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This is a non-commercial site produced for the enjoyment of its visitors. No profit is being made from the contents of this site.

* The Beauty and the Beast television series (including all recognizable characters, photographs, and related concepts) belongs to Republic Pictures and is used without permission.
* Original artwork, stories, and poetry belong to Orianna, © 1996-2003.
* Additional poetry found within this page belongs to the individual authors as credited. No copyright infringement intended.

Last Update: September 07, 2003

(the city of new york)

Under the city of New York are thousands of miles of drainage pipes, abandoned subway tunnels, ancient caverns, and stone passages. In this hidden place, far from the harsh urban society, lives a group of people, banded together to give hope a second chance. They live simply, peacefully, taking only what the world Above casts away, and aided by a few select Helpers who keep the secret and guide others in need to this secret world. Their largest secret is a man named Vincent, who serves as a teacher and protector to all who live there. In features, he resembles something from a fairy tale: possessing a lion's face and claws, but a man's body, and a poet's heart. The woman in his life is named Catherine, and they share a bond of love which is unbreakable....

Come, explore their world....

Stories | Poetry | Art | Links

~ Father's Collection of Stories ~

"Conqueror" by Orianna
A unique child is abandoned on the coldest night of the year.
Pre-classic - Rated PG

I had two new stories to add here. Unfortunately, when I went to upload them, I discovered they are no longer on my hardrive. It is my sincerest hope they are simply hiding somewhere, shuffled about during one of the many moves I've made since writing them. Rest assured, I will post them as soon as they are located. Meanwhile, this is what should have been here....

"Darkness" by Orianna
Vincent suffers terrible nightmares during his loss of balance.
3rd season (SND) - Rated PG

"Resolution" by Orianna
Another short piece to put things right... Vincent reaches Catherine in time.
3rd season (SND) - Rated PG

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~ Vincent's Collection of Poetry ~

Aquainted With the Night
Robert Frost
Catherine's Lullaby
Composed on the Westminster Bridge
William Wordsworth
Lisha Calderone
And Death Shall Have No Dominion
Dylan Thomas
The First Time I Loved Forever
Melanie Safka
I Am
Lisha Calderone
I Arise From Dreams of Thee
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Letters to a Young Poet
Ranier Maria Rilke
Matthew Arnold
Lisha Calderone
Love Song
Ranier Maria Rilke
She Walks in Beauty
George Gordon, Lord Byron
Sonnet XXIV
William Shakespeare
Sonnet CXVI
William Shakespeare
Lisha Calderone
Tale of Two Lovers
Lisha Calderone
This is the Creature
Ranier Maria Rilke
The Voice of Her Eyes Somewhere I Have Never Traveled
e.e. cummings
Lisha Calderone
Lisha Calderone
You Darkness
Ranier Maria Rilke
(All works of poetry are copyrighted to their individual authors and reprinted here without permission)
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~ Elizabeth's Collection of Artwork ~

Here are two pieces of art that I found in my archives. They are both based on, or inspired by scenes from BatB comics.

"Passion" - Pencil sketch, Orianna (1994)

"Torment" - Color pencil, Orianna (1993)

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~ Pascal's Collection of Links ~

(For those who do not know, "BatB" is an abbreviation for Beauty and the Beast)

Beast's Fanfic
Stories and other goodies.

BatB's Reading Chamber
Fantastic site with oodles of stories.

Fan site with stories and a showcase of memoriabilia.

The Crystal Rose
A variety of stories and a Lending Library.

Ladifrog Tunnel Page
Fan page with stories.

Marina's Beauty and the Beast Page
Beautiful site with Art, Stories, Photos, Dolls, Interviews, & more.

NL's BatB Page
Fan page with stories, pics, links.

Qfer Fanzine Review
Helpful synopses of many fanzines.

Ron Pearlman's WebRing
List of sites devoted to the actor who played Vincent

Songs of the Blue Bird
Virtual 'zine with a story archive, pictures, articles, & information.

Spirit of the Dove
Archive of stories by 'zine writer Wendy DeVereyard.

Tunnel Ring
List of sites linked to the BatB Tunnel Ring.

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