An Article Written by James Sundquist

1. In the multitude of Godly Counsel there is wisdom. Proverbs 15:12

2. In every single passage of New Testament, elders is always plural

3. Elders (again plural) govern (direct) the affairs of the church. I Timothy 5:17

4. Obey the laws of the land. In Romans Paul commands Christians to submit to authorities -- once again plural. Romans 13:1-6. Non profit law requires a board of directors (board is plural). Word of caution. This applies primarily to the United States, as most countries don't have the privileges or rights afforded by Non-Profit Status Corporations. In fact, it is illegal up to being punishable by death to even assemble in the Name of Jesus Christ.

5. Spiritual gifts of wisdom, knowledge, discerner of spirits are given to many. I Co. 12:10,28.

6. Paul instructs Timothy to appoint elders (plural) to govern local church. Titus 1:5

7. I Timothy 4:14 states: "Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you." Once again "elders" is plural. But equally revealing is that the object (person) whose hands are being laid upon could be an individual receiving the gift of administration which adds one more voice to singular rule -- making the plural even larger.

8. That James presided over a meeting in the Council in Jerusalem in the Book of Acts does not mean he had absolute authority . Conflict and policy was hammered about by many elders (not just James). "apostle and elders met to consider" Acts 15:6. "Then the Apostles, Elders, with the whole church (plural) decided..." Acts 15:22.

9. Even apostles subjected themselves to decision of the multitude of counsel at Council in Jerusalem. Acts Chapter 15.

10. Rehoboam refused counsel of elders who were older. Rehoboam in I Kings and II Chronicles, who would not listen to the older elders who served him, but surrounded himself with the young men he grew up with. I Kings 12:8, II Chronicles 10:8

11. Peter appeals to fellow elders (plural) to be good shepherds (plural). Could this possibly mean there is only one elder who could be a shepherd? I Peter 5:1,2,5

12. Let something be established in the witness of two or three. Matthew 18:16. (accountability is plural and non-unilateral).

13. Jesus said to "call no man master." Matthew 23:8-11.

14. A WISE MAN ACCEPTS COUNSEL OR CORRECTION. An absolute dictator does not have to receive correction. To accept correction, there is at least a second party involved. Therefore a second party means at least two -- not one. So it is the fool who thinks he is not subject to correction.

15. A serious matter can eventually be brought before the congregation who decides the ultimate fate of an unrepentant brother. If one man has final authority, then why is the final appeal and decision is left to the congregation in Matthew 18? Isn't a congregation more than one? (Here I am not suggesting democracy, as all who decide must be believers).

16. Even in the time of the Apostles, no one man was an absolute authority. James (not Paul) presided over the church in Jerusalem. The final decision came of consensus among many elders.

17. What about the argument for the "Moses" model of government? Then who is Moses today for the entire church? He would have to be one person for the whole world -- unless we want to become Roman Catholic.


Once again, does having elders to whom the pastor is not accountable sound like preferring others before oneself? Is showing absolutely no interest in inquiring what each prospective individual elder might want to do and is able to do in such a role, preferring others before oneself? Is constantly planning what the church is going to do without bothering to first ask anyone, preferring others before oneself? What about trusting the elders so much that an individual pastor tells them they are afraid of them? Absolute authority rules out preferring others before self! Romans 12:10, I Timothy 5:21.


Does a form of government that says pastors alone set the agenda sound like a private agenda to you? (The Bible says an elder should NOT have a private agenda). If a pastor has a vision for the church is it exempt from being tested by fire and other men of God? Is a vision exempt from being changed if it continually fails? Note II Peter and Jude regarding false shepherds.

20. Three cords can not be easily broken. This sounds a whole lot like more than one to me? Ecclesiastes 4:12.

21. Absolute authority of one man (or woman) is the exact form of government of most cults. They have no outside testing the spirits to see if they are of God. I John 4:1. Ronald Reagan's modern day vernacular of these Scriptures certainly applies: "Trust but verify!"

22. Moses as one man rule in the Old Testament was correct. Miriam and the Sons of Korah were wrong in suggesting "Does not God also speak to us?" Numbers 12:2, Numbers Chapter 16. Certainly we can not suggest that any man alive today can speak with the SINGLE authority of Moses who heard from God directly. Can we dare suggest that a pastor alone in the New Testament age alone hears from God at a local church? Moses had authority given him directly by God who said of Moses he spoke face to face. Is there any man alive who can say that they have seen God face to face? Is there any pastor that can make that claim? Jesus said that John the Baptist was the greatest -- so this would mean that he out ranks Moses. Yet he said the least Christian is greater than John the Baptist. Matthew 11:11. And once the Holy Spirit was sent, the Scriptures record -- Jesus speaking "My sheep hear my voice and follow me? That sounds a whole lot like many people besides one "hear my voice". John 10:27.

23. If every true believer is a priest and king according the Apostle Peter, then this would require that there would be a multitude who govern, not one. II Peter 2:9.

24. Can one Scripture be found which supports "the job of the congregation and elders is to support the vision of the pastor -- one person?"

25. "Submit to authority God has placed over you (elders)." Once again plural. Hebrews 3:17

26. Paul rebuked people for trying to make Paul and Barnabas a king or god over them. Acts 14:12

27. If a single pope is not acceptable for the whole world, why is one acceptable for a local church? Did we fight the Revolutionary War in America to get rid of the Divine Rights of Kings only to hand it right over to a single pastor?

28. Paul commended the Bereans to not simply take his word for something, but study the Scriptures as the final authority. Acts 17:11

29. I Timothy it gives the requirements of an elder. It does not state that pastors govern the affairs of the church. Pastoring is a gifting NOT an office, as are teachers and evangelists. Ephesians 4:11. Do evangelists govern affairs of the church? Do teachers? Clearly not. And once again even pastors here is PLURAL. Even after the collapse of the shepherding movement, I still hear "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft". I Samuel 15:23. To be in rebellion, one would have to be talking about rebelling against God's form of New Testament government. So truly, someone is indeed in rebellion, if they submit to only one counsel. Following one counsel, alone, would therefore be as the sin of witchcraft.

30. Matthew 18 brings a person before the entire congregation as the final authority regarding church discipline -- NOT a single man or pastor.

Most importantly, as the Prophet Isaiah states, "His government is upon His shoulders". Isaiah 8:6.

(c)1999 James Sundquist, Last Generation Artists, Inc.

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