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Terry Farrell Gallery

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Star Trek: Deep Space 9

PR-shot of Jadzia Dax

PR-shot of Jadzia Dax 2

Picture of Dax from DS9

Dax in smoke (from TV-Guide)

Tribbles everywhere

On the Set

On the Set 2

On the Set 3

Promo Picture

Promo Picture 2

Promo Picture 3

Promo Picture 4

Frontcover of DS9 tape 6.4 - signed by Terry Farrell

Full cover of DS9 tape 6.4 - signed by Terry Farrell

Note from Terry Farrell - in regards to the cover from DS9 tape 6.4

A Collage with Dax, DS9 and Enterprise

Autographed picture of Terry

Autographed picture of Dax

Promotion picture of Dax

Dax and Worf in "Gone With The Wind"

DS9 collage

DS9 collage 2



A Man Alone

A Man Alone 2


If Wishes Were Horses

Invasive Procedures

Invasive Procedures 2

Invasive Procedures 3


Playing God

Playing God 2

Playing God 3

Blood Oath

Blood Oath 2

Blood Oath 3

The Jem'Hadar


Equilibrium 2



Past Tense

Past Tense 2

Through The Lookingglass


The Way Of The Warrior

The Way Of The Warrior 2


Starship Down

The Sword Of Kahless

The Sword Of Kahless 2

Our Man Bashir

Our Man Bashir 2

Sons Of Mogh

Sons Of Mogh 2

Shattered Mirror

To The Death

The Quickening

The Ship

Looking For par'mach In All The Wrong Places

Looking For par'mach In All The Wrong Places 2

Looking For par'mach In All The Wrong Places 3

Looking For par'mach In All The Wrong Places 4

Trials And Tribble-ations

Trials And Tribble-ations 2

Trials And Tribble-ations 3

Let He Who Is Without Sin

Let He Who Is Without Sin 2

Let He Who Is Without Sin 3

Let He Who Is Without Sin 4

Let He Who Is Without Sin 5

Let He Who Is Without Sin 6

Let He Who Is Without Sin 7

Let He Who Is Without Sin 8

The Darkness And The Light

By Inferno's Light

By Inferno's Light 2

Soldiers Of The Empire

Soldiers Of The Empire 2

Soldiers Of The Empire 3

Children Of Time

Children Of Time 2

Children Of Time 3

A Time To Stand

A Time To Stand 2

Sons And Daughters

The Sacrifice Of Angels

The Sacrifice Of Angels 2

The Sacrifice Of Angels 3

You Are Cordially Invited

You Are Cordially Invited 2

You Are Cordially Invited 3

You Are Cordially Invited 4

You Are Cordially Invited 5

You Are Cordially Invited 6

You Are Cordially Invited 7

You Are Cordially Invited 8

You Are Cordially Invited 9

You Are Cordially Invited 10

You Are Cordially Invited 11

You Are Cordially Invited 12 - yeah, beat the crap out of her, Dax!

You Are Cordially Invited 13


Resurrection 2

Bar Association

Bar Association 2

Who Mourns For Morn

Who Mourns For Morn 2

Far Beyond The Stars

One Little Ship

Change Of Heart

Change Of Heart 2

Change Of Heart 3

Change Of Heart 4

Change Of Heart 5

The Reckoning

Time's Orphan

Time's Orphan 2

Tears Of The Prophets

Tears Of The Prophets 2

Tears Of The Prophets 3 - I hope Worf get's to kill that bastard Dukat!

Tears Of The Prophets 4

Tears Of The Prophets 5

Tears Of The Prophets 6

Tears Of The Prophets 7

Tears Of The Prophets 8

Tears Of The Prophets 9

Tears Of The Prophets 10

Tears Of The Prophets 11

Tears Of The Prophets 12

Images In The Sand - perhaps the last we'll ever see of Terry in DS9, snif!



Becker 2

Becker 3

Becker 4

Becker 5

Reasons of the Heart

At the car

With glasses

In a neglige, reading


Anxious in the dark

In the park

Crying - let me kick the bastard, Terry...

In the library


Being seduced

... even more



... and again

Private Shots

Las Vegas 1993

Great b/w picture

PR-shot of Terry

Same Again

Terry standing in a car

In a bed

Nice face

Grand Slam 95

Grand Slam 95 2

Terry and Michael

Deep sea fishing

A somewhat transparent dress

Getting her spots painted

Autographed picture - I have the original at home :-)

Sitting at a table

Doing Stand-Up

Really Great Face

In a red dress with Michael Dorn

Hellraiser III

Joey Summerskill

Lighting A Cigarette

In The Hallway


You Gotta Love This Girl

Looking good

"Legion" TV-movie

"Paper Dolls" TV-series

"The New Twilight Zone", episode "After Hours"

Abandoned "Red Dwarf USA" Pilot-episode

Abandoned "Red Dwarf USA" Pilot-episode 2

"Quantum Leap", episode "A Leap For Lisa"

"Treasure Quest" Nightdress

"Treasure Quest" Princess

"Treasure Quest" Lady

"Treasure Quest" Teacher

"Treasure Quest" Witch

"Treasure Quest" Promotion

Cover of "Seventeen"

Terry Farrell modelling (from TV-Guide)

I can only say "Wauw" (from TV-Guide)



Thanks to Starpages for this award

Pictures among others taken from

JAWS - The Jadzia And Worf Site
Jessica's Incredible Cool World O'Stuff
The Worf and Jadzia Zone
Terry Farrell/Jadzia Dax
The Singularity
Paramount's Star Trek Site

Please do not take any of the pictures without asking me for permission at kim_johannsen@hotmail.com

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