The Black Paladin tells the story of a young Paladin-in-training, Safir, who uses his power for evil and kills his mentor. The ending will surprise you.

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The Black Paladin

The Black Paladin

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten


"Think of honor as a fire that can only be lit once. If the fire dies down to coals it can be stoked up a again. But if it is completely extinguished, it will remain extinguished forever. The same fire can never be relit."

-Trizan the Pure, instructor of the demon Saifir the Dark

For every thing good, there is something equally as evil. It has been this way from the beginning, as if it was planned. Even the most seemingly pure things have a taint to them, an exact opposite. It is this way with the Paladin as well. For at the ancient rituals to invoke the powers of the Paladin, there were two standing in for the powers received, one for good, one for evil. That was the start of the White Paladin, and the Black Paladin. The White Paladin were bound by honor, but the Black followed the power of Ronoh, the opposite of Honor. The Black's gain power by stealing Honor from Paladin's and normal folk alike, whereas the White's gain power by doing good and helping others. The Black's mostly hide in caves, for they are outcasts, and never trusted among people. But their power must never be underestimated.

As Saifir read these words from the book Trizan had given him to help with his lessons, he looked up, his eyes full of determination.

"I will never be seduced by the Black's. I will fight them until my last breath."

"In saying this, you have made the difficulty of your walk increase five fold," spoke Trizan, "for now the Black's will not stop until they have you, or you are dead."

Saifir took this news easily, not believing it. He was sure of his spirit. It was only a few months after this that Saifir had his first encounter with a Black. Trizan and he were returning from a hunt, well after dark, when a hole seemed to open up in the night. It was so dark it seemed to absorb the darkness. The two watched until they saw a figure stepped out of the portal. He looked normal, except there was an air of evil about him. That, and his eyes were as dark as the portal, seemingly drawing the dark into them. After a few moments of silence, the Black Paladin spoke:

"Hello old friend. How are you this night?"

"I am no friend of yours. Not anymore!" Trizan reiterated.

"That hurts, Trizan. After all of the memories and adnventures we've shared, it truly hurts." Spoke the Paladin, mockingly.

"You've betrayed me, and everything I stand for. You've betrayed yourself and everything you used to stand for. I no longer know you!" Trizan said.

"Hmm. No matter. I'm not here for you. I'm here for him!" The Black Paladin lifted an arm and pointed a finger at Saifir. It sent a down Saifir's back, and he could feel the back of his neck tighten, and he knew that the hairs there were standing on end. "Of course, you do know boy, that the man that has raised you, the man that you called 'father', has only done so because he is responsible for the death of your family and all they cared about!"

"LIAR!" Shouted Saifir. He unsheathed his sword, and ignited it, casting a brilliant glare over the land.

"Well, if you don't believe me, perhaps you'll believe him then. What of it Trizan? Honor forbids you to lie..."

"It is true, boy." Spoke Trizan, his eyes locked with this Black Paladin's, and his voice was as hard as steel.

" could this be?" Asked Saifir, dazed. The flame of his sword died down to a flicker.

"I should know, I was there." Answered the Black Paladin. "Trizan was on the quest that would lead to his becoming a Paladin. But as he was staying in a villiage, he saw a band of brigands sneaking into the village, and instead of warning anyone, he quickly took his family to the forest and hid them, then returned to the village. Someone had awoken and screamed, and the brigands quickly began slaughtering the villagers. When he returned, only blazing huts remained. Until he heard the crying of a baby. You can guess who that was."

"It's...not....Trizan?" Saifir looked at Trizan in a new way now. This was no longer the man he had known. Unbeknownst to him, a seed of hate was planted in Saifir's heart. But rather than accept this, Saifir quickly lifted his sword again and the flame leaped back to life. But before anything else could happen, Trizan cast an Honor Freeze on the Black Paladin, and took Saifir by the arm and began running back to the town. When they were safely at the gates, Saifir asked Trizan why they had not fought the Black Paladin.

"I have known him for a very long time. His name is Radnor. We were once the best of friends, and a nearly unbeatable team. But he was weak. Now, to answer your question, we did not attack because Black Paladin's are much more powerful than Whites are. This is so because they do not have to work as hard to get their power as we do, and of course they can gain power more quickly than we. It would take three advanced White's to match one average Black Paladin."

"Trizan, how can this be? Why can the Black Paladin's not be converted back to their original state?"

"Think of honor as a fire that can only be lit once. If the fire dies down to coals it can be stoked up a again. But if it is completely extinguished, it will remain extinguished forever. The same fire can never be relit."


After a few more months of instruction, Saifir left Trizan to adventure on his own. It was not soon after this that he was once again confronted by a Black Paladin. And to his surprise, it was Radnor. It happened in a dark corner of a small town in the North, and Saifir was first aware of another presence when he heard a voice from behind him speak:

"Ah, hello young one. I have heard the news of you leaving Trizan. This is always a difficult period, when you must learn to think for yourself."

"Do not attempt to fool me with false kindness, abomination. It will not work." Was Saifir's answered.

"I seek mearly to make your aquantince, " Answered Radnor with a false tone of hurt in his voice. But Saifir was not taken in.

"If that is all of the power you have, I should have struck you down on our first meeting." Saifir said, reaching for his sword.

"Ah, young one. To fight for one who betrayed you so. You still believe in all of the things he taught you, is it?" Asked Radnor, his kindness gone.

"I will never doubt Trizan. He is the purest of the Pure." Saifr answered.

"Ah. If he were so pure, why had he not told you of your family? Why had he not told you of the power we have?" Before Saifir could give a reply, Radnor answered the question. "He fears us. He fears that we are the -true- power. Cast out by the Whites, we are mere scavengers, most of us afraid to venture into heavily populated areas. But we do not lie about this. Think of what he did, boy. Think of your family, being slain and burned alive by those fiends! Think of Trizan hiding his family instead of warning the others! You can never have this back. Never! Trizan stole your family from you!" Radnor was working on that seed of hate he had planted in Saifir. He could see it was working as it should when Saifir took a long pause, pondering this. And indeed, Saifir did blame Trizan for this. And no matter what he was called, now in Saifir's memory it was erased by the lies that the old man had told Saifir. In a way, he's right... thought Saifir. That I could be turned so easily! Thought Saifir suddenly. He drew his sword and inginted it in the same motion.

"Enough, demon! Draw your sword." Saifir spoke with a weakening determination, and Radnor knew it. It was time to finish this.

"Your mother, your father, your sisters...all killed, without even knowing...Trizan himself might have slain them himself! And you let this go unavenged."

" I shall take my revenge on Trizan!" Saifir spoke, with a hate in his voice he did not know that he possesed.

"But you are much too weak. You would be no match for him. But...I can give you power that Trizan could never equal! Think of it! You can have your revenge!" His words had a powerful affect on Saifir. This one is so easily swayed, thought Radnor. I am not even using powrful words and he is as good as converted! Saifir though of his family, bleeding to death slowly and engulfed in flames. It was enough to enrage him enough to ask how he would do this.

"You mearly have to reject honor. Speak the words out loud, and it will be done." Radnor answered quitely. Saifir, almost without thinking of the consequences, spoke quietly, the words that would forever change his life:

"I reject honor and all of it's attributes."

There was a rumbling in Saifir's ears. He didn't know where it came from at first, but he could feel a pain growing in him. It soon grew to a point that he could not stand. He fell to his knees, threw his head back, and let out a scream that filled the night air. The pain was now excruciating, and Radnor watched as a white light began to stream from Saifir's mouth and eyes. He had seen it many times. It was Saifir's honor, leaving his body. Presently, a center of black started in the matching streams of light from Saifir's eyes. His pupils were dialating. Soon , they had expanded past the whites of his eyes, until there was no sign that his eyes had ever been normal. The light stopped suddenly, and Saifir fell forward, regaining his breath. Oh, what have I done? He thought. But this was soon replaced by thoughts of amazement at how powerful his body felt. He had never felt this much power.

"It is done." Spoke Radnor.


In the six months that followed his changing, Saifir and Radnor traveled the lands that surrounded. Saifir soon learned how to use the white rules against those that followed them. He also became a master at absorbing honor and converting it to ronoh, and also at using his voice in a hypnotic tone to get the strong willed to do his bidding. He slowly began to hate everything he enjoyed in his past life, especially music. He would often just sit in a pub, looking for victims. Then he would take them into an alley and steal their honor, leaving them a dried husk. For when you take honor, you also take all memory of having built that honor. His eyes, he learned, worked extremely well in the dark, but in the light they were very painful because they were dilated so far. He could bear the pain, but only went out in light when he needed. Another thing he learned about his eyes was that he could now see people’s honor around them, like an aura. This made it easier selecting targets. But, he also learned what it was to be hunted. Those whites that still acknowledged the existence of blacks made it their duty to extinguish them. He had his first encounter with a lone white Paladin one night returning from a meeting with Radnor, just two months after his changing. He was walking quietly, when suddenly he heard a voice bark out:

"Stop where you are, traitor!"

Saifir turned, and saw a white Paladin in full armor, a cross painted on his shield, and his sword ignited in a brilliant blue flame.

"What do you want of me?" Asked Saifir.

"You know what I want. Your life!" Said the Paladin.

"That's not very honorable, is it?" Said Saifir, mocking.

"One needs not deal in honor with one such as YOU!" said the young Paladin.

"Ahh, but there you are wrong. A Paladin such as you must deal in ALL things with honor. And killing a man in cold blood is not very honorable." Said Saifir, using the white rules to his advantage.

"It is my duty to exterminate you and all of your kind." The young Paladin said.

"Do you have a name by which I may call you?" Asked Saifir innocently.

"My name is Steven."

"Well, Steven, how would you like to be helped out of the grave you are digging yourself?" He asked. Radnor had told him: Always try to convert before you combat.

"I will not take your help! I am a hero!" Said Steven boldly.

"Ahhh, Steven, don't you understand? The hero's are always the first to die!" Saifir retorted quietly.

"I'll listen to no more of your lies! Prepare for battle!"

"So be it, young one. Your honor is mine!"

Saifir ignited his sword, lighting it into a magnificent black flame that had come of his changing. He swung it in an arc that left a trail of flame across the air between them. Saifir could sense that Steven also had an honor shield protecting his body to go along with the soft blue glow of his shield. Saifir invoked his own ronoh shield, a black orb encircling his body.

"Let us begin." He said in a deep voice.

Steven advanced, and swung his sword at Saifir's legs, hoping to catch him off guard. Saifir parried, then drove the blade of Steven's sword into the ground and kicked Steven in the side. Steven retreated a step, then attacked again, charging with his sword held high. It went on like this, Steven attacking and Saifir parrying and countering with a weak attack for some time, all the while Saifir figuring out what Steven's weaknesses were. Then Steven did something unexpected. He attacked high, and before Saifir could counter he jumped back and quickly thrust his sword through Saifir's shield into his shoulder. He pulled back, and watched as Saifir's black blood slowly trickled from the wound.

"So you HAVE been paying attention. Good lad. But, that will cost you." Said Saifir. The injury burned badly, but Saifir ignored it. He quickly healed the wound and advanced. He thrust high, swung low, then parried Steven's attack. As Steven was bringing his sword up for another attack, Saifir tripped him, and brought his flaming blade up towards Steven's descending body.

"You fought well, young one. A pity you could not be converted." Said Saifir. He quickly cleaned his blade and sheathed it. Then, he laid his palm on Steven's fore head and slowly absorbed his honor. He could feel the strength seeping into his body. It was his first Paladin. After he was done he took a moment to recuperate. As he was kneeling, he heard a voice say:

"Very good, Saifir. You are progressing quite nicely." Saifir turned, and he saw Radnor standing there, surveying the scene.

"How long have you been watching?" Asked Saifir.

"Long enough to see you take the honor of the dead. It has never been done. That is why we are always taught to maim, take, then kill. Only the oldest of us can take from the dead. There is something special about you, boy. You are very powerful, nearly as powerful as I am, after only two months! I was not that powerful after two YEARS! Yes, there is something special about you, boy. Come, let us return to home."

In the four months that followed, Saifir took all the knowledge that Radnor had to offer. Then he said good bye, and went out to adventure on his own. But, no matter how many white lives he took, it always bothered him. They had something special. They would rather die than be converted. It bothered him. They had a strength that he would never possess. As he sat in the pub, remembering, he suddenly felt a source of much honor that had not been there before. He turned his head slowly, and saw a minstrel walking through the door. He got up, and walked to the corner where the minstrel had sat.

"Come with me, minstrel." He said, indicating the side door that lead to an alley.


After leaving the minstrel a dried out husk in the alley, Saifir left the small village he was staying in and traveled around the country, fighting Paladin's and taking their honor for his own. In time, he could sense great sources of honor, all over the world. He could find the most powerful Paladins, or the weakest, just by tracking their honor. As he grew in the power of Ronoh, he also lost what little conscience he had left. He would take from the weakest beings without remorse.

He also found that he could channel Ronoh into his physical movements, giving him super-human strength. He could send Ronoh through his fist and strike an opponent, sending them flying through the air like a rag doll. But, as he grew in power, he also grew in rumors. The White Paladin's began to hunt him. And, in search for him, they also began to destroy other Black Paladin's. And, the Black Paladin's did not take this lightly. Before Saifir, they had always been somewhat of a legend, free to take honor without much suspicion regarded toward the dead Paladin's. Of course, some of the older one's new, but they did not go out of their way to put an end to it. They didn't need a war. But, with Saifir's hunting of the Paladin's, the White Paladin's began to strike back. Squabbles would break out, fierce battles between both sides. And these would be spread through both Paladin communities.

The High Council of the Black Paladin's held a meeting one night after a large battle. The topic was what to do of Saifir. A black Paladin, one of the oldest, started the meeting.

"This fool must be stopped! He will start a war! God knows we don't need another!" For, even though the Black Paladin's were more powerful than whites, whites had the advantage of numbers, and, normal heroes would come to there aid, as well as wizards, and most other beings that abided in honor.

"Anything would be better than living our lives in fear of being attacked like we have in the past!" This came from Radnor, Saifir's Black Paladin Mentor. He was one of the most powerful black Paladins. He knew that in all his time as a Black Paladin, none had been as strong as Saifir, even the oldest. He knew that they feared him. But, he also feared him, for he knew if they declared war on Saifir, he would not be able to go against their orders, or he would die. But he was sure he could prevent a war.

"You. You made him! You should be the first wanting to destroy that abomination!"

"And what makes him an abomination? The fact that he has grown in power at unparalleled speed? That he could destroy any one of us here? Perhaps ALL of us here? I think that he would be quite useful as an ally, which is what he is right now. I think we should try to keep him that way. But, I think he should be put under surveillance, to keep him from starting any more, uh, disturbances."

"Agreed. All in favor?"

It was a unanimous Aye.

"Then we shall place our best spies to watch over Saifir. This meeting is adjourned."

In weeks they had found Saifir. And in that time, he had already created more of a ruckus then they had ever dreamed. White Paladin's flocked to him, each hoping to destroy him. But, when they started attacking in groups, that caught him unprepared. He had his first encounter with a group of 5 one night, walking from a village to his refuge in the forest. He was starting to be shunned in the village, even by normal humans. They called him Demon, Saifir the Merciless, because he had never converted a single white Paladin, but mostly, they called him Saifir the Dark. It irritated him when they referred to him as Dark One when they served him at inns and Pubs. The first white Paladin called out

"Demon! Stop where you are!"

Saifir spun, and saw the 5 Paladin's standing there in armor, ready for battle with their swords ignited. Saifir slowly moved his hands down to his sides where he kept 2 daggers along with his sword.

"Are there any among you who wish to live this night? If so, I advise you to wait over there." He said, indicating a tree stump. None moved. One even laughed.

"So, you refuse, and insult. For that, you will die!" He drew his daggers and threw them fast and straight. They pierced through the throats of the two that stood on the farthest outside. He drew his sword, ignited it, then he called on his Ronoh shield. The remaining three charged him, not bothering to check on there fallen comrades. Saifir thrust his sword into the chest of the first as he kicked the second in the head. The third moved around back and attacked, but his sword was not able to pierce through Saifir's powerful Ronoh shield. Saifir dropped and kicked his legs out from under him, then quickly got to his feet and swung his sword at his neck. The second one had recovered from Saifir's kicking him, and swung his sword high. Saifir parried, and attacked low. The young Paladin was good with a sword. As they fought, three dark figures watched in silence at the battle, occasionally whispering to each other at Saifir's power. As they watched Saifir swung low, and as the remaining Paladin countered, he channeled all the Ronoh he could into his arms, preparing for one final swing. The three watched Saifir swing his sword at the remaining's neck, saw the remaining put his sword up to parry, and watched as the remaining Paladin's sword was cut in half, and they watched the half of his blade fall to the ground simultaneously with his challenger's head. The three Black Paladins slunk into the darkness before Saifir could see them.

Saifir cleaned his blade on the clothes of one of the dead Paladin's, and then he took their honor. He felt it's strength flowing through him, and he knelt down to recuperate. Then he heard a familiar voice full of grief behind him say:

"Saifir, what have you become?"

He stood and whirled, and came face to face with the one Paladin he never wanted to see.

It was Trizan.


"Trizan!!!" Saifir choked out. He was completely shocked. He quickly sheathed his sword.

"What have you become?" Trizan repeated. There were tears in the corner of his eyes. "All I taught you was for nothing. I never believed the rumors. Never. But I had to find you, just to make sure. And now I get here, and¼"Trizan trailed off. He was staring at Saifir as one would stare at a demon.

"Trizan. It's not what it seems..."

"MAKE NO EXCUSES BOY!!!!" Trizan roared. "You rejected the white side, didn't you?"

"Yes, Trizan." Saifir said, his eyes downcast.

"Well, I am sorry for you."

"Don't be." Said Saifir. "It's the greatest experience in the world. I have power you could not IMAGINE!" Said Saifir.

"What is the power, without honor and integrity? You will never be trusted. Even among your own." Saifir shrugged this off, and he continued to talk excitedly.

"You could have these too, Trizan! Think of it! You and me, together again! Just like old..."

"STOP!!!! You'll not convert me, you abomination!" Trizan interrupted. He had tears streaming down his face into his beard by this time.

"Why do you weep, Trizan?" Asked Saifir, even though he suspected.

"Because I have my duties. You know this." Trizan choked, sobbing. He drew his sword slowly, and ignited it.

"Oh, God, Trizan, no." Saifir said.

"I'm sorry, Saifir. I must."

"NO! Trizan, don't!" Saifir pleaded.

"I must." Trizan repeated.

"Don't make me destroy you. You are my father! Please!" Saifir pleaded one last time.

"I'm sorry." Trizan said as he advanced. He invoked his honor shield.

"No. I'm sorry." Said Saifir in a flat tone. Everything inside him cried out to run, but he couldn't. It was as if he left he would deny some part of his destiny. He drew his sword and ignited it, the black flame spreading slowly. He invoked his own ronoh shield, and advanced to meet Trizan.

He knew this would be a hard battle. Trizan was good with a sword, and he was powerful in his honor. But, he could not channel his honor into strength, and Saifir made a conscious effort not to use ronoh as strength.

Suddenly, Trizan thrust straight at Saifir's heart. Saifir didn't expect it, and barely got his sword up to parry. The sword cut him on his arm, and it stung. Saifir quickly healed and swung his sword downward at Trizan's head, and Trizan blocked and countered with a kick to Saifir's side. Saifir thrust his sword at Trizan, and Trizan expertly blocked, coming out unharmed. It continued this way, with Saifir attacking and Trizan blocking. It seemed that Saifir would never connect with a strike. He kept trying for a slight bit of damage, but could never find an opening. Suddenly, he saw it. Trizan's sword had a very small hand guard, and Saifir slipped his sword down as Trizan was parrying. He used the blow of the strike with the hand guard to swing his sword at Trizan's chest. His sword struck home, and it hit deep. Trizan fell. Saifir dropped his sword and knelt beside him.

"Trizan. I am sorry, father."

"I know. Saifir?"

"Yes, Trizan?"

"Die with honor, young one. Die with honor."

Those were the last words he spoke. He expired, and he went to dwell with is fallen comrades and loved ones. Suddenly, inside Saifir, a great dam of emotion was burst, and he lifted Trizan and buried his face in his shoulder. He wept bitterly, right there, black tears streaming down his face. When he had no tears left, he gathered Trizan's body and used his sword to dig a crude grave in the ground, beside a large boulder. He didn't take his honor. After he buried him, he used a rock and a dagger to carve an epitaph in the boulder. Then he channeled all his ronoh into his arms and thrust Trizan's sword into the top of the boulder, then did the same with his own. He thought it a fitting tribute.

He stormed back to the village and bought a bottle of the strongest drink in the inn. He walked away, back toward the burial site. As he walked, he heard a voice behind him call out:

"Stop, Dark One!"

He turned his head slightly and saw a young Paladin standing about twenty paces behind him. He said "Young one. You are lucky you came to me at this time. I will offer you an option to death, as I do not wish to fight this day. You can leave now, and live to see another day, or you can attack an unarmed man."

"Hah!" The young one laughed. "I decline."

"So be it." Saifir said. He took the cork out of the bottle and spun. Then he hurled the bottle at the Paladin, making sure that it struck the flame of his sword. The bottle struck home, and the flames instantly spread, engulfing the young one. Saifir walked away with the young ones screams filling the air. As he passed the boulder, he bowed and said his last respects. He glanced at the epitaph one last time, leaving what little ties he had to honor behind him:

Here lies one of great honor. One of great strength. One of great love. One of great duty. And, one of great compassion. He will live forever in the hearts of the honorable. May he Rest in Peace."


After he left the grave of Trizan, Saifir left the country to find the best black smith in the world. It turned out that he was not that far away. He entered the smith's shop, and began to tell him what he wanted. He needed a sword, for he had placed the one Trizan had given him in the headstone of Trizan's grave. The sword was to be massive, far bigger than any sword a normal man, or even a black paladin could swing easily. Since Saifir had found he was the only black paladin able to use his Ronoh as physical strength, he knew he was better off for the battles he knew were coming. The sword was five feet long, and nearly 5 inches thick. It was very heavy, and the smith could barely lift it. But Saifir wielded it with ease when he increased the Ronoh in his arms. He also had the smith make him armor. The armor was stained black, and it had short spikes on the shoulders. The points of the spikes were sharpened, so that they could be used in battle if needed. The armor was also very thick, but again, Saifir had no trouble moving in it, as his advanced use of Ronoh increased his strength. He then took the armor to the most powerful users of Black magic, and had them cast a rite on it to make it impervious to magic attacks. He knew he was ready for almost anything now. But, at the same time he was staying in the small village that the smith lived in, there was another meeting of the high council of Black Paladins.

"I tell you, he must be stopped! He's killed Trizan! God knows what will happen now! Once the whites get word of this, we're all doomed!" One of the old ones spoke this, and indeed, he trembled with fear as he spoke this. He didn't want to be exterminated like a rat.

"You fool. He was just one!" Radnor spoke this, ever defensive of Saifir.

"He was one alright! One of the oldest! What do you think all those he helped and influenced will do? They will come at every black Paladin they see! And since we don't travel in numbers as they often do, we may well be doomed!"

A wave of whispering went throughout the ranks of the Black Paladins. Someone shouted:

"We must act now, or we will all perish!"

"I agree!" This came from another of the old ones. "I motion we declare war on Saifir the Dark!" He spat out the name of the one he hated.

"All in favor?" Someone called for a vote.

It was nearly a unanimous Aye. Only one didn't concur, and it was Radnor. He mearly stood there silent, wondering what would happen if Saifir unleashed all his power. But, he was soon swept aside as the strategic planners came forward to start a plan.

At the same time, the high council of White Paladins was holding a meeting on the very same topic.

"We must find this dark one, this Saifir demon, and destroy him!" Cried one known as Paul.

Cheers went up, and people agreeing started to chant and shout. One Paladin that sat at the table reserved for honored members stood up.

"I agree. But, we must not forget that he was one of us once. He may be converted." The Liontaur stroked his mane as he spoke, a sign of his nervousness at a war.

Angry shouts went up from the crowd:

"Converted! Impossible! What is Rakeesh thinking?"

"I have been doing some thinking about the sub..."

"Rakeesh, old friend, you know as well as I do that it is impossible. It has never been done, and it never shall be."

"I know this, but, I have had a dream. Trizan appeared before me. At first I was scared to see my dear old friend, but then he spoke to me. He told me it could be done!" Rakeesh said in despair.

"We won't accept him back into our ranks, even if it can be done! Who will support me in a campaign against this abomination?!" Cried an old one.

It was again a unanimous decision. Except Rakeesh. He was disturbed that he might be forced to destroy the one he had known so well as a child, when he used to visit his old friend, Trizan. He had known Saifir as a child, and it haunted that he might come face to face with him in a battle of the death. But, he must do his duty, he decided. All looked to him.

"Aye." He whispered. Cheers erupted.

Saifir had headed north after he had his weapons and armor. When he walked against the snow, people that saw him at a distance would think he was a moving shadow. And, he also noticed that his breath was black. He thought it was humorous, that he was so evil even his breath was black. He made his home inside a cave near a small village. He thought he would be safe from Whites here, but it wasn't long before a group surrounded him while he was hunting in the forest. They leaped out of the path he was walking, and called his name.

"Saifir!!" Saifir turned slowly, and counted 10 men standing there, ready for battle. He was in no mood for battle, and he told him so. They said that the honorless could not choose when to fight. They must simply accept.

"Must they?" Saifir said as he drew his sword, igniting it so that it would cut better. He channeled all his Ronoh into his arms, and swung his sword as hard as he could at a giant tree next to the path. To his surprise, his massive blade cleaved neatly through the wood, and blocked the path nicely. Since the area around was heavily wooded, he decided that their path was blocked and turned around and walked. One of the Paladins was obviously inventive though, and used two daggers to scale over the tree. He tossed them back to his friends so that they could follow, and then called out to Saifir, barely giving him time to turn before he attacked. Saifir mearly caught the blade in the Steele of his glove, and snapped the blade in two. He then shot his other hand to the throat of his adversary, draining his honor and strangling him at the same time. When his honor and life were gone, he picked him up over his head and threw him to where the other paladins stood shocked at what they had seen. When the body hit them, they were knocked down, dazed. But they didn't follow.

After that, Saifir went to the south, where the great grasslands were. It was there it happened. He was crossing a grassy valley, when suddenly white beings, Paladins, heroes, wizards, any being of honor and bravery you could name, came pouring from every angle toward him. When they had him surrounded, Someone called to him from the top of a peak.

"Now you pay for your crimes, dark one!"


The words of the Paladin echoed through the valley. Saifir was completely surrounded. There were thousands of beings here. Most were just average heroes, but about a quarter of those present were Paladins. There were quite a few Wizards as well.

"What is the meaning of this?" Saifir called out.

"It is you judgement!" Responded the one on the peak.

"Who is the judge?" Asked Saifir.

"There are no judges. Only executioners!!"

At that, there was a great sound of swords being withdrawn from sheathes. And in several places flame flickered. They didn't even give Saifir time to withdraw his sword. They just attacked, with no warning. Heroes were cutting at him, archers were shooting arrows as well. But the great amount of people around him acted as a living shield, and he was not struck by a single arrow. And thanks to his amazing amount of Ronoh, the first wave of attackers could not penetrate his Ronoh shield. Saifir grabbed the handle of his sword and ignited the blade, not taking time to remove it from it's sheath. Suddenly, black flame burst through the leather, and Saifir let out a savage roar. He swung his sword in great circles, it's nearly six-foot blade cleaving neatly through the people standing nearest him. He surged ronoh into his arms, hacking and slicing through the people. But, his back was always open to attacks. A hero would get his sword through an opening in Saifir's armor, and cause much pain, especially if they were a Paladin with a blade that was flaming. But whoever did get their blade through was the next to meet the razor edge of Saifir's blade. Many lay dead, and Saifir quickly began to lose stamina, and the strength of his Ronoh diminished. He knew that there was only one thing he could try. He gathered all his skill at taking honor, and started trying to absorb honor from the dead bodies and those that were nearest to him. At first nothing happened, but then white light seeped out of the bodies and into Saifir's own body. At first everyone stood shocked. Saifir himself could not really believe that it had happened. Then the heroes and Paladin's stood back, and the spellcasters, wizards and enchantresses came into the battle. They all started casting their most powerful spells at Saifir, but thanks to his special armor, they had little or no effect. Then the braver heroes rushed at him once again. They battled diligently, but with out their comrades to get Saifir on his open sides Saifir could just swing his sword in a circle and cut their entire row down.

"My comrades! Fear not what this beast can do! Follow your duty! Trust you honor! ATTACK WITH ALL YOUR POWER!!!!"

This came from the same Paladin that had spoken before. His words had a powerful attack. The heroes became frenzied, and dived in. The hacked away at Saifir's Ronoh shield and his thick armor. And Saifir cut them down. But, the damage they inflicted took it's toll. Soon Saifir didn't have enough energy to swing his sword, and it wouldn't have mattered if he did, because it was too dull to do much damage. He took as much honor as he could, but the heroes still wouldn't stop their attack. Saifir knew he must escape, or he would die. When he had enough ronoh gathered, he forced it all into his ronoh shield, expanding it into a kind of bubble that encircled his body. When it was far enough out, he stood, then channeled ronoh into his legs, and ran as fast as he could. The heroes didn't know what happened. They just saw bodies being flung like rag dolls as a path was cut through their ranks. Many were done damage by the spikes on Saifir's shoulder coming into contact with their heads. Saifir ran until he was clear of their ranks. He was in the open grass, and he knew it would not be long before they would be in pursuit. He knew he had only one option. He got off the ground he had collapsed on just seconds before, ignited his sword, and ran through the grass. The black flame jumped from his sword to the dry grass, and quickly spread. Saifir poured on the speed, because he knew he could likely die as well. Soon, he heard cries of pain and horror. The heroes were caught in the blaze. Saifir ran as far as he could, then rested. He slowly made his way back north to the lands of snow. He found his old cave. He hoped to be safe there. But when he opened the door to his inner room, he saw a Paladin sitting their. A black Paladin.

"Welcome, friend." Said Saifir. "I am sorry I can not make you comfortable, but I am much too weak, as I am sure you have heard. My battle with the white heroes has left me almost completely drained. I fear I may have used what little bit of life I had left getting here quickly."

"Then I have come at the right time, Dark One." Said the black Paladin, forebodingly. "My name is Ometla. And I am not your friend."

"What?" Asked Saifir weakly. What of the Code that makes all blacks allies?"

"That Code was broken when you called down the wrath of the whites on us. Now, prepare, for I have come for your head. It will make a nice prize to give to the Dark Council."

Saifir quickly gained his composure for what he knew was surely the battle that would end in his death.


"Called down the wrath of the whites? What does that have to do with anything?" Asked Saifir puzzled.

"Right now they are organizing a program to destroy all of us in a hope to destroy you! I have been sent to destroy you before we are all killed!" Answered Ometla

"So? This is what it has come to? Ally against ally?"

"Yes!" Hissed Ometla as he attacked, his sword a blazing black flame.

Saifir barely had time to dodge. He was still very weak from the assault of the Whites, and he hardly had any stamina left at all. He came to the reality that this black Paladin might very well kill him. Ometla charged once more, letting out a savage bellow as he ran. Saifir dodged and stuck his foot out to trip Ometla so that he could get some time to draw his sword and call on his ronoh powers. That was his only advantage; as far as he knew, he was the only black Paladin that could use ronoh as strength. Ometla charged again, and this time Saifir was ready. He parried Ometla's swing, and tried to counter with a kick. But his limbs felt like lead. It was like he was fighting in water. Ometla thrust at Saifir's heart, and Saifir lunged out of the way, taking a gash on his shoulder. He swung at Ometla's head, but again, he reaction was too slow. Ometla parried, faked a low swing, and while Saifir was moving to parry he sliced Saifir on the back of his leg, cutting his hamstring. Saifir let out a cry as he fell to his knees. Ometla kicked him in the face, and Saifir fell to his back. As he lay flat on the ground, he stared at Ometla, who was grinning.

"So this is the Great Dark One? Saifir, the Demon? HA!" As Ometla laughed, Saifir's deep black eyes began to turn gray, a sign that his ronoh was completely depleted. And that meant that he was close to death.

"It all ends for you now." Ometla said, mocking. He raised his sword high above his head, and prepared to swing it down. Saifir knew there was only one thing he wazzu could try. It was crazy, but he wouldn't just give up. As Ometla swung his sword down at Saifir's neck, Saifir caught the blade in the steel of his glove, and grabbed Ometla by the wrist. Then with all of his power, he began to drain Ometla's Ronoh. Ometla's arm was absorbed in a black cloud, and the black cloud seeped into Saifir.

"! Abomination! What have you done?" Ometla said weakly, his life slowly draining out of him.

"Why am I these things?" Saifir asked as he healed his leg and got to his feet, still draining Ometla's ronoh.

"You've fulfilled all the signs of the ancient Prophecy!" Ometla said, dying.

"What prophecy? I've never been told!"

"*cough*...whi*ugh ugh*" Those were Ometla's last words.

"What? What?" Saifir asked desperately. But Ometla was dead. Saifir let him drop to the ground, and then he cursed the body and kicked it until all of his aggression was let out. Then he retrieved his sword from the ground and went back to his cave. He sharpened the blade back to it's razor edge, then he took his supplies and left. He wasn't safe there anymore. He knew he would never be safe again. But he had a new mission now. To find out what the ancient Prophecy was. He slowly made his way back to the west, where he had started as a black, stealing honor and ronoh as he went. He was now an outcast no matter where he went. He was walking through a snow covered wood one evening when he was surprised to here a voice behind him shout:

"SAIFIR!" And then that same instant see a flaming sword emerge through his chest.

"What is this?!" Saifir asked. The sword withdrew, and Saifir dropped to the ground.

"This is your last adventure Saifir." Said the swordsman. He wore a mask, but he was a white paladin.

"Have you forgotten your honor?" Asked Saifir. He coughed up blood, spat the black liquid onto the ground, staining the snow. He started to heal himself.

"QUICK! GET HIM IN THE SHACKLES!" Said a voice behind him. Saifir was shackled to a large wooden platform, big enough to hold him but small enough to carry. Then he heard a voice above him say:

"This is just to make sure you don't cause trouble on the way." His helmet was taken off, and he was struck on the head with a hard object. His eyes rolled back in his head, although no one could tell since his eyes were completely black. Then his world faded into darkness.


When he came to, Saifir was surprised to find that he was strapped to a large piece of wood and had been moved quite a distance away from where he had been captured. He was also surprised to see that he was naked.


"We had to take your special armor just in case we had to use magic against you." Said the one Saifir took to be the leader.

"You could have at least left me undergarments!"

"We had to take all precautions. We cannot let you escape." Replied the leader calmly.

Saifir surged against his shackles, and sent Ronoh into his arms. Although the wood did start creaking, he did not free himself.

"It appears we do have you at last." Said the leader.

"Does the confident one have a name?" Asked Saifir.

"You may call me Akhmed." Said the paladin.

"You are from Shapier?"

"Rasier. It is Shapier’s sister city, and a beautiful place. Not that it matters to you, who lives on destruction and violence." Akhmed answered bitterly.

"No. You don't understand me at all." Said Saifir quietly. "I love beauty. But I have no choice but to destroy it. That's how I get my power. And without my power, you HONORABLE beings would strike me down with no cause."

"We would strike you down because you are evil!"

"Why? Because I take life? You take life yourself."

"I take the lives of those that cause harm!"

"But by doing so YOU cause harm. What of the families of those you harm? Do you seek them out and provide for them? I didn't think so."

"Enough. I won't argue with the damned."

"The damned? Am I to be executed?"

"If that is what the judges decide. There are doubts, but me, I think yes, you will be."

Akhmed fell behind the group, and Saifir was quiet for a long time. He was thinking on a way to free himself. He thought he might try to take all of their honor simultaneously, but he didn't know if he could take it at distance when he was not forced to. But he had to try. From the way his captors were behaving, they were nearing their destination. He concentrated with all his will, and started the process of draining honor, but he focused on the whole group. He saw the guards in front of him drop, then he felt himself falling to the ground. He used his extra power to break his chains, but even so it took him quite a long time. He obtained his armor and weapons from the guards, and was preparing to leave when Akhmed rounded a corner in the path with a group of soldiers.

"They should be just a little farther up. I though we might need reinforce...what is this?" He said confused.

Saifir dove into the woods, and started to run as fast as he could. He could hear Akhmed and the soldiers behind him. He pulled everything he could into the path behind him, but it didn't matter. They didn't slow. Saifir pumped all the Ronoh energy he could into his legs until they were both covered in a black glow. Suddenly, he burst into an open field, and there was a huge building in front of him. He heard a trumpet blow, and a gate opened and guards poured out of the building. He turned, but Akhmed was right behind him. He drew his sword and turned. He charged into their ranks, and started swinging his sword in wide arcs, but his blows barely had any effect. He sensed that this place was a great stronghold of honor. Indeed, he found himself barely able to use his power. He did manage to vanquish a number of paladins, but he was soon overtaken, then he was knocked unconscious again.

When he awoke, he was tied to another platform, but it was on a stand. He was relieved to find that he was not naked. He looked around and saw a semi-circle table, and there were many people sitting around it. Paladins. There were many different people, but one stood out. The only one that wasn't human. He was a liontaur, and he looked upon Saifir with a certain softness that none of the others had when they looked upon him. It took Saifir a while to recognize the paladin, but when he did he was overcome with a mixture of joy and dread.

"Rakeesh!" He cried. He recognized the noble liontaur from his childhood with Trizan. At remembering Trizan, he looked around the table again, and he saw an empty chair. He knew who would have sat there.

"Hello, young one." Said Rakeesh in a sorrowful tone.

"What am I doing here?" Asked Saifir.

"You will address only the Council Judge." Said an elderly paladin in a harsh tone. It seemed directed at both Saifir and Rakeesh.

"I do not have to obey your rules!" Said Saifir boldly.

"It would be best to do as they say. It will make the judging easier on both you and us." Said Rakeesh comfortingly.

"Fine. Who is this judge?" Asked Saifir.

You may address him as Piter the Judge. He is newly appointed you understand? You took the life of the last Judge, who foolishly thought you had not turned away."

"You will not talk about Trizan that way!" Saifir hissed, his eyes flickering black flame.

"Why do you have this attachment to the one you killed so remorselessly? Did you know this foolish man?"

Saifir surged against his chains with all his might, but no matter how much he focused, his ronoh would not give him strength.

"You will not be able to use your blasphemous powers against those chains! They are protected against such evil!" The judge spat.

"I will escape. And then you will die!" Saifir threatened. "Anyone who insults my father so will die!"

"I mean him no disrespect. But it was foolish to believe his heart rather than his mind. And you took advantage of this and stole his honor! What little respect you have for your "father" when you look at it like that."

"I did not take his honor!" Saifir shouted.

"Enough. The judging will begin. You have been charged with treason to your honor, your brothers, and your fellow man. This is grounds for death. You have also been charged with the death of over 1000 paladins and humans. Do you have anything to say before you are judged?"

Saifir spat on the table in front of Piter, and the black fluid sizzled.

Piter ignored this action. "Then this judge finds you guilty. You will be executed tomorrow at dawn. You have until then to try and restore your honor."

"Restore my honor? I thought it could not be done."

"It can't. Or rather, it has never been done. But your own Black Prophecy states that one day a Black will be restored. We respect that prophecy, and allow you this time to try and restore. If it is restored, which I am sure it will not be to one so entrenched in the darkness as you, then you shall be set free, a Paladin once again. But if you do revert to your Black ways, you will be destroyed. That is the only way to escape the execution."

Saifir remained silent, and the platform was lifted and he was carried to a cell where the platform was placed on a stand, and he was left facing up. He drifted off to sleep.

He was awoken several hours later by a fuzzy hand. He jumped, but he was jerked back by his chains. His eyes focused, and he saw Rakeesh standing over him.

"What are you doing here, old one?" He asked.

"I have come to help you." Rakeesh answered.

"You will set me free?"

"No. I cannot do that. I could not live if I did take such actions. No, I am going to restore your honor to you." Rakeesh stated.

"But how is it to be done?" Asked Saifir. "It has never been done before!"

"Well, one night while I was asleep, my fallen comrade Trizan appeared to me, and he said that you could be restored. I asked how, and he said that you had to use your honor. That was all."

"What honor? I am the exact opposite of honor!" Saifir said exasperated.

Rakeesh quieted him and hid in the corner of the room as the night watch passed. When it was safe, he continued talking.

I am not certain. But I believe it has to do with all of the honor you have stolen. You have, after all, taken more honor than any other Black Paladin ever. More than most of them combined. I think you need to reject ronoh in the way you rejected honor, but there is more. I believe you must also force it out of your body. Whatever you do to steal honor, you must do the opposite to release ronoh."

"I will try." Said Saifir.

"God help you." Said Rakeesh as he backed away to give Saifir room.

Saifir gathered up all the power of ronoh that he had in him. His body started glowing black, and he felt lightheaded, but he continued. He used all of that energy to force it out of his body.

"I reject ronoh." He whispered. With all of the ronoh force called up, and this said, he started the process of reverse-absorption. He felt a stirring inside of him, and he opened his mouth and let out a bellow. Black energy streamed out of his mouth and eyes. Slowly, it began to turn white. His pupils also started to recede, and white was soon visible. The night watch burst into the room, and Rakeesh grabbed him and held him back so that he would not interfere or be hurt. The light stopped. Then Saifir's armor crumbled to dust, and his sword, which was in the corner of the room, did the same. The energy streamed out of the room in separate beams. All over the world, the honorless husks of men he had left were restored. And the ones that had died, the energy streamed into the heavens, taking the fallen ones souls with it as well. When all was finished, all the Paladin's in the building poured into the room.

"WHAT HAS HAPPENED?" Bellowed Piter.

"Saifir has done it! He has had his honor restored!" Said Rakeesh gleefully as he unshackled Saifir. Saifir stood, then dropped to his knees and wept.

"What is wrong?" Asked Piter, who was even overtaken by what the experience symbolized.

"What...I...did. So...many...people!" Saifir whispered.

"You are forgiven!" Said Piter, confused.

"How can I be forgiven by others when I cannot forgive myself?" Asked Saifir.

"What are you saying?" Asked Rakeesh worriedly.

"I must pay for my crimes. It is not right. I must be punished." He looked out the window.

"What exactly do you mean?!" Asked Piter.

"Is that the sun coming up?" Asked Saifir. "The time for my execution is here."


It had been decided during a secret meeting of only the Judge, Piter, and the Head of Ceremony, an elderly Paladin named Geoff, that it would not be made known that Saifir had regained his honor. They decided that the Paladins and heroes, and their families, would not gladly give him an Honorable Execution ceremony. When word of this spread through the people that had seen the transformation, many were angered. They believed that Saifir had requested an execution, and that it should be done with Honor. Eventually, word got back to Rakeesh, and Rakeesh went to tell Saifir.

"What? Why have they done this?" Asked Saifir, shocked.

"They feel it would upset those that you have harmed, to see you accepted back into the ranks of us. Those that did not see the transformation would not understand. I'm sorry."

"Well, then, I will not be executed." Saifir said flatly. Rakeesh cleared his throat, and continued in a grave voice.

"Once the decision has been made, there is no going back young one."

"But it is my choice!" Saifir cried.

"It WAS your choice. Now it is in the hands of the council.

"But all those I betrayed! They'll never know!" He suddenly remembered something. "Trizan's son! He has not been told! I cannot die unless I tell him!" Saifir said with such emotion that Rakeesh nearly shed tears.

"Young one, I will tell..."

"No! I must! It is MY honor!"

"I am sorry young one. Nothing can be done."

"There is no way to stop the ceremony?" Saifir asked desperately.

Rakeesh's only answer was to stare at the floor. Before either of them could say anything else, the door opened, and Piter stepped in, followed by four guards. They tied his hands and put a black hood over his head.

"What's this?" Saifir cried.

"You are being taken to the executioner's block."

"I will not be treated so un-honorab..."

"As of now, you have no honor. I am sorry, but this is how it must be done."

"I must redeem myself..."

"Do not speak." Piter said firmly. They began to take him away.

"Rakeesh!" Screamed Saifir. "RAKEEEEEEESH!!!!"

Rakeesh turned away, weeping.

They dressed Saifir in black clothes, painted an upside down "U" on his chest that stood for "Un-honorable", and took him to a giant platform in the center of the Courtyard of Honor Keep, the meeting hall of the High Council of Paladins. There was a wooden stand there, with two pieces sticking out of the sides. They tied Saifir down on the stand, and his arms on the pieces that were sticking out. As they did all this, Saifir looked out through the two eyeholes in the hood, and he saw faces that were filled with hate. Many spit at him, and others threw rocks. He noticed that there were many that had burns on their faces and arms, no doubt heroes that were caught in the fire from the Dark War. When he was completely tied down, drums started pounding, and the Executioner slowly marched forward. The crowd was completely silent. Piter stepped up to a podium at the corner of the stage, and began to read from a scroll:

"Saifir the Dark, you have been deemed un-honorable in the eyes of the High Council. You are now to be executed. Have you any last words?" As he said this, Saifir's hood was removed.

"Not for you!" Saifir spat out, glaring at Piter.

No one spoke another word, and the drums pounded again. When they suddenly stopped, the Executioner slowly raised his axe above his head, and held it there, gleaming in the sunlight. As he was about to drop it, a single voice screamed out:

"STOP!!!!!" Everyone turned to look, and they saw a lone figure, a Liontaur, fighting through the crowd.

"Has Rakeesh come to save me?" Though Saifir. "Will I live after all?"

Rakeesh climbed onto the stage, and he moved to Saifir.

"What is the meaning of this?" Piter asked. Rakeesh didn't answer. He reached behind him and pulled a sword out of it's sheathe. As he showed it to Saifir, a tear rolled down Saifir's cheek. It was the sword Trizan had given him when he had first become a Paladin, the sword he had embedded into the rock that served as the tombstone to Trizan's grave. Rakeesh set it on the stand next to Saifir's hand. Saifir grasped it.

"How..." Saifir started dumbly.

"Don't worry, Saifir. All has been forgiven." Was Rakeesh's answer. As guards moved to take him away, he looked warmly into Saifir's eyes and said,

"Die with honor, young one."

Saifir closed his eyes and remembered how those were Trizans last words. He didn't ask any more questions. He merely waited, strangely at peace with himself. But still he wondered if he would be saved. Surely he would. He did not think it his destiny to die here.

The Executioner raised his axe once more on a command from Piter. As he did so, Saifir remembered his childhood with Trizan, and was filled with happiness. But in the back of his head, there was still the question "When?"

And as the axe blade swung down, glinting in the sun, he heard a voice in his head whisper, "Be calm young one."

Then, as the axe struck wood, Saifir was re-united with everyone he had ever loved and lost, everyone one he had loved and hurt. The first to greet him was Trizan.

This page was created by The Oracle.

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