Temecula Valley High School German Program

of the Temecula Valley Unified School District

Temecula Valley High School and its 13 GAPP students will be in Gefrees Germany starting July 13, 2002! This will be our fifth exchange with the the Jacob-Ellrod Schule in Gefrees. Follow the Americans' GAPP exchange in Gefrees, Germany as it unfolds day by day by clicking here starting July 14!

Important Information and Announcements!

GAPP Announcements


The German Program at Temecula Valley High School wishes to welcome you to our home page! We are one teacher and approximately 120 students who are excited about learning German. Many of our students are committed to learning German fluently and the German Program at TVHS is committed to making that happen. The program and activities we offer throughout the year are designed therefore to meet that goal. Every opportunity is given to our students to use their new language in and out of class. To that end, we are part of the German American Partnership Program. This program, supported by the generous financial support of GAPP, Inc. in New York, has allowed us an ongoing partnership with the Jacob-Ellrod School in Gefrees, Bavaria.

Temecula Valley High School is located in sunny Southern California sixty miles north of San Diego and ninety miles southeast of Los Angeles. Temecula is a fast-growing middle-class community of about 40,000 people. To find out more about our German program and our exchange, go to the icons above.

German Related Links

Click Here For A Way Cool German/English Dictionary!

Brought to you by the folks at travlang. Specializing in getting you to where you're going and the language you need to go there with!


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