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Shal , A poem By Said Akl , Music By The Rahbanis , and the song is immortalized by the voice of Fairouz in the album "Ana w SAhrani"

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مرخى على الشعر شال, لرندلي
هلا !هلا! به بها بالجمال
من يا حباب الكؤوس من جملك?
من فصلك حلواً كحلم العروس?

لم ثنية تشتكي ثم تغيب
هم يا حبيب بلوني الليلكي
هم لا تقرب يدا هم بالنظر
أبقي الأثر ما لم يزل موصدا

يا طيب شال تلم عنه النجوم
و بي هموم لأن يرى أو يشم
قيض لي موعد في ظل شال
ترى الخيال سكنى و مستنجد
ما لي سألت الزهر عن منزلي
فقيل لي هناك خلف القمر

Spread on the hair , is a scarf , for Rindala

Come lets welcome it, her , the beauty

Sparkling glass ! who made you so beautiful ?

who made you as beautiful as a bride's dream ?

How come the fold appears complains and then vanishes

"Dream with passion of my violet color

Love me , don't move a hand , love with your sight

the trace remains more , if it is still sealed"

What a scarf , from which you can collect the stars

And I am worried it might be seen or smelled

My destiny shall be a date in the shade of the scarf

are the fantasies the home and the resort

What is it with me ? I asked the flowers about my dwelling

So I was told :"There ,Behind the moon"



This poem was made by Said Akl , one of the pioneers in the renovation of arabic poetry , he stands to modern poetry like Al moutanabbi is for the Abbasi era poerty , he was the first voice to be heard in the east on the first middle eastern Radio, he has given Fairouz the most beautiful of the songs she had performed , he was a hidden soldier in the Rahbani march.

I admit I have made a very bad translation , it isn't easy to translate Said Akl , he is a school by himself , and his poetry looses a lot in translation , yet that doesn't deny him the fact that he is the most studied arab poet in the non arab nations , more than 20 thesis' about him were issued in the UK alone , and his poetry was translated to most of the languages .

At the age of 80 , Said Akl was still as fit as a 20 years old man , I had the chance to meet with him at "Malakout Al Chi3r" at the poet's Rafic Rouhana , where he used to have a poetry circle on Thursday nights , and on that night I had the chance to listen to Said Akl talk , that was not a lost evening in my life , the man is a WISE man, too bad he isn't appreciated as he must be in the arab world , but I am sure the smart generations that will come will recognize what he had done for arabic poerty .

Any way about this song , the voice you hear in the background of this page is Assi El Rahbani reading the song in a "Najib Hankash" show where it was first put on air , yet it was recorded in the jordanian TV studios .

To Listen to the interview CLICK HERE to download the audio file , and you can CLICK HERE to download the song ( it is not a good quality sound file , so if you want to be enchanted by the voice of Fairouz , you must go and buy the album "ANA W SEHRANI     :-)    )



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