Misión la exaltación de la Santa Cruz

at Holy Cross Parish

Birthplace of Santa Cruz, California
September 25, 1791

Welcome to the website of Mission Santa Cruz, located on Mission Plaza in Santa Cruz, California. The Roman Catholic Parish of Holy Cross is the home of Mission Santa Cruz, the 12th link in the chain of 21 historic Spanish Franciscan missions that stretch from San Diego to Sonoma.

"Santa Cruz" means "Holy Cross" in Spanish. The full Spanish name of the mission is "Misión la exaltación de la Santa Cruz," named after a feast day in the Church calendar which occurs on September 14: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrating the Christian symbol of the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

Mission Santa Cruz was founded by Father Fermín Francisco de Lasuén (pronounced:Lah-SWEN), the successor of Father Junípero Serra. Since 1859 the mission site has been owned and operated by the Diocese of Monterey, now under the direction of Bishop Sylvester Ryan. Holy Cross Church is a parish within the Diocese of Monterey.

Our website is meant to be an educational tool for everyone interested in California Mission history. It is aimed especially at fourth-grade students and their teachers who are working on projects involving Mission Santa Cruz. We have made an effort to make the content visually stimulating to young readers. At the same time we hope that you find the text of our presentation clear, enjoyable, and informative. Your responses on how we can improve any aspect of our site are most welcome. Just click on the Mission Bells below to explore our pages and click on the email addresses to contact us.

Have fun on your virtual tour of the historic, peaceful, and prayerful site of Mission Santa Cruz; if possible, come for a real visit as well.  If you're not from Santa Cruz, here are some directions to help you find us.

Sister Betty Pedrazzi, Curator


***A Special Note to Parents and Teachers***

    The Misión Galería is a small gift store that sells books and pamphlets about the history of Mission Santa Cruz. For students doing Mission Projects, we have a packet of materials that we can mail to you for $11.25 including postage. The packet consists of a book devoted to Mission Santa Cruz, 3 picture postcards, and three informative pamphlets, one of which has a floor-plan of the mission. We can take personal checks (made out to Mission Santa Cruz) or credit cards (Master Card or Visa). As this website is not set up for commercial transactions over the Internet, please contact me using the postal address, telephone number, fax, or email link listed below.

TELE: 1-831-426-5686
FAX: 1-831-423-1043


Misión Galería Hours:
Tuesdays through Saturdays, 10-4
Sundays, 10-2
closed Mondays, except after major holiday weekends.



Site design and graphics by Synergy Art Studio

This Roman Catholic WebRing site owned by Sheilah Lynch.
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