
These web-sites hold interesting materials. We recommend them!

Collective Action Notes

A site which seems to just go on growing!  Stuff on the old council communists galore and it also features:

"A Ballad Against Work"

published by comrades in India.

Max Anger

articles from the pages of

The Poor, The Bad and the Angry

an excellent communist magazine from California.

Also from the same source, check out Love and Treason

The Eclipse and Re-emergence of the Communist Movement

a classic text by Jean Barrot.


'NewRab' or '- How can the Working Class transform the 'Economy' in its own interests ?' is a discussion of how practically we could create a communist society, not as an ultimate and far off ideal but directly out of the economy as it exists today. As such it is as much about 'politics' as 'economics'.
As a subject it is rarely discussed and in some circles positively avoided, but it arises almost directly out of our needs today. For if we are critical of existing society, then the first question that automatically arises is 'how should we replace it ?'
It is not sufficient any longer to simply be 'against' the existing order of things, instead we must begin to work out what it is we are for. Real movements confronting real questions cannot fail to address such a question. 'NewRab' is merely an early attempt and one that must very much be looked on as provisional and transitional . . . readers should feel free to add their own contributions or criticisms to the author by surface mail to:
Dave Graham, PO Box 37, Liverpool, L36 9FZ, UK

ANARCHIST faq web page

"The FAQ is an attempt to explain anarchist ideas and counter the vast amount of disinformation on the net which comes from the so-called "anarcho"-capitalists and other right-wing libertarians." This site will put you in touch with many useful sources of information about anarchist and libertarian communism.

Anarchist Communist Federation

The Home Page of the ACF, the group we have the closest ties with in Britain. Contains articles from Organise! and pamphlets of theirs.

A useful site for links to many other communist sites, plus access to documents not found elsewhere, including a number by Anton Pannekoek and Otto Ruhle is  Johngray

Escape a site with lots of interesting links,  plus some useful articles:  Beyond Krostadt (about the Russian Revolution) and Leaving the Twentieth Century

Wildcat the site of the Wildcat group.  Recommended.  Interesting discussions on things green ... but some odd views too!

If you know of any other sites we should recommend then write to:



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