Human individualities

meaningfully related
to Roberto Quaglia
or not

A photo of Roberto Quaglia

This is a restricted list of human individualities, who are meaningfully related to Roberto Quaglia. Or not. In fact, they are related also to other items and tags of Reality, not only to Roberto Quaglia. In a way, everything can be considered as related to Roberto Quaglia, as well as related to you and to anybody else, seeing that the only thing that exists for sure is just that strange Whole that we call the Universe, alias the Spacetime, alias Its Pseudo-Majesty God.

However, we may like to distinguish between all these items that together give their ominous meaning to this singular singularity which is the Universe, alias a lot of labels. We may like to make distinctions also because this is the main occupation of the players of the game of being alive, which is the main game of any survivor, as we all are.
So this is a list of human individualities, who are meaningfully related to Roberto Quaglia, whatever this means. However, this is also partially false (like everything). Some of the people listed below I don't even like, or I don't care at all about them. Others that I care of are not listed here. So feel free to explore these web-traces of their existence in flesh, if you like, or if you don't find something better to do, never forgetting that the sense of all of this is very vague.

The names without a link are, evidently, under contruction. You'll find them here in a near future, or in a far future, depending on my fluctuant mood and in respect of my sacred lazyness. Also some of the names with a link are under construction. Also some of the people listed below are themselves under construction.


Flavio Azzarelli Counsellor in the Town of Genova, Italy.
Frank Beckers Belgian matematician, SF fan and translator of some short stories of mine.
Jack Cohen Modern British scientist, expert of chaos and sexual reproduction.
Jonathan Cowie British scientist in the field of ecology, with activities in SF field too.
Vittorio Curtoni Italian Science Fiction Author ad Editor.
Guido De Vecchi One of the best Italian Viola players.
Ciro Di Donna One of the best Italian Ship Commanders.
Peter De Ville British writer, living in Genova, translator into English of some stories of mine.
Franco Forte Italian SF writer and journalist.
Maurizio Manzieri the best Italian SF illustrator.
Maurizio Frizziero Expert in advertising, time sharing, has great Exakta Ihagee photo camera collection.
Roelof Goudriaan Hollandish SF Publisher and Author.
Sakari Lindhén Finnish Theatre Director
Ugo Malaguti Italian Science Fiction Author and Editor.
Max Morando Good Expert in Internet stuff, Informatics, Food...
Florin Munteanu One of the he most interesting scientists of Romania, expert in the fields of Chaos, Fractals and Complex Systems.
Luigi Pachi Italian SF author, and active in SF fandom.
Gigi Picetti No definition contains Gigi Picetti. Not even Gigi Picetti can always contain himself.
Mario Quaglia
Rocco Eugenio Ragone Italian Science Fiction Jolly
Norman Spinrad World famous Science Fiction Author, and more...
Alessandro Testa One of the best piano jazz players you'll ever meet, a V.T.G. (Very Good Thinker) too, and more...
Robert Sheckley World famous Science Fiction Author, and more...
Silvio Sosio Master of Cyberspace, Great Lord of the Cyberzines' Muse, and more...
Daniele Vecchi Italian Science Fiction & Fantasy Author
Bernd Zillich Photographer and Thinker

Adaleta Maslo-Krkovic Croatian Artist
Gabi Boiangiu Romanian Artist


If you feel to be particularly related to Roberto Quaglia (who should be me), but you didn't find your name here, don't panic. Nor enjoy it too much. It's a hard and long work to put everybody in, even if it's not a hard lonk work but a soft and quick one. Just patient, or not, considering the option of sending me a gentle E-mail message.

Cool links, good sites and similar cyber - bullshit

Quaglia's Best of the Web The best of the Web, according to the Roberto Quaglia Internet Experience. Updated 3 years ago. Totally useless. Roberto Quaglia's Selected Bookmarks which was a GOOD and very very long long and quite chaotic list of Internet sites. Three years ago. Never updated.
You may Roberto Quaglia's Romanian page, where you may find some items about Romania, which, as every place, more than a place is a state of mind.

This place, supposed this is a place, is always under construction, just like the Universe. Add this page to your bookmark, and link it everywhere, even to your mom. Use your brain, be happy, be unhappy, never forget to be, while you can, love me and if your love is of a bad quality then send me some money instead.


 Photo of Roberto Quaglia
If you want to contact this guy,
you know how to do it.

If you don't know how to do it, just let it be.

Last modified October, 6, 1999

© 1995-1999 by Roberto Quaglia


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