本文へジャンプ 人名編 

袁術(Yuan Shu)攻めの後遺症も癒えないまま、曹操(Cao Cao)は張繍(Zhang Xiu)征伐のため軍を再び動かします。行軍の時期はちょうど麦の刈入れ時期となったこともあり、農民を安心させるため曹操は麦を踏みつけたものは軍律(Military Law)により死罪とすると高札を掲げました。ところがなんと曹操の馬が鳩に驚き麦を踏んでしまいます。曹操は軍律の定めに従い、自ら命を絶とうとしますが、側近の郭カが春秋の書をひもとき、自害を思いとどまらせます。しかし、このままでは軍律は保てません。曹操は自分の首の代わりに髪を深く切り、軍律に服します。将自ら軍律を遵守しようという姿勢に部下は自らの気を引き締めるのでした。

Guo Jia 郭カ 
Military Law 軍律 the days of Spring and Autumn History 春秋時代(紀元前770年〜紀元前403年、孔子をはじめとする偉大な思想家の活躍した時代でもある)
corn ここでは麦のこと

参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 草莽の巻、梅酸 夏の陣


Chapter XVII: Yuan Shu Marches Out Seven Armies; Cao Cao And Three Generals Join Forces.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

The army marched away. In the course of the march they passed through a wheat region, and the grain was ready for harvesting but the peasants had fled for fear, and the corn was uncut. Cao Cao sent proclamations to all villages and towns:

"I am sent on the expedition by command of the Emperor to capture a rebel and save the people. I cannot avoid moving in the harvest season; but if anyone trample down the corn, he shall be put to death. Military law is strict without exception, and the people need fear no damage."

The people were very pleased and lined the road, wishing success to the expedition. When the soldiers passed wheat fields, they dismounted and pushed aside the stalks so that none were trampled down.

One day, when Cao Cao was riding through the fields, a dove suddenly got up, startling the horse so that it swerved into the standing grain, and a large patch was trampled down. Cao Cao at once called the Provost Marshal and bade him decree the sentence for the crime of trampling down corn.

"How can I deal with your crime?" asked the Provost Marshal.

"I made the rule, and I have broken it. Can I otherwise satisfy public opinion?"

Cao Cao laid hold of the sword by his side and made to take his own life. All hastened to prevent him.

Guo Jia said, "In ancient days, the days of the Spring and Autumn history, the laws were not applied to those of the most important. You are the supreme leader of a mighty army and must not wound yourself."

Cao Cao pondered for a long time. At last he said, "Since there exists the reason just quoted, I may perhaps escape the death penalty."

Then with his sword he cut off his hair and threw it on the ground, saying, "I cut off the hair as touching the head."

Then he sent messengers to exhibit the hair throughout the whole army, saying, "The Prime Minister, having trodden down some corn, ought to have lost his head by the terms of the order; now here is his hair cut off as an attack on the head."

This deed was a stimulus to discipline all through the army so that not a person dared be disobedient.



