Code Interpretation


How good are you with knowledge of the National Electrical Code? Do you think you have or know all the answers? Well, you don't, and neither do I. I use to think that all Electrical Inspectors knew all the answers and could find them if you asked. Wrong again.

One thing I think we all will agree too, is that most counties and local jurisdictions have there own regulations or ordinances, and to top it off, each Field Inspector may have his or her own interpretation of the electrical code, their own agreement of the code and their own personal likes and dislikes of the code. Now where does that leave you? What do you do about it? What will you do......What will you do?

The first issue to cover is, know your code. If you don't know your code, then you won't know the second issue, and that is know your inspector. If you know your code then you'll know what your inspector knows or doesn't know, in a since. The third issue is proper interpretation or the correct wording, which is " PROPER GRAMMAR". If you don't say or write the sentence properly, how will it be properly interpreted?

My brother introduced me to a sentence over ten years ago. Since I have been an Electrical Inspector for over 11 years and teaching classes for over 9 years, I've been using a few of his phrases, "Do you get on the bus or do you get in the bus? Do you get on the airplane or do you get in the airplane? Do you get on the car or do you get in the car? Last, do you get on the bike or in the bike? What is the intent and what is the proper grammar? Well I would prefer to ride in the plane and in the bus then on it. Which is correct? Get on the bus and in the seat, or get in the bus and on the seat? Any questions? Would you not agree that the next person to you is on the (right, left, front, rear) of you? The next car will be the same? The next street is coming up? The next day is tomorrow? So........., if this is Saturday, how come we don't think that next Sunday is tomorrow? What is the intent and what is proper grammar?

"LET THE CODE DECIDE" Is what I've been using since I became an Inspector. Who am I? My name is ED STUBBS. I am currently an Electrical Inspector for The City of Atlanta since 1988. I was an electrician from Detroit since 1966 and currently a Master Electrical Contractor in the State of Georgia since 1980. I was an instructor for The Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) at DeKalb Tech in 1990 and later taught at Atlanta Area Tech for three years and currently teaching at Gwinnett Tech. Currently a member of The International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) since 1988 and The North Georgia Chapter of the (IAEI). Former writer and director over the Quik Talk articles for three years. The president of The Residential Commercial Advisory Board for the State over Atlanta Area Tech. First group member for The State of Georgia to introduce, correlate and write code questions for the state exam for AMP, which replaced BLOCK, and one of 10's of thousands who has made code changes in the 1990, 1993, 1996 and the 1999 NEC. I've done and currently do Electrical Seminars for different organizations in The State of Georgia.

"The code is a terrible thing to waste" Ed Stubbs

This domain ED STUBBS.COM is in no way part of or connected to in any way, form or fashion with The City of Atlanta. The expressed opinions are not that of any political or public holding officials or city council governing rules and regulations over the City of Atlanta. The opinions also do not reflect on any local cities, counties, states or federal government on their rules and regulations, and / or city ordinances, but to show contractors, electricians, engineers and inspectors that may need clairity and understanding of The National Electrical Code. (NEC)

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