Dark Moon

David Gemmell

Review date: 29/9/2000
Publisher: Bantam, 1996
Published: 1996

Dark Moon is not a particularly successful fantasy novel. It is set in a world originally inhabited by the extinct Oltor, who were exterminated after inviting the gentle Eldarin and ferocious Daroth to share their lands when their own worlds were threatened by catastrophe, continuing in their altruism to add humans to the list of intelligent species. For the moment, the Daroth are no more, having been imprisoned by the magic of the Eldarin, before a war of racial hatred leads to the destruction of the Eldarin in their turn and the release of the Daroth once more.

It is a contrived tale of individual heroism (as many fantasy novels are, to be fair), with a trite environmental message - the great crime of the Daroth and to a lesser extent of the human race is that they wear out the magic of the land. The best bits of the novel are reminiscent of David Eddings, but it never truly holds the interest.

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