Understanding the World's Largest Cult

Fundamentalist Christianity is a bizarre and often twisted religion comprised of millions of followers worldwide. It is primarily founded upon the literal interpretation of the Bible and is fueled by the unwavering superstition of it's captives. It derives it's name from it's founder Jesus Christ, whom as you are probably well aware, is it's central character. Christ is the supposed 'Son of God' depicted in the New Testament (oddly, Christians also believe him to be the 'Son of Man'. This is an obvious confusing absurdity). Christian fundamentalists claim to follow the teachings of Christ and believe him to be the incarnation of God (or "Son") sent down from Heaven to absolve humankind from all it's "sin". These fundamentalists interpret the biblical scriptures in a literal sense rather than applying rational evaluation to them and recognizing their true nature - metaphorical tales, myths and legends. While there is undoubtedly some historical truth to the Bible, it is often simple to decipher what is superstitious fable and what is genuine fact. Christians however, seem to be unable to seperate the two, thus creating a religion fraught with confusion and outright absurdity.

To illustrate the incredible beliefs of the fundamentalists for instance, let us take the famous Book of Genesis. Christians actually believe in a literal 6 day creation event! Even with the cold hard facts of evolution having completely destroyed this concept so long ago, the fundamentalists STILL hold to this colorful myth! Futhermore, Christians subscribe to the outrageous story of Moses and the parting of the seas, God's destruction of Sodom and Gommarrah and the entire population of the earth during the Flood of Noah, that Jesus walked on water, healed the sick, exorcised demons, and actually rose from the dead! Christians seem to be immune to common sense and rational thought. Experts believe this is caused by fear and ignorance.

The most striking facet of Christianity, making it one of the most dangerous and deceitful religions in the world, is it's cunning use of stealth in concealing it's agendas. Christianity poses as a loving, compassionate ideology that has some critical value to the whole of humanity. It claims to the "one and true religion" that offers the only hope to humankind. Consistently pedelled is the idea that all persons wishing to receive "eternal salvation" must submit to it's doctrines and "accept Christ" as their saviour. Christians pose as ministers of truth, honesty and love - ambassadors of Christ - chosen by God Himself to do His bidding and convert all non-believers to the religion itself. Christians typically use emotionally-charged language while quoting scriptural text and devise cunning methods to spread their cultic disease throughout the world. These methods include, but are not limited to, travelling door to door handing out leaflets, pamphlets, and ridiculous cartoon booklets called 'tracks' all to promote their belief system. Christians show little or no respect for the beliefs of others and remain insistent on trying to convert others.

Christians are notorious for using the media to their full advantage as well. Flip on the TV on a Sunday morning for instance, and witness the incessant, inane rantings of Christianty's loud-mouthed profiteers. Programs like those shown on TBN are shining examples of Christians on the offensive. Now, with the Internet rapidly becoming such a valubale tool for promotion, Christians have seized the opportunity to evangelize to the entire on-line comminity; spreading their demented ideologies to the youth of today.

In short, Christianity is one of the greatest scourges ever visted upon the human race. A religion bent on converting the world to it's bizarre and superstitious cult. History reveals a sinister reality behind Christianity's veil of deception. Many a grave is filled with it's victims and many a fool walk in it's shadow today. Christianity has been responsible for countless acts of tyranny throughout history. Everything from imprisonment, persecution, torture and genocide find themselves on the resume of this cultic religion. Undoubtedly, Christianity will go down as one of the greatest evils the world has ever seen. It's long dark chapter in history continues....