Mangler Conversion for DOOM 2
Version 1.0  (9/19/95)   by Diamond Dave
* Play Information *

Title:                    	:  MANGLER.WAD, MANGLE1.WAD
Episode and Level #             :  Doom 2 Level 7
Single Player            	:  Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player          :  Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player           :  Yes (Try with "-nomonsters" switch)
Difficulty Settings             :  Supported
New Graphics                    :  Oh, Yeah!!!
New Sounds              	:  You Bet!
New Music               	:  No
Demos Replaced          	:  None

Wintex (DEUTEX) was used for Conversion. Optimized with RMB.

Base                    	: New level from scratch (MANGLE1.WAD)
                          	New Graphics and Sounds (MANGLER.WAD)
Build Time              	: Basically all of Summer of 1995. 
Known Bugs             : Report any to Diamond at 
                               Very slow on 386 machines. 
* Permissions *
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 

Additional Credits to   : Oliver Montany for Wintex, ID for DOOM 2, 
                          and of course, all Manglers of the World.

* Where to get this WAD * /newstuff as well)
Should be mirrored to other sites.   
Mangler History:

The Manglers began as a small group of friends who met at C.W. Post College/LIU in the Fall of 1991. Known for acts of public drunkeness, the Manglers were a familiar sight at all social functions at Post which searved Alcohol. Headquartered in Brookville Hall, the Manglers attempted to break every law in the book. Drinking in hallways, Around the World Parties, defacement of public property, lewd behavior, and harassing and deflowering young ladies were just a few of the acts committed.
In the Spring of 1992, a run-in with the Resident Hall Director resulted in the split up of the original Manglers. The Manglers survived this, and continued to party at Post till the last group graduated in 1994. After which, the Manglers began to spread throughout the country. From the beaches of California to the Jersey Shore, the Mangling continued. Then something terrible went wrong...
In 1999, Mangler member Stretch believed he was close to discovering the "all-unifying theory". During an experiment while trying to test his theory, Stretch mutated himself into a hideous beast. He, in turn, began to mutate his fellow Manglers into killer Party Animals. All hope was lost, until one Mangler stood up to defend the free world -- Arbouet.


As Arbouet (pronounced R-Boy), it is your job to rid the world of the mutated Manglers, and put an end to their hideous plans utilizing your Martial Arts and Moviemaking skills. The only way to be sure these mutants won't return is to find and destroy THE REAL STRETCH.

ARBOUET (Pronounced R-Boy): One of the original Manglers. A film major in college, he later became a millionare after producing several successful infomercials. Arbouet was able to prevent Stretch from mutating him by kicking him "in the grill".
Arbouet has now armed himself, and is determined to rid the world of the Evil Manglers.

GOTTI (Sergeant): Never a student at Post, but none-the-less, a constant presence among the Manglers. Gotti is known for "Calling People Out" to drinking competitions, and then chickening out himself. His taste in women is sometimes questionable. Made "The Gotti Bed" famous.
After graduation from college, Gotti wrote technical manuals for a computer software company, but was terminated after several reported cases of sexual harassment....

P.D. (Imp): Known at Post for his "smoothe" moves with the chicks (psychos), he ofter bemangled several in one evening. Holds the record for the best 10k Run (16.5 seconds).
A photography major in college, P.D. relocated to the West Coast after graduation and found some success as a movie extra. Frustrated after not getting "beefier" roles, P.D. became known as a cameraman for high budget porn flicks.
a.k.a. Dark Elvis

DIAMOND (Demon): A Film major at Post, he was well known for his ability to "Dodge Bullets" and writing Mangler Updates in bathroom stalls. He threw outragous parties on St. Patty's Day, and often slept with his eyes open.
Diamond also re-located to the West Coast to follow a lifelong dream: to appear as "Anakin Skywalker" in the STAR WARS prequels. He was cast as a Stormtrooper. His dream shattered, Diamond vanished off the face of the Earth, only to reappear in his mutated form. 

STRETCH (Cacodemon): Stretch majored in Hanging Loose at Post. Known for short, memorable statements and for strange lip movements. Hated by many residents of Brookville Hall, as well as Resident Assistants. 
After Post, Stretch came close to acheiving a Masters in Physics, but dropped out so he could concentrate fully on his own "Unified Theory". During an experiment, Stretch ingested an unknown substance. Driven to madness by the drug, Stretch mutated himself and the other Manglers, in attempt to dominate the world. Only Arbouet is left to stand in his way.
a.k.a. Slusla, Crusha, Grapler, Crushla, Slushla-Slushla, and others...

TRISHA (Pain Elemental): Trisha could often be found whining and throwing tantrums in the halls of Brookville. Was grapled by The Grapler. Lived with The Mess. Member of AOTT.
After Graduation, Trish was incarcerated after killing her husband during one of her well-known tirades.

KENNY G (Skull): Kenny G was a late joiner of The Manglers, but fit in well. Formed a Mangler HQ in Post Hall. Often seen trying to serenade young ladies with flowers, only to find they've been sleeping around behind his back. Highly sought after by the members of AOTT. 
After college, Ken found success as a Real Estate Developer until he was cought trying to push worthless land for big bucks. Until recently, Ken could be found in the Court Room pleading "Not Guilty". Now, his mutated form is getting revenge...


SHOTS (of Old English): Drink these to receive 1 Health Point. Often found in a "10 k" configuration. 

BUD BOTTLES: Drink these for a 10 point increase in health.

CRAZY HORSE: 40 Ounces of pure Drinking Pleasure. Down it quickly for 25 Health Points.

WHITE CASTLES: One of these Belly Burgers will give you 1 Armor Point. Especially good after a night of heavy drinking.

FAKE I.D.'s: Confiscate these fake I.D.s (Key Cards) and use them to gain access to locked doors.

BROOKVILLE HALL: You begin this level inside Arbouet's Room. Beware of some of the new "Alterations" that the Manglers have added. Be sure to visit "Brookville Corner" - there is probably an "AROUND THE WORLD" Party underway (Be on the lookout for "Uncle Fester the Bald Headed Jester"). 

HILLWOOD COMMONS: Under Construction. Coming Soon in Version 2.
Hint: Type "IDDQD" to begin GOD MODE.
INSTALL: Copy files to DOOM2 Directory.
Thats It!!!




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