Merry Meet!
This site is my way of giving thanks and sharing the wisdom of others with witches and non-witches alike.Witches DO NOT worship Satan! So please leave all your preconviced ideas about Witches/Wicca/Paganism outside the circle and enter with a opened mind.... This is a personal website, I don't expect everyone to agree with the things I have to say. I am interested in others expressions in other beliefs and have learned a great deal from many walks of life. I am currently a corporate goth,a regular a.g.f. poster/ircer, and involved in a industrial rock band, so I have little time to network.But, I welcome anyone to email me your thoughts. I would gladly respond within my budgeted free time. The circle has been undergoing a revamp period, so please stop by and visit again soon. Everything is growing with my experience.....Merry meet, merry part, merry we meet again!
Blessed Be, Thunder Horse

**Disclaimer: This site is copyrighted by Thunder Horse, which includes all text and graphics underless otherwise noted and/or linked to owner/creator. I take no pleasure in stealing others work if there is anything I have miscredited or fail to credit anyone's work please contact and I will properly credit whomever or remove text/graphics as asked. Likewise, please email if you wish to use any text, graphics, or pages within the site. Thank you.**

copyrighted 1998