Thoughts on Afghanistan

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June 7, 2006

Yesterday a friend and former co-worker, Todd Bullock, received his first assignment as a newly minted Foreign Service Officer: Afghanistan. I don't know whether to be excited or afraid for him. I know Todd has been looking forward to traveling around the world, but one hears such frightening things in the news about the violence in that country. I know from my father's visits to Afghanistan, though, that Americans rarely stray from the heavily fortified embassy compound, and that military personnel with huge guns and armor vigilantly escort anyone who does.Yahoo! clipart of army man with rocket launcher

I think Todd will be fine as long as he doesn't decide to go exploring the country too often. I think it's unlikely he will take any unnecessary risks, though; Todd may be a little wild at times, but he also has a smart, sensible streak in him. Finding good alcoholic drinks in the country probably will be a greater challenge for him than staying safe!

My son, having heard references to my father's travels, loves the sound of the word "Afghanistan." Whenever my husband or I ask him where something is -- his shoe, a specific toy, his blanket, a drinking cup, the TV remote -- he usually answers, "'Ghanistan!" We generally respond, "Boy, that's really far away! How are we going to get it back?"

Now that Todd is heading to Afghanistan this September, maybe I'll start telling my son that if anything wanders off to "'Ghanistan" again, Todd will have to find and retrieve it.

Todd's Blog

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