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ON WRITING POETRY Two before the Field turn off, I am doing well today,
I may make it three in an hour if thoughts come my way,
The sights of lakes and trees and stormy clouds above
Bring many ideas to my mind and tell of His great love.

Autumnal days can be bright with colours ever in sight,
And the skies above a vivid blue with sunshine bright,
But there are other days that are needed just the same,
Days like this when you know it will pour with rain.

The dying year should not bring tears but sweet joy
Knowing seasons are needed His great plan to employ,
Let us try to enhance every season and so truly tell
In poetry or painting of the beauty and do it well.

My heart rejoices as we drive and see each lake and tree,
And the best way I can tell of joy is through my poetry.
Open your eyes and heart and see the beauty that is found,
Open your ears and hear natures peaceful, healing sound.

(Millicent) Ann Margetson 20 October 2006