Hosted by The Valar Clan, Kevin McColl

TheValarClan™  My personal homepage with links to many files and a massive interactive map to my campaign world.™,  For those who enjoy LAN Gaming and internet gaming.  A new group dedicated to LAN parties and general computer fun!

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The Valar Clan™ Studios. 

Web-graphic artist and webmastering.  If you want interactive web design and graphics presentation at a reasonable rate contact me. 

  • HTML and DHTML
  • Internet graphics format JPEG, GIF, & others
  • Transparent images or special effects on the web.
  • Macromedia Flash/ & Director animations
  • Real Video and Real Audio production
  • Interactive web graphics and Java
  • A consistent design that follows what 'you' want
  • Finding the low-cost way to do what you want professionally!

Samples and references available upon request.  Some sites where previous work has been done are below. 

If I am unavailable for the job I can find someone who is willing and interested.

Remember your helping finance a college student make his way through college.

For a sample of my resume & skills a portfolio in on its way!

Published print art is found in books by Realm of Imagination.

TheValarClan™  |™  |    RPSIG™   |  Realm of Imagination