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Updated 24 May 1998 21:54:30 GMT Daylight Time

(Note the news gets older the futher down the page you go)


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In one of the latest episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to air in the US Constable Oelo finally succeeds in winning the affections of Major Kira.
In His Way, which was broadcast on 20 ~pril, Odo enters a holographic simulation of the Las Vegas of the sixties to seek the advice of a performer
in order to woo the woman he loves. His teacher obviously succeeds in training the courting shapeshifter, as during the course of the episode the two become more intimate and they are soon caught up in a pas sionate embrace.

Odo has harboured feelings for Major Kira for some years now. We first discovered his affection for her in the third season episode Fascination, in which Lwaxana Troi guesses that her friend is in love with the major. The depth of his feelings are revealed in Heart of Stone, in which, driven to believe he is about to lose her, Odo finally admits his love for Kira. However, it turns out that the woman he believes to be Kira is in fact the Female Changeling, and Odo's secret is, for the time being, safe.

It is a future version of Odo, in the fifth season episode Chrildren of Time, who tells Kira how much he (and the real Odo) loves her. Although this knowledge puts a dis tance between the two friends for a short time, they soon find solace in each other's company again at the beginning of season six as they unite against the Cardassian/ Dominion alliance governing the station.


older news

Quotes from DS9 Executive Producer Ira Steven Behr’s chat at TrekWeb.Com.

  • On creating an arc for the whole of Season 7 : "...I don't think we should put too much emphasis on that idea. It's something I've been kicking around since the middle of this season, basically to keep the writing staff focused and fierce for the final year. But I have no idea whether it's going to work or not. I'm sure that, throughout the season, many cool ideas will surface that will force us to head in directions we hadn't thought of previously. As a plan of action, it's a great idea. But as we all know, the best laid plans of mice and men...(grin)"

  • On Terry Farrell leaving - "There won't be a dry eye in the house. We're all sorry to see Terry go, but it's understandable that after six seasons a person would want to move on to new things. I do believe that Jadzia's death will make the 7th season that much more interesting."

    "There will be another Dax... more details to follow."

  • Will Odo face the female shifter in a test of loyalty and love before the year is out? "I think certainly before the SERIES ends he will.:)"


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