. I don't pay any attention to it.

Q: What about people who have compared your books to the Koran or the Bible?
A: I'm writing stories. I'm not creating a religion. I'm not starting a movement. I hope they're good stories and that they're entertaining people, but they're still just stories.

Q: How does it feel being the best fantasy writer ever ? *smile* 
A: RobertJordan: Thanks. *blush* Aw, shucks

Q: Are you online? Do you have any access to the WoT discussion groups? 
A: No.

Q: me and my fiancee met in a channel devoted to your books, if we send you an invitation will you come? *smile* 
A: Thanks for the invitation but I'm sorry, I just am too busy writing the books.

Q: Mr.Jordan, how do you feel when someone finds a minor or perhaps a major inconsistency in your books (I'm not saying there are any :P)? Do you say "Oh well, better luck next time" or do you get really upset? 
A: Sometimes people have found things that are typos, and sometimes people have found a place where a change or correction that I had intended to be put into the book was not before it was published. I always try to get those corrected as soon as possible after they're found. And, while I don't like having them there, I'm glad when someone points one out to me. As for inconsistencies, I'm afraid inconsistancies are a failure to read the books correctly. Everytime somebody has come to me with an inconsistency, I have been able to point out in a return letter where their mistake was.

Q: Is there an E-mail address where we can write to you?? 
A: No. There is a way that you can get the latest information on the Wheel of Time series. By dialing: 1-800-221-7945. Then extension 701. This number is St. Martin's press, and the extension has me telling you what the latest information is about when the next book will be out, what the price will be, that sort of thing.

Q: did you anticipate, and do you appreciate such a cultish following? 
A: I certainly never anticipated it. I'm not certain that it is a "cultish" following. I hope that it doesn't fall under that definition. As far as appreciating it, I'm very appreciative. I hope that's what you mean.

Q: How do you feel personally about fan fiction such as drawings and music about the wheel of time? 
A: I enjoy hearing music about the Wheel of Time and seeing drawings about the Wheel of Time. As far as the fan fiction goes - that is, stories - please remember copyright, guys. To protect my copyright, I have to keep on top of anyone who violates it. So, no fan fiction using my characters or my world. Sorry. Using the ornaments out of the books is a different matter. That is a violation of copyrights, trademarks. When I say I like seeing art about the Wheel of Time, I mean art that the fans created themselves. And remember guys, you can't try to make money out of this stuff.

Q: Welcome, Robert! We're thrilled to have you with us here. Why do you think "The Wheel of Time" series has struck such a chord with fantasy readers? Do you have any speculations about its amazing popularity? 
A: No, I don't really. I write stories...I try to write stories about real people. I'm really glad the books are popular. But, I don't really have any clue why they're so popular, except possibly the fantasy element. I think that we have a real need for fantasy as human beings. Actually Terry Pratchett says it quite clearly. He says that by believing in things that don't exist, we set ourselves up to believe in other things that don't exist such as justice and mercy.

Q: I'm curious, Robert...  I know you're on tour and deluged with fans asking LOTS of questions.  What's a question you'd really like to answer that no one's asked? * Moderator smiles * 
A: I don't think there is a question that no one's asked. Including the most personal and intimate that you can imagine. Somebody will always ask anything.
Comment: That's a CHALLENGE to us at SCIFI.CON! As k Robert something utterly challenging and unique, 'kay? 

Q: Is there anyway we can contact you Mr. Jordan? Do you have an email address or website we can go to? Can we contact you through your publishing house? 
A: Write to me or email me at my publishing house. I don't reply by email though, so you'll have to give me a snail mail address and wait.
Comment: That's TOR Books - 175 Fifth Ave - NYC 10010 

Q: What do fans tell you they like so much about your writing? 
A: It's a different thing for every person. 
Q: Really? 
A: Yes. 
Q: What do the women like? 
A: The women like the women. I was told by a number of women who came to a signing several years ago that they were surprised to find out that I was a man. They thought no man could write women like that. And I like this because my editor used to say that I couldn't write women at all. I find this a very sweet revenge.

Q: What does your fan mail tell you of the chords you've struck to create such a devoted following?                     
A: In large part, that I've created characters people believe in. One fairly common comment is that the reader knows somebody just like Mat or Nynaeve or whoever, or that they feel they could meet them around the next corner. Character is very important to me; story flows from character. Also, I suspect that the strong interweaving of mythologies from a number of cultures plays a part, too. Modern society—at least in the West—pretends that we have outgrown the need for myth and legend, but people seem to hunger for them. Where we have forgotten our myths we create new ones, although today we don't realize what we are doing. But then, maybe people never did truly realize what they were doing in making myth; perhaps it has always been an unconscious act. The cultural trappings surrounding myth and legend vary widely by country, but if they are stripped to the bare core you find among them the same stories repeated over and over around the world. However different their cultures, customs, and mores, people share many of the same needs, hopes, and fears. Anyway, I believe there is a strong echo of myth and legend in my writing, and I think people feel that. 

Q: Ask him if he knows about all the Jordan junkies on the network. Tell him we love his books and are frenzied to know when the next one is coming out.
A: I know about the "Jordan junkies" (ahem! Blush!), now.

As far as any message to the folks on the net.... It is really quite an honour to find out that so many of you want to discuss my books in such detail. Frankly, I'm both pleased and amazed that you have put so much time and effort into it. Well, I hoped Iwas writing something that would hold people's interest; it seems maybe I have. One thing -- don't think you've reached bottom in your digging. I tried to make the books fairly simple on the surface, and quite complex underneath. You've dug up a number of points that I thought I had buried well enough that they wouldn't come to light for some time yet (don't expect me to say which ones), and you've also dug up one or two that I never buried in the first place (no hints there, either). Jordan's Law, I think, can better be stated along these ~lines: "Ah, you think you know how the game goes now? Very good, gentlemen. what say we increase the bets just to make it interesting?".

Q: When you started writing WoT--or even after the first couple of books were published--did you ever expect the public reaction that WoT has received? All the popularity and fanfare and such? Or were you just sort-of writing for you and if it was well-received, fine; if not, fine?
A: I was writing for myself. I never expected any of this.

Q: Do you have any special fan activities planned for DragonCon next year? Thank you.
A: No, to the best of my knowledge, I have not agreed to be at DragonCon next year! I have to point out that in the last few years, there seems to be a rash of people convincing world fantasy convention, world science fiction convention, that they are ME, and they have arranged panels that I knew nothing about until I received a schedule from the convention saying that these were the panels I was on.

Q: Do you ever feel under alot of pressure to finish the books due to their popularity?
A: Well, sometimes. But I know where I'm going, I know how I want to finish it, I do not intend to speed up the pace to get there faster. In truth, the greatest pressure to finish it, I think, comes from ME. I won't really have done it until I finish it.

Q: Mr. Jordan, what is your stance on uncommissioned fan illustrations, depicting the world you've created?
A: I really don't have a stance. I know a lot of people do fan art of one sort or another. As long as no one is trying to make money on my creations, it's all right with me!

Q: Have you ever actually visited a fan-based WoT website? Do you agree with many of the theories you find there?
A: I have occasionaly dropped in on some websites. Some of the theories are very good, and some of them are very much wild blue yonder. And no, I won't tell you which ones are which!

Q: Mr. Jordan, does it ever frighten you that people ask you the most detailed questions about your series, kind of like Star Trek fanatics do with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy?
A: No, that doesn't worry me or frighten me. The only times I get worried are when people seem to believe that I am some sort of guru, and I'm not -- I'm a storyteller. I write books, that's it. I tell stories.

Q: Mr. Jordan, do you ever find yourself "corrupted" by the ideas put forth in such places as on the FAQ?
A: No I rarely go online. Occassionally I look at website, but I'm writing my story for me. Not to please everybody else

Q: I was wondering if there has been any other authors approach you about writing other ages, such as the age of legends or Hawkwings time. If they did would you allow it?
A: I've never been approached. And no, I wouldn't. When I'm done I'll move on to another Universe

Q: Mr. Jordan, what are the most crazy reactions you have received from your fans?
A: I suppose it's the people who believe that I am telling them the absolute truth: that there is a thing called channeling, and that I can teach them how to do it. I'm not a guru. I'm not a sage. I'm not a teacher. I am just a storyteller.

Q: Let's talk about the Wheel of Time series. Does it appeal both to men and women the same?
A: It does. My English publisher commissioned a survey, and the managing director took us to dinner and said to me at the table, "We've discovered that your readership is perfectly spherical." I said, "What are you telling me? They're fat? What are you saying?"
He said that apparently in England, my readership is evenly distributed according to age level. Evenly distributed according to income level. Evenly distributed according to educational level, according to political party, according to area of the country they live in. Every single category it was even distribution. He said we could not find a significant statistical bump anywhere.
Now, there's no such survey for the United States. All I have is the fan mail and the people who show up at the signings. But I have 12 year old kids and I have people in their 80s. I have gangbangers and cops. I get letters from convicts. I have college students and doctors and housewives. I had teenage girls telling me things like, "You are sooo cool." I mean, good Lord, I felt like a rock star. I found that Sir Edmond Hillary is a fan of my books. I found that a high official in the Russian government hands my books out, telling people that they are not a manual of politics but a manual of the poetry of politics. There is no typical Robert Jordan reader.
Q: Can you explain that? I don't think I've ever talked to another author who's told me that.
A: No. No, I can't. I try to write about people who seem like real people. When I need to make somebody do something in the stories, they do it for reasons that that person would do it, not simply because it's part of the story. I work very hard, when I am writing from a woman's point of view, to make that character seem like a woman, not like a woman written by a man.
I was very pleased, years ago, when I was on tour for "The Dragon Reborn," and Robert Jordan was not Robert Jordan, so to speak. He was just another fantasy writer out there, not somebody who made the New York Times (best seller lists) or anything like that. I had women come up to me then and say, "Until they saw me, they had thought Robert Jordan was the pen name of a woman, because said they didn't believe any man could write women that well." So I thought, "All right! Damn. I did it, I did it right."
I try to make the people distinct in who they are, and as I said, "I work very hard on the women in particular, and I think that makes all of the characters real, or seem real." Now, that may turn out to be not at all the reason that people like the books, but it's the only reason I can think of. Except I think do think I tell a pretty good story.

Q: I myself am a great fantasy lover, read Feist, Pratchett, Goodkind. Why should I read Jordan?
A: Well, I think I tell a good story, about people you will believe in. And.. sometimes people you will recognize. It's eh.. It's hard for a writer to produce characters people care about. I think that I have managed to write characters that people care about. They want to know what's going to happen with this person or that person.
Q: And that's what's so good about WoT?"
A: Well, to some extent. There's more than that. I happen to think that they are good books.

Q: What will you write next?
A: Another fantasy novel, or a set of novels. More compact, I hope. That's.. I've been working on it, you might say, in the back of my head for five or six years. A different world, a different set of circumstances; different cultures, different rules, no connection really, at all, to the world ... I'm writing about now. [Heh, seems even Jordan might want to have given Randland a name in the beginning so that we could refer to it as something other than Randland.] I want to make things different. [strong] I don't like doing the same thing again. [Referring to answering certain questions?] It's a trap that writers find it very easy to fall in to. Fans say 'tell me the story again, tell me more of the story' and the writer wants to do a different story. But the fan who loves this story says 'tell me this story again.' [loud] 'I want the story again, daddy!' [laughter] So you tell the story again. And it is very much like telling the story to your child, because if you always tell the same story when the child screams 'tell me the story again, daddy' you find out you can never ever tell a different story, that that is the only story that will be accepted. And I won't do that. I hope you come along with me, when I go on to different stories. But if you don't, I'm still gonna write the different stories. [laughter]

Q: For the past few days I've tried to ask you many original questions, but I'm sure there must be things you're never asked at all, things we really should ask. Could you tell us something about these things, and if you want to go off on any wild tangents, please do so.
A: [Jordan was repeating every question because most of the audience couldn't hear the questions] He wants to know... [on a tone that set people laughing already, then: louder, with a malicious gleam in his eyes] Sander wants to know whether there are questions that I think fans should ask me, and haven't been asking. [more laughter]
Sander... I am not going to tell you what sort of underwear I'm wearing. [spontanious applause] There are very few questions that fans have not asked me. There are many questions that fans have asked me that I have not answered. There are a number of questions that fans have asked me that have made me blush. There are one or two questions that fans have asked me that have made me require smelling-salt to get out of the room on my feet.
No, I am not going to give you more ammunition. You know, this is like the Calvin & Hobs strip. I've just been assaulted with snowballs all the way from the sidewalk, and when I manage to reach the door, a voice calls out to me 'Hey, come out here and help us make some more snowballs!'

What do you think of the more unusual theories that some of your fans come up with?
Well some of them have made me wonder occasionally whether they were reading the same books I wrote.
And in general?
Oh, in general, they have seen what I’m trying to do, sometimes, occasionally, they’ve seen through what I’m trying to hide. And sometimes they are fixated on something that is so minor. They seem to think they found a major clue to something, but it isn’t, but ehh, I don’t always tell them. I will certainly tell if something isn't that important.
You just say Read and find out and laugh behind their backs?
Sometimes. No I laugh right in their faces. If I’m gonna laugh, I don’t laugh behind anybody’s back.

Reports from signings

His opinion of newsgroup FAQ's he has read are so-so. First, he gets them from several groups he says. Us and the alt group and ??? He says the FAQ's are about 1/3 correct, 1/3 close but not quite and 1/3 wrong. He feels that some things that are obvious to the casual reader have been overanalysed and led to incorrect conclusions.

He can be reached either by either email or snailmail through Tor in about the same amount of time. Tor prints out his emails and sends him the hardcopies about every fortnight. They also send his snailmail biweekly. He does respond to them, but he gets backlogged at the end of writing a book.

On our FAQ, he stated (which Bo Lindbergh already has reported) that 30-35% is fully correct, 30-35% is close, but not quite correct, and the rest is "way off in the left field". He though saw it more as a conclusive document than a synopsis of earlier discussions. BTW, I gave him the May version of the FAQ, which he should read during the evening. Maybe I can get a few more comments on this subject later. He also noted that some things we have rooted out he thought he had hidden immensely deep in the books, and we still managed to deduce the right "answers", while some things he saw as fully clear we had missed entirely or were totally clueless on.

And he was vastly amused by our looney theories, especially the Bela Darkfriend one. Unfortunately, I missed telling him of the Demandred being Olver theory.

The FAQ was also mentioned, to which he gave his usual answer. One third is right, another is almost right, while the last is completely wrong. 

When asked whether he was surprised that there is so much discussion on the net everyday, he simply replied, "no". He then explained that it was important as an author to have a big ego, which he did. He then explained that you didn't have to be arrogant, even though he had been described so occasionally. To me he didn't come over as arrogant.

Jordan likes his fans, because:
o We don't ask for autographs in blood (his, or theirs)
o We have never given him a gift of a dead cat's head on a stake. At least not in public.

Lots of minor comments thinly veiled towards the net-jordanites. I got the impression he thinks we're a bit obsessive but appreciates it. Some of the more interesting ones:
o "I like the idea of Bela as a Darkfriend."
o "There is an alphanumeric code in the copyright page." He expects us to decode it shortly. Let's get cracking!
o "How do you know Mat isn't back as Cyndane?"
o "Any crazy rumors I can start on the Web are good."

And my favorite fan comment: "No questions.  Just, 'Thanks.'" Dunno who that was, but if you're reading, I thought that was cool.

Jordan has not replied to any fan letters in the last year.  I am not sure if he said he would be tackling the old letters or whether he would be answering any from now on.  He did say he apologized for not being able to get to them.  I think he said he was basically involved in writing something.  (duh)

He also mentioned some things about the variation in his readers. This group of hell's angels a couple of years ago who came to him when there was some question about his health, telling him that they'd desecrate his grave if he died before finishing the story.

... people occasionally send me various compilations of faqs and things of that sort they've done about the books, or analyses of the books, and I will occasionally read that if I have time, but fanfiction, or other fiction, or 'I've read this book and would you please tell me what you think of it' or stories, it gets returned to them.
I do not read it, I'm sorry. It's not because I think that anything is going to compete with my works, it's not, but it's because what Terry said, there are bozos out there.
I was accused in an anonymous letter to my publisher, of plagiarizing. That the Dragon Reborn was plagiarized. Now this infuriated me to such an extent that I'm going to incredible efforts to find out who'd written the damned letter. I knew it was a nutcase bozo somewhere, because I knew that every word was ripped out of the inside of my skull. And I'm going to find him, and push him into a corner, and beat him half to death with my walking stick [laughter], because he made me that mad, that he would make this accusation against me. And this was ... in an anonymous letter, who is not making any effort, he's not trying to make any money out of it, he just wants to cause trouble.
There are guys out there who I know who said 'you know, I have this great idea' and the great idea they want to share with you is worth about as much as "let's write a book about pilots" and the worst case is when they see something in the book and say, and they think that they can claim it was stolen from them. So I will not read fanfiction, I will not read anything that somebody sends to me. the only things I read are the books I buy.
Jordan was very angry about such things and hackers in general. He'd like to have a virus that anyone who'd penetrate his firewall (so he really is online nowadays! not just sometimes when someone gives him a computer to take a test to see which gender he is, ;) but at home as well... and he knows the vocabulary) would get a package that would blow up his monitor for starters, to create a distraction so that the virus could continue to wipe out the harddisk and simultaniously cause power overloads to set fire to and fry every piece of electronic equipment that is attached to this computer. [laughter]
At this point I imagine there are going to be some of you who read this (probably not any of the regulars, but this or that lurking type) that think it would be funny to pretend to be Robert Jordan now that we've got a good reason to believe he's online. I just want to say one thing to those people: puh-lease...! Try to come up with something original.
Besides, we've got ways to check the truth of this claim. Unless you care to take a guess at the exact text of the cover I put up on the female dragon debate, don't even try...

Raina's Hold / Thus Spake The Creator - Index