Genealogy in London and England
There is some Turner data already on the site e.g. civil records, marriages, for London area.
The TURNERS of Hertfordshire, England
Maurice Turner has just began his home page on his ancestors.
His ancestors start 1745 to 1937 beginning with William Turner.
The following surnames married into his Turner family: Bunnage,
Cooper, Crisp, Jones, Pestell, Roberts, Slater, Walker.
Branches and Roots
This web page is NOT a Turner home page but Pam does have a
Turner branch of her family listed. The list is from 1753-1920 in
MASS, VA, and South Carolina, America. The following surnames Brown,
Chapman, Ezell, Foster, Haynes, Head, Headen, Hines, Thorne, White,
have married Turners. Pam has just received some new information that
is undocumented and has listed this information on the preface for
others to view. Many other surnames are listed not married to
Dee's Home Page
Dees 'Abram Turner' branch lived in Indiana, Iowa and Washington, America. The following surnames married into her family, Albertson, Schissler and Woodward. Her home page is also linked to the new 'Turner Genealogy Ring'.
The Tree Shakers
This web page is NOT a Turner home page but Charlotte does have a Turner branch. Her Turner listing starts from 1897 in Georgia and WI, U.S.A. Also look here for an ancestor other than a Turner who was stationed at the barracks in Fort McPherson during the 1870 Georgia census. Some of the men where born in these countries;
Canada, England, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Russia, Scotland, Switzerland.
Marolyn Folkner Howell Home Page
To view Hawkins family click onto descendants of Asa Sr Lynn/Linn when your on Marolyns home page. Her Hawkins branch lived in Tennessee, America.
Pat Pattersons Page
This Hawkins page starts from KY/TN 1799-1980 in mostly Missouri, America. The following surnames married into her family: Abbott, Brown, Chewning, Edmonds, Ellis, Lux, New, Robinson, Sachwell, Sillman, Smith, Taylor, Wilson and Worsley.
Pat also has Hawkins wills listed for England and America and a Hawkins Queries Page
Hammersmith & Fulham Archives and Local History
At this site you will find posted opening hours and location of
where to find them. The archives have just added a listing of all
their records so click on the new short guide to the collections
when your on their site. They also have an address posted for
people who cannot come in person and if your writing from overseas
please enclose an International Reply Coupon. I wrote to the
Archives in 1996 about my ancestors business and they
responded quickly with some information and leads. I highly
recommend them to anyone that has research in this area of London.
Copyright ©1997-2009, Shirley Turner.