
About This Library


Darlene, our librarian, recently took a three week educational tour of the eastern Mediterranean. When she returned, suntanned and wearing a ceremonial headdress, she immediately closed the library and started redecorating.



A new look!When the library reopened a few weeks later, were we in for a surprise! Everything has been done up in an Egyptian motif. Another surprise was in store for us: all the volumes are gone!

Darlene shrugged. "Going to work is obsolete," she explained. "Everyone telecommutes now." It turns out that the library sections have been taken home by the faithful volunteers who care for the library. Unsightly rows of "files" and "directories" are all replaced with inviting little links.

Darlene gets a lot of email now, and she spends her days linking the library to collections in Athens and all over geocities, and looking at travel brochures. We congratulated Darlene on her up to the minute new library. "Thank you," she smiled. "And by the way, I prefer to be called Sepdet now. Symbol of prosperity and renewal." We nodded, noticing that renewal was certainly all around us.

Sepdet aka Darlene
aka Darlene


Athens Public Library was founded as an Athens Community Leader project in early 1997. The library, with its collections, was housed on a community site, the "Civic Center," especially opened for that purpose. Unfortunately, due to turnover in the volunteer leader staff and subsequent lack of volunteers, most collections were without a librarian until the end of 1997, when the project was taken offline for reconsideration and renovation.

The reopened FOA GeoLibrary is a special project of the "Friends of Athens" association, with all collections residing on the sites of homesteaders who maintain them. The library would like to be complete, with coverage of every interest topic in Athens and as many of the interest topics in other neighborhoods as collections can be found to link to. However the library doesn't maintain collections, so where no collection has been found among the homesteaders, the library will be incomplete.

A collection is a page of links to geocities sites which are all on the same topic, and which contain substantial material related to the topic. And which are library-worthy, of course. Please email the library if you have a collection of links to other Geocities sites which offer original work (such as poetry) or substantial information on a specific topic (such as a historical event.) We would like to link to your collection!

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