Letter from Mr. Elijah Watson to Out of Africa site 11/01/99

Dear Mr. Weinberg,

I am becoming increasingly concerned at the number of sites on the internet dedicated to anti-religious mumbo-jumbo. My only hope is that the Lord, at the day of Judgement [sic] which is nigh, looks down upon you and your like with much pity.

Isn't it about time that we all joined hands in prayer to thank the Almighty for this wonderful creation of life, and stop trying to find so-called objective means which are invariably flawed for explaining the inexplicable?

The Lord be with your troubled soul tonight, my friend.

Elijah Uriah Watson

and my reply, which has not been answered……

Dear Mr. Watson,

Thanks for responding to my fledgling site - I was pleasantly surprised that it had already illicited a response. Although I encourage correspondence of any kind, I didn't find your beration of my site particularly constructive. Your ad hominem attack of my site is not one which endears you towards your fellow Christians. Afterall, there is nothing to suggest ANY anti-religious sentiment on my home page. I encourage open debate on any issues and discourage any forms of fanaticism - including religious fanaticism! - the idea of the site is one of 'freethinking' and open-mindedness, not bigotry and anti-intellectualism. In this light, I encourage you to debate your faith freely - bare in mind that the word debate implies that you're unlikely to be dealt with affirmations of your views - it is not a positive feedback session - and this goes for anyone, irrispective of one's religious affiliation, who wishes to take part in any open debate.

Secondly, an on a more sinister note, I'm not sure what you mean by "trying to explain the inexplicable", but I assure you my site if anything discourages that. The objective universe is one which allows us to observe and make judgements based on our observations which are indifferent to personal/emotional/social and religious sentiment. In other words - you don't have to be a feminist with satanistic tendencies to design a computer and surf the net - anyone can do it!Surely if your God discourages objective observation then what room is there for free choice? Are we merely to blindly believe what anyone tells us about the workings of the Universe - or even worse, to believe in evil social tendencies such as racism and nazism? I doubt you or I could agree to that. It ultimately boils down to making your own choices in life - even with regards to questions of faith.


Marc Weinberg