Have you lost your way?

If you feel lost, helpless, like life isn't worth living, it may very well be because you don't have Christ in your life. As a Christian, and one who knows well the feelings of helplessness and futility, I want to share with you the joy of the truth of God's Word. Only through the putting on of Christ in baptism, and the washing away of sins, can anyone truly find lasting peace and meaning. Not only that, but you will get everlasting life in Heaven, too! This is not to say that this life here on earth will be any easier for a Christian-- no, it will be harder, for the world is against us, and so are Satan and his minions. (I thought it fair to warn you up front). But we are assured the victory in the end, if we stand firm.

I grew up in a devout Christian family, but my soul was filled with fear that I could never be good enough for God. My parents, worried, urged me to be baptised, but I refused out of my many fears. I left for Harding University, a Christian university in Searcy, Arkansas, hoping I would find there something to encourage my faith-- and I did. I came to understand that I can NEVER be good enough for God-- and I don't have to be-- though I do have to obey his commandments as well as I can, out of love and gratitude for what he has done for me, and everyone who comes to him. Even after I was baptised, though, I struggled with fear, doubt, and depression. These are tools of the Enemy, Satan, to keep me from being an effective Christian. It has now been 7 years since I was baptised, and I know I have grown in love, courage, joy and peace in Christ (otherwise, I wouldn't be writing this-- I'd be too scared!) I hope to continue growing in the knowledge and love of Christ until I die. I know death holds no fear for me now, because I shall never truly die, but shall go to live in Heaven forever. (Though the actual pain of dieing does still terrify me).

I realize many of you may not even believe there is a God, or perhaps you believe there are many paths to God. I invite any of you to ask me questions about my faith. Though I certainly don't have all the answers, I hope through discussion with you that both of us will grow in the knowledge of the Truth. (And though I don't watch the X-files, the Truth IS out there!)

Later I hope to have more specifics on this subject, such as Bible verses, archeological evidence, etc.. Meanwhile, you are welcome, as I said, to e-mail me at ayers@futurelinc.com with any question you may have. (I just don't promise to answer it fully to your satisfaction, or mine.) Thank you for taking the time to find out more about God and the things that truly matter. You won't regret the serach.

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