A Get-to-know-me Page

Hi Everyone.......Welcome to my White Wolf's Page. !

Just in case, you're wondering why you are here or how you landed here. I could only say that you either had clicked on the link that linked to my page from my best friend's page called Joyce's Home Page. Or maybe I gave you my home page address. Or you came in here from out of the blue. Anyway, enough of these silly stuffs. Time to get started and introduce myself here...

Below are my not so private personal data that you might want to know in order to know me better....Read on!

Name: Wynne Ang (pronounced as 'Winnie')

Location: Singapore

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Things that I dabbled with: Tarot reading, Reading for informations, Studying more about Wicca. Internet and basic web page making

What I liked: Music especially VALEN HSU(no Technos please!), relaxing, reading books by Christopher Pike,and Scott Cunningham (although I don't have all his books but his books are always enjoying), sports and anything under the sun.

So is that enough about me or do you think you still need to know more deeply about me? Email me at wynneang@hotmail.com now!