Throughout history many philosophers, theologians, poets, writers, and scholars have made their feelings known about Christianity. Many were outspoken opponents of it, while others simply had a deep-seated disdain for this illness. Below you will find some of the greatest quotes ever spoken about the vile Christian religion.

"When we speak of the Christian religion at it's most rudimentary level we must always be caustious to reserve our estimations as to who and what we are dealing with. You see, were it not for it's folowers, there might have been some value to these Christian virtues. However, with what this dogmatic system has become as a result of it's spokespeople, it is best to steer clear of this bastardized religion."
-Gillain Forester- [19th Century Scholar] {1886}

"You sir, are the one who is an affront to the Lord. I trust He is attuned to you at this very moment, His fists clenched in anger for how you have represented His word. With that, I take leave of your clergy, and can only pray that you will see the ills of your ways. It is you who have given the unbeliever a more firm leg to stand upon."
-Jules Vernon-Renquist- [18th Century Theologian.] {1794} (Renquist was speaking to a Christian clergyman after a debate over Christian ideology)

"When I dream of the perfect religion, I dream of that which is the utmost anti-thesis of Christianity."
-Sir Frederick Pheller- [19-20th Century Philospher] {1912}

"The two great European narcotics, alcohol and Christianity."
-Friedrich Nietzsche-

"If Jesus Christ were to come today, people would not even crucify him. They would ask him to dinner and hear what he had to say, and make fun of it."
-Thomas Carlyle-

"A callous, heartless religion is that which defines it's God as a cold and unmerciful deity, quick to anger and even quicker to condemn it's people to an eternity in fire. I know of only one such God and he is the God of Christianity."
-Sherman Milliken- [Playwrite and Author of books on world religions]{1923}

"Defame not the good name of God with your profane Christian rantings!"
-Eldridge Kane- [Irish Theologian] {1836}

"The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and the whole carloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity."
-John Adams- [U.S. President]

"The name of Christ has caused more persecutions, wars, and miseries than any other name has caused."
-John E. Remsburg- [Author] {1910}

"I agree that God moves in mysterious ways. He's been eluding me from the very start."
-C. Spellman-

"Why be born again when you can just grow up?"
-Bumper Sticker-

"The missionaries go forth to Christianize the savages - as if the savages weren't dangerous enough already."
-Edward Abbey-

"Christianity is the enemy of liberty and civilization."
-August Bebel-

"There is a sucker born-again every minute."
-C. Spellman-

"People in general are equally horrified to see the Christian religion doubted, and at seeing it practiced."
-Samuel Butler- [English Author]

"Who says lying doesn't get you anywhere? Look at the success of Christianity!"

"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Christian men? These self-proclaimed spokesmen for God who so boldly assert their chosen status as His messenger of salvation are no different than you or I. Rather they are a bit more eccentric, a bit more arrogant, and most certainly a lot more zealous than the average contemporary thinker."
-Norman Rudell- [Writer]

"The louder these Christians shout up there on the altar of superstition, the more cotton I want to shove in my ears. For Christ's sake put a lid on it will ya?"
-Frank Simons- [Columnist. Spoken during radio address 1978]

"Heresy you deem as blasphemy against the holy spirit. Heresy is what I deem as having the balls to stand up to religious hogwash."
-Leo Guntermann-

"I challenge anyone to present to me a more disingenuous religion than Christianity. Just where in hell do we find a system bent on filching scandulous amounts of money off the weak-minded? Where do we find more wealthy Pastors or Ministers talking out of both sides of their mouths while their pockets swell to obseen proportions? What religion does more to intellectually damage youth while getting rich off their ignorance?"
-C. Spellman-

"The Christian where else shall you find a more potent hive of scum and villainry..."
-Turner Dukes-

"One can easily forget the greatest and most sustained genocide ever to befall the human race when we are so constantly bombarded with images of the Jewish Holocaust. Let us not also forget the oceans of blood spilled in the name of Christ over so many centuries."
-Joshua Rebenstol-

"For every one man saved by the Lord, there are 1000 times that forsaken by him."
-C. Spellman-

"I cringe at the thought of a Christian society. I'd much rather live in the dark ages than to dwell in such a setting."
-Arron Isley- (Writer)

"Of course I am rich and why shouldn't I be? The Lord has given me a job to do and I'll be darned if I am not going to be well compensated for it! I'm saving souls here!"
-Wiley Farmer- (Christian Pastor 1952)

"Fuck Christianty..."
-Zed Landow-

"Often a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other parts of the world, about the motions and orbits of the stars and even their sizes and distances,... and this knowledge he holds with certainty from reason and experience. It is thus offensive and disgraceful for an unbeliever to hear a Christian talk nonsense about such things, claiming that what he is saying is based in Scripture. We should do all that we can to avoid such an embarrassing situation, which people see as ignorance in the Christian and laugh to scorn."
-St. Augustine-

"Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition."
-Isaac Asimov-

"Christianity is not a religion; it's an industry."

"Theology: The study of elaborate verbal disguises for non-ideas."

"Mine is a euphoria that is a long time in the waiting. It is to my delight that I should be able to share with you the incomparable joy of seeing the Church, of which I am now formally a member of, go to ashes. It must have been God himself who is behind this heroic conflagration! Even He has more respect for real religions than do these Christians."
-Sherman Harborough- 1863 (After watching a Christian church burn to the ground during the Civil War. Harborough was a former Christian Pastor turned Deist)

"The Christian claims the Humanist worships man, yet it is the Christian that worships Jesus Christ - a man as well. If the Humanist worships humanity, at least he does it while it is still alive. Christ died many centuries ago."
-Leonardo Foradelli- 1851 (Italian Humanist)

"Of course I know these are myths, but what else do I have to comfort me at this late hour?"
-Bernard Irwington- 1838-1915 (Spoken to a Pastor, who was reading him the bible, as he lay on his deathbed. Irwington had been a Pastor himself for many years.)

"It isn't God I have a problem with! It's those damn Christian interpretations of him!"
-Lloyd Stanley- 1954 (Spoken to a Christian who was heckling him at a freedom of religion conference)

"If you were the Son of God, and had unlimited powers like He, would you have allowed yourself to be put in that rather embarrassing situation in front of all those who believed in you...and then killed?"
-C. Spellman-

"I must confess that my disdain for the Christian religion stems not from my upbringing in it, but rather my first real hard look into it from a more enlightened perch".
-Gershwin Hagenstoudt- 1930 (German Scholar)

"You call me a victim of insanity, whilst you claim to be an authority governed by the hand of God. The main difference between you and I is that I don't promote my illness."
-Elias Nichols- 1821 (Nichols was imprisoned in a mental institution after he was caught desecrating a Christian monument. Upon his arrest, he claimed he was being harrassed by Christian zealots who tried to convert him on a number of occasions.)

"..and if Jesus were alive today he'd be locked up in an insane asylum, along with all his cohorts."
-Walter Kerney- 1961 (Excerpt from The Messianic Travesty)

"The greatest of lies is found in the New Testament. Whether they are the product of misinterpretation or outright ignorance is a moot point. It takes but the most elementary of logic to assert that this literary work of rubbish has given us societal grief beyond anything the authors of the bible could have envisioned."
-Gerhard Eichenaur- 1872 (Austrian Politician. Eichenaur was outspoken in his disdain for Christianity. Most of his anti-Christian rhetoric is found in his letters to his Hungarian counterparts)

"Take that cross and shove it!"
-Anita Hellerbach- 1969 (Women's Activist. Hellerbach yelled these words to a group of Christians who heckled her about abortion during a ralley)

"A hearty fool is he that believeth every word of the bible."
-Jacob Elleker- 1638 (English Philospher and Physician)