Archaeological Museum - Kibbutz Ein Dor

Welcome to the Archaeological Museum - Kibbutz Ein Dor

Museum Hours Admission Fee
Address Phone/Fax/Email
How to Get Here Feedback

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Museum Hours

Weekdays: 8:00 - 15:00, or by appointment.
Saturdays and holidays: 12:00 - 14:00

Admission Fee (including guidance)

Adult: 8.50 shekels
Child: 6.50 shekels
Pensioner: 6.50 shekels
Workshop: 16 - 22.50 shekels (3 hours of activity)


The Archaelogical Museum
Kibbutz Ein Dor
Lower Galilee 19335

How to get here

Click here for a detailed map of the Lower Galilee region, where Ein Dor is located.

Telephone, Fax, Email

Telephone: 06-6768333, 06-6768428 (from outside Israel: +972-6-6768333, +972-6-6768428)
Fax: 06-6770650 (from outside Israel: +972-6-6770650)
Email: Please note our new email address!


Please drop us a note to let us know what you think, to ask questions about the Museum, or whatever.

Why not check out the other Web sites connected to Kibbutz Ein Dor? The kibbutz's wire and cable factory, Teldor, has had a site since early 1995. And just recently, our local high school (Tavor) put up its own home page.

You are visitor number since 29 April 1997. In our first year online (26 April 1996 - 28 April 1997) there were 4,607 visitors to this site.

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