

"A Little Patch of Green"



The Community Resource Management Framework (CRMF) is a detailed plan of the Cabaruan Multi-Purpose Cooperative. It serves as the guideline for any type activity or project that is undertaken by the cooperative.

Envisioned as a model farm for the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act* of 1997 (AFMA), the cooperative hopes to participate in various programs as mandated by the law. For a full text of the framework, please click on the link below.

Community Resource Management Framework

*AFMA or Republic Act 8435 - an act prescribing urgent related measures to modernize the agriculture and fisheries sectors of the country in order to enhance their profitability, and prepare said sectors for the challenges of globalization through adequate, focused and rational delivery of necessary support services, appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes.

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Copyright © 2002 Cabaruan Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Last modified: April 03, 2002