The Bounty


I launched this site in December 1996. As I've traveled it's picked up some of the flavor of Ohio, South Jersey, Baltimore, and most recently, Florida.

One thing that hasn't changed is its focus on contemporary American fiction. The site contains profiles of writers I think deserve more attention than they currently receive. Some of the writers here, such as Richard Yates, have recently begun to receive this attention.

Most of the books I review or feature are available at good libraries and at

As always, this page has a lot of links to other sites. Links are cheap, like ice in soft drinks. Enjoy.

My email address.

The Bounty

Review Policy

I am quite busy this summer, and I expect to be in the fall as well. For that reason, I will review only a few books. I usually pick the books I review, and lately I've been posting only reviews that have seen publication elsewhere.

I usually review literary fiction.

I do not review books from Xlibris and other electronic publishers.

July 9, 2001

Privacy policy

I do not collect user information or send cookies. However, my site is hosted by Yahoo, which certainly does take great interest in visitors to its pages. If you are concerned about how Yahoo tracks your online behavior, you may wish to read their privacy statement. The advertisements you may see on my pages were put there by Yahoo.
"And remember to flee far away from the unbridled, and the impudent,
the malicious, and the unlucky. For these being full of bad demons or rays are maleficent, and like lepers and people striken with plague, they harm not only by touch but even by proximity and by sight."

Marsilio Ficino
1433 - 1499
A phrase began to beat in my ears with a sort of heady excitement: "There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy, and the tired."

Nick Carraway in
The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Chapter 4, p. 84