Facts at a Glance

Full country name: Republic of Indonesia
Area: 1,904,000 sq. km, 735,310 sq. miles
Population: 209.774.138 (1997)  (growth rate 1.8%)

Populationdensity: 110 persons per square kilometer, 285 persons per square mile (1997)
Capital city: Jakarta (pop 10 million)

Urbanization: urban 36 per cent (1996), rural 64 per cent (1996)
People: There are 365 ethnic and tribal groups. Javanese 45.0 per cent, Sundanese 14.0 per cent,

Madurese 7.5 per cent, Coastal Malay 7.5 per cent, Other (350 distinct ethnic groups) 26.0 per cent

Language: Bahasa Indonesia (plus 583 dialects), English
Religion: 87% Muslim, 6% Protestant, 3% Roman Catholic, 2% Hindu, 1% Buddhist, other 1%

Literacy rate: Total 83.8 per cent (1995) Female 78 per cent (1995) Male 89.6 per cent (1995)
Government: Presidential republic
Head of state: K.H.Abdurrahman Wahid (President); Megawati Sukarnoputri (Vice President)

Economic Profile

GDP: US$ 225.8 billion (1996) , GDP per capita    US$ 1,150 (1996)

Annual growth: -10%
Major products/industries: Oil, gas, textiles, timber, coffee, rubber, coal, tin, copper, rice, pepper, palm oil
Major trading partners: Japan, USA, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan

Major trading partner for imports: Japan, United States, South Korea, Germany, Singapore, Australia, Taiwan

Industries: Petroleum and natural gas, textiles, mining, cement, chemical fertilizers, plywood, food, rubber

Agriculture: Subsistence food production; smallholder and plantation production for export; main products are rice, cassava, peanuts, rubber, cacao, coffee, palm oil, copra, other tropical products, poultry, beef, pork, eggs

Natural resources: Petroleum, tin, natural gas, nickel, timber, bauxite, copper, fertile soils, coal, gold, silver


Basic Facts and People

Area data are from the individual country statistical bureaus. Population, population growth rate, infant mortality, and life expectancy data are from the United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center; International database, 1998; (www.census.gov). Population density data are from the individual country statistical bureaus, and the United States Census Bureau, International Programs Center; International database, 1998; (www.census.gov). Urban areas (city) population data are from the individual country statistical bureaus. Literacy rate data are from the UN Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) database, 1998; (www.unesco.org). Urban and rural population data are from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), FAOSTAT database, 1998; (www.fao.org). Ethnic divisions, languages, religions, government, independence, constitution, and voting rights data are largely from the CIA 1995 World Factbook, CIA 1996 World Factbook, and CIA 1997 World Factbook.

Economy Gross domestic product (GDP), GDP per capita, GDP by economic sectors, and national budget data are from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)/World Bank database, 1998; (www.worldbank.org).

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