Hong Kong Moths


NOTICE: The host server for "The Moths of Hong Kong", GeoCities is closing on October 26, 2009 (thanks, Yahoo!).
As a result, "The Moths of Hong Kong" is MOVING TO A NEW SERVER - www.hkmoths.com
The move should be complete by the middle of October 2009.
The new server is already functioning in a limited capacity.
Please use the new server with immediated effect and update your bookmarks.

website contents

Hong Kong Moth Photos
Hong Kong Habitat Photos - in preparation
Moth Recording in Hong Kong
An Illustrated Guide to the Moths of Hong Kong
What's New - under revision

Tai Po Kau Headland Study & SSSI Proposal
(PDF format, 3.8 Mb)


Please consider joining this web forum
if you have an interest in conserving Asian Lepidoptera

Asian Lepidoptera Conservation Symposium

2nd ALCS, Penang 2008
24th to 28th November 2008

1st South East ALCS, Hong Kong
4th to 8th September 2006

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15,000 visitors between 5th August 2000 and 25th March 2005

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Hong Kong Moths. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr