Statistics & Facts


The population of Black Oak is approximately 277. The approximate number of families is 128.

The amount of land area in Black Oak is 1.153 sq. kilometers.
The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers

The distance from Black Oak to Washington DC is 786 statute miles. The distance to the Arkansas state capital is 138 statute miles. (Statute miles are "as the crow flies")
Black Oak is positioned 35.83 degrees north of the equator and 90.36 degrees west of the prime meridian.

If you have ever wondered what a black oak tree looks like, here is some interesting information.

BLACK OAK(Quercus velutina Lam.) The black oak, sometimes farther north called yellow oak or yellow-barked oak usually grows to be about 80 feet in height. It is found commonly throughout the State on dry plains and ridges, but seldom on rich ground. The crown is irregularly shaped and wide, with a clear trunk for 20 feet or more on large trees.

The bark on the very young trunks is smooth and dark brown but soon becomes thick and black, with deep furrows and rough broken edges. The bright yellow color and bitter taste of the inner bark, due to tannic acid, are distinguishing characteristics.

The leaves are alternate, simple, 5 to 10 inches long and 3 to 8 inches wide, shallow or deeply lobed, the shape varying greatly. When mature, the leaves are dark green and shiny on the upper surface, pale on the lower, more or less covered with down, and with conspicuous rusty brown hairs in the forks of the veins.

The fruit matures the second season. The light brown nut is from one-half to 1 inch long, more or less hemispherical in shape, and from one-half to three-quartets enclosed in the thin, dark-brown, scaly cup. The kernel is yellow and extremely bitter.

The wood is hard, heavy, strong, coarse-grained and checks easily. It is a bright red-brown with a thin outer edge of paler sapwood. It is used for the same purposes as red oak, under which name it is put on the market. Its growth is rather slow.

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