

by Patty R

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement in this story to either Paramount or anyone.

~~ This was my first story to the JetC 14 pond.~~ Comments and feedback are welcome.

Rated R for sexual situations

It started off as nothing more than the faintest of touches. Odd that it was right smack on the center of her belly, quite near her bellybutton. Nothing quick that would have startled.

But it was definitely a touch. And what it felt like was the intimate, wet sensation of a tongue. Tenderly teasing that one spot right beneath the indention of her belly. Kathryn had some time in which she had not felt something so close to that area. But her body reacted like a woman made for loving would. The second time that tongue lavished itself over her skin, her insides clenched gently and a fine sheen of sweat collected on her upper lip.

Yet she did not awaken.

Her dreams continued to dance and tease, much like that devilish object that seemed to touch her did. And those thoughts were not the stuff that Starfleet Captains were supposed to entertain about her crew -- especially a certain member of that small crew.

Those dreams filled with those large male hands, that rogue smile and eyes of onyx that flirted, plus that deceptively pink tongue which seemed to weave its way into her sleep. She would often entertain the thought of what it would feel like if it were to ever make contact with her body. And now own body was betraying her by using her subconscious against her.

That warm touch came to her skin again and this time she was startled awake by how so very real it felt. She would not be able to finish sleeping peacefully that night.


"Captain, I think you should not be worried about nothing more than your mind expressing itself through your dreams." voiced the EMH, his sarcasm put on hold as he saw just how very serious the Captain was this particular morning. She had come in to the sickbay with a face that spoke volumes. So the Doctor had cleared everyone from the vicinity, examined her and now tried to speak some sense into her.

It was obvious to him she had not slept more than a handful of broken hours and he didn't understand why. All her tests had returned fine and only thing he had found so far was that she was irritable due to lack of sleep.

"Doctor, there must be something!", Janeway growled, "these past three nights I have not been able to sleep without ..." her voice suddenly grew low and the Doctor could not understand what she meant to say.

"Captain, if there's something you aren't telling me then there's no way that I can help."

It amazed the holographic doctor to see the woman before him actually blush. And it wasn't a small timid blush, rather one that reached even her ears and made her heart rate jump on the Tricorder. "Amazing." he thought as he watched her try to control her body.

Her breathing was also quickening and her heartbeat was erratic. The doctor though, "Something she was thinking of was making her react in a sexual way."

Suddenly her commbadge sounded. "B'Elanna to Janeway." Kathryn answered with an urgency.

"Janeway here, what is it B'Elanna?"

"Captain, you wanted me to remind you of our time on the Holodeck. It's nearly time now. I have our hover ball and equipment ready." Kathryn all but ran by the doctor before he could get any more questions in. She ran out the doors with the whisper of a promise to return if she could not sleep again that night.

Two hours and a half later, when enough sweat was running off both their backs and faces did B'Elanna finally dare to ask her, "Kathryn, I would like to know something: woman to woman -- off the record." The dark hairs that weren't stuck beneath her ponytail was plastered to her ridges and she saw her Captain was in no better conditions.

Kathryn was breathing heavily through her mouth but managed a quick nod. She pulled her workout shirt off her drenched body and considered laying down, at least until her breathing came down to normal. B'Elanna decided it was now or never, "Kathryn, from me to you, please tell me what is bothering you. Please, let me finish, I respect you and I care about your mental state. It's obvious you have something bothering you. You played to kill today and luckily it was against me or someone else might have been hurt."

Deep inside Kathryn knew that if she could trust someone to tell her problem to, it would be the Klingon sitting on the floor next to her. "B'Elanna," she began,"I don't know myself what is happening to me. These past few nights I've," her voice now nearly gone and her eyes dashed off to a corner of the room, "had some very detailed, very erotic dreams of someone."

"Oh." B'Elanna's eyes widened and she was suddenly at a loss for words when she saw just how uncomfortable Kathryn looked. She leaned forward more, "Um, and may I ask who?"

Kathryn nearly groaned aloud when she heard this. It was now or never.


Of course, thought B'Elanna. Who else would Kathryn dream of? Hmm. This was becoming something very nice. If only she could understand why the Captain was fighting these thoughts she might get somewhere.

"But Captain, that's perfectly normal," she said. "He's a very handsome man, of course there might be some interest."

"No, B'Elanna. There can't be any." Kathryn argued, "Don't you understand. I've fought so much about protocol and Starfleet..."

The Klingon growled and interrupted, "Damn them both!" Kathryn's face paled, "You have used them as an excuse. Pure and simple. They are sixty years away, Kathryn. Will you deny your heart for an entire lifetime? If you honestly knew just how much he loves you I know you'd fight for him. I know this sounds clich� but I heard somewhere that love conquers all. Who said it I don't know but it is so true. For a long time I fought Tom off and now I can't begin to tell you just how happy I am. Though he is still a pig." Her smile made the insult into something loving, sweet, and Kathryn's heart swelled to see just how far this woman had come. "Try to see who you are in his eyes, feel the way he feels and you'll see and understand that love is worth any battle. You are afraid but with him there with you, you won't be alone."

Kathryn was surprised, not by the emotion behind B'Elanna's words, but by the fact that she had uttered those words: he loves you. Did the Klingon truly believe this or perhaps she knew from first hand account? She decided to ask, "How do you know he loves me?"

The engineer's hands came up before her and she cupped them, "Captain, think of my hands as a seed, one planted on the day you and Chakotay met." Her fingers opened slightly, "now as the time passed each moment you and he were together: eating dinner; talking in your Ready room; playing pool, each of those times together cause that seed to open more. Soon, it was a tiny plant settling its roots into something that was bound to nourish itself more and more each time you would be together."

"But what of those other times," Kathryn asked, "times he went to other women. The times he allowed other women to be near him and he forgot me?"

B'Elanna responded honestly as she always would, "Well, you do have to see Kathryn, you did reject him. He tried to get his heart involved but we both know his heart was never fully there. Now you... you are different. For example, New Earth. Do you have any idea just how much and how long he hoped and dreamed of being with you? When he returned I was his counselor and I had to listen to all his woes of how he'd wished that Harry had not been so forceful in wanting your return. I had to hold him back when you were both here on Voyager. The first thing he wanted to do was go out and break Harry's neck or at least his nose. He broke down and cried, Kathryn, he cried for you and he cried for himself. His tears fell each time he remembered the way he held you for that oh, so little time."

By now B'Elanna could see the older woman eyes glaze over with her own tears, "I also cried, B. I also miss him. And love him."

B'Elanna reached over and confessed the last secret, which she knew Chakotay would never have revealed to Kathryn. "One day, he and I were getting dinner in the mess hall. He leaned over to tell me something and it was your name that spilled from his mouth. When he realized what he had said his entire voice sounded as if he was about to break down. It took a strong cup of leola root beer to make his sadness simmer down." By now both women were openly weeping and it took several moments for them to stop.

In that instant Kathryn decided she wasn't going to be alone for the next sixty years. Come what may from her actions, her heart had been denied for far too damned long and she knew nothing but love was worth this fight. "B'Elanna, I am going to make this work. He won't know what hit him!" She got up from the hard floor and reached her hand out to pull up the younger officer to her feet.

Both left for their respective quarters with a secret grin and red eyes, knowing that what was meant to be was going to happen soon.


Unbeknownst to him, the very object of that chat was sitting in his quarters reading a padd about diagnostics when his commbadge sounded. "Janeway to Chakotay."

"Yes, Captain?" he replied. Instantly aware of her sultry voice and the way his name rolled from her mouth. His finger made a small circle on the padd, wishing it were her porcelain cheek.

"Commander, I am inviting you to dinner tomorrow, here in my quarters. Just to be on the safe side all the food will be replicated. Is your schedule busy?"

Oh, Kathryn, nothing and no one could ever make me deny you, he thought, but his answer came out much more subdued, "No, all I need to do is finish off these reports and I have no plans for then. What time is good for you?"

When the hour was decided Kathryn began her work. She had spent the hours in her Ready room researching 20th century literature. She had searched the entire database on seduction and had come across something called romance paperback novels. After reading passages from various women's books she had an idea of what would be good to seduce her Commander at dinner. She required the help of Neelix and B'Elanna, the only two who knew her plans.


The next day:

Around the middle of her shift she sat in her seat on the Bridge, trying to concentrate on nothing more than the abundance of stars and planets racing past the viewport. They had been traveling peacefully for weeks now and she was aching for the end of her shift. At one particular moment she looked over to Chakotay's console and saw his hand lying upon it. For some reason she had reacted to it in a very intense way. That's when she heard someone gasping softly and her blue eyes were caught in his gaze and time stopped.

The hum of the starship, the movements of the crew around them, nothing. Neither blinked nor nothing short of a wormhole exploding before the ship could have broken their eye contact. Then in slow motion Kathryn heard her heart beginning to beat again and her lungs filled once more. She swallowed and gave him the smallest of grins before she heard that the shift was over.

Chakotay could not believe it. For the quickest of seconds her eyes, her body had given him the one answer he gladly would have sold his soul for. Where had that come from? What god did he have to fall down on his knees to thank for this incredible happiness?

He was so lost in thought that Janeway managed to slip into the turbolift and disappear before he even noticed. Darn. But at least, they were having dinner tonight. Everyone on the Bridge was startled to hear what seemed like the Commander whistling.

Preparation for dinner was nerve wracking! Kathryn had everything set up perfectly. Each moment that passed she would fidget a bit more and look for an imperfection. But it was excellent. Kathryn had worn her hair in a new style, the short length was partially held back by two golden clips and tiny wisps caressed her cheeks and neck. The dress she wore was the same mesmerizing shade as her eyes and though no jewels adorned her, she radiated beauty.

"Computer, play romance-Janeway one." The soft tunes of a woman singing to the sounds of a flute and guitar played. The door chime sounded and she answered. When the door opened and she was face to face with Chakotay, no amount of Starfleet training had prepared her for this man.

He wore a white shirt and dark pants, which made him seem a bit like a dangerous pirate. All he needed was the thigh high boots to compliment the ensemble and he could start a mutiny all his own.

When Chakotay saw her, his hand -- out of it's own will -- came up to her cheek and repeated the very motion he had wished he had done before.

"If he does that again, I'll become nothing more than mud at his feet." thought Kathryn and invited him into her quarters.

They had shared dinners many time before but never like this. The entire area was lit by nothing more than white and peach candles. A soft scent of jasmine and roses clung to the artificial air and the table was lavishly presented with covered bowls. They made their way to the seats and Chakotay held hers out and then sat himself down.

Kathryn smiled, "Chakotay," she began, "I truly hope you like this dinner."

And with that they began to serve each other's dinner plates and then they opened a bottle of wine offered to them. They ate exotic fruits from the last planet where they had stopped and several plates full of foods that they had not eaten since leaving Earth. At one instance, she had a small bit of wine clinging to the corner of her mouth. At the second her tongue was going to go out and lick it clean Chakotay's thumb caressed her there. Her mouth fell open slightly when she saw that he didn't wipe it away on the napkin but rather brought his hand to his own mouth and licked it.

At one point Chakotay looked down to his plate long enough to ask Kathryn how she knew he loved that dish most. She smiled and told him her secret weapon had been B'Elanna and for a second he wondered what more she had been told.


After finishing their food off, Kathryn made the announcement, "And now: dessert." Then she pouted and continued, "But I'm afraid this dessert isn't edible." She stood up and held her left hand out to him. When he took her hand, her grip was just like the woman: strong and confident. She pulled him slightly to the middle of the room, then fell into his arms, and began to sway softly.

Now Chakotay had never learned to dance. He had always been a bit afraid of making a fool of himself and therefore, never placed a single foot onto the dance floor. But tonight he felt as if an entity entered him and his usually lead feet carried him. Kathryn's face was tucked away into the curve of this collarbone and her perfume invaded him. Each soft sway of her against him was causing an arousal, which he wouldn't be able to hide for much longer if she continued to move those hips just so. He gulped quietly and prayed she couldn't feel it.

It was of course, a lost cause. One second she was being very passive and the next her right hand snuck up to the back of his neck, her face came up and their lips came together as if they had been kissing from the beginning of time.

Her mouth clung to his, and then her tongue invaded his. The warm wet touch she had felt within her dream was slowly draining away her strength, her thoughts, and her fears. Just then a slight nip of his teeth on her bottom lip brought her eyes open. Their dancing came to a halt until they just stood within each other's arms.

Kathryn snapped her head back and could only gasp as those teeth came close to the curve of her chin and nipped there. Again and again they closed over the pale flesh as his mouth made its was down to her throat and lingered.

"Purr." was all Kathryn could articulate as her senses seemed to quiver.

"Do you have an idea how much I have desired this? Kathryn, Kathryn," he sighed against her collarbone, placing a kiss here, a lick there. "But I think we should take it slow."

Kathryn could hear the words, her brain formed the answer but her body betrayed the motion. She reached down, took his left hand, and took his index finger into her mouth. And then she suckled on him as if he were nothing more than a lollipop.

Chakotay had no defense against this. His eyes locked onto her mouth, watching the way her red lipstick painted his digit was one thing; imagining that same pair of lips doing that same motion on his now painfully erect groin nearly made him so lightheaded he nearly fell over backwards. "K --Kath--oh, mercy...please don't," was all he could sputter as she tormented him further. His remaining fingers curved into the shape of her face and he leaned forward and placed warm kisses all on her cheek.

Reluctantly, he pulled free and tried to bring his body heat down by stepping back a bit. "Perhaps we should... Um, where do we go from here?"

Kathryn had to stop and concentrate hard before she could even begin to form her response, "All I want to know is one small thing."

Chakotay nodded once and watched as the words he had waited what seemed his whole life came out of her.

"Do you love me?"

Do I love her? She doubts my feelings for her? No, she can't doubt what she does not know. His answer melted her, "Kathryn, do you know what forever means? What it is to see someone and want to be with them: share each smile, every secret your heart holds? While we are on the Bridge I sometimes fantasize you are my Queen, astride her throne. Protecting her people from all villains that come to her path. Do I love you? I would gladly sell my soul to protect you, no Hell would be more punishment than not having you with me."

He took a deep breath and continued, "I love you. I want you but we'll only go as far as you want, I need you to be happy so I can be happy. I can't be complete without you."

She gave him a teary eyed smile and responded, "Well, sometimes a gal likes to hear it said aloud. Sometimes I need to know what you have forgiven me of the hurts from the past."

Taking his hand she led him to her bedroom.

"I don't know about you," Kathryn said, "but I'm dying for another one of those kisses of yours."

He sat down on the edge of the mattress and pulled her onto his lap. Pulling the clips from her head, his large hands dug into her auburn hair and let it frame her face. Her own hands were busy: cupping his face and the other was comfortable tucked away atop his chest.

"Mmm ... I would dream of your hair caressing my skin. When I saw you had cut it, it nearly destroyed that fantasy. Though, I'm sure we can find someway of making it touch me." His saucy wink gave her giggles until their mouths made contact.

Though the idea was to go slow, eventually their own desire was too powerful to hold back. One moment they were sitting on the bed kissing, the next they were easing clothes off of overheated bodies. Placing a kiss on the curve of shoulder; raking teeth over a smooth chest; nothing but purrs and moans to indicate what they wanted more and liked.

As they both now sat wearing nothing but their underwear, Chakotay leaned over Kathryn and she felt that one sensation she had dreamed of: the feel of his tongue right on the spot under her bellybutton and those blue eyes widened and her hips nearly came off the bed as his mouth moved down lower and lower until he breathed hot puffs over her still clothed private parts. "Oh, yes, more.. Oh, please. More."

Chakotay found her eyes and asked, "Are you sure? There's no hurry."

"No. No hurry but," she cupped his through his plain cotton boxers and he nearly exploded then and there, "I don't wish to dream alone anymore. Besides, I talked to Tukov and made sure neither one of us is needed anytime soon or tomorrow. Care to stay the night, my love?"

That was all the answer he needed, sat her up and all the while he kissed her removed her bra. Those large tan hands cupped her bare breasts and his mouth claimed a pink nipple. Again and again he suckled on her; bringing her moans from deep within her. He dipped his hand beneath her undies and with one finger he tormented her by going deeper and deeper until she wet his entire palm with her creaminess.

Her pale hand disappeared beneath his boxers and took hold of him, stroking and fondling before helping him completely remove them and then her panties. Both pair of eyes memorized the curves and dips of enchanting flesh before them. And no one was happier to be free than Chakotay's aching member as it stood out proudly in Kathryn's direction. Her index finger made a small circle around the shiny leaking tip and brought her moist digit to her mouth. Breathing heavily through his mouth, Chakotay watched as her tongue flicked out to catch his entire essence and it hurt to be so aroused.

Chakotay moved to be over her, pressed his large frame in between her open thighs, and nuzzled her neck, whispering sweet nothings into the shell of her ear as he waited for her readiness. Knowing that since it had been some time for her she'd have to adjust to his large thickness when he entered her. Tucking a pillow beneath her bottom, he breathed against her mouth, "Kathryn, our next time I promise we'll take an entire day off so I can spend hours tasting you from the bottom of your feet all the way to the tip of your precious chin but right now .. I need to be inside you."

She smiled as her hips arose off the bed and he knew why had he dreamed and fantasized of this moment for so long. Placing himself just barely inside her he filled her body, each time he throbbed her body quivered and she pressed her hands onto his rear to make them one.

"Please ... yes ... more ... love you ... so much...ohhh!" For long moments nothing but the sounds of sweaty bodies and moans from each filled the air until he was all the way within her and each inch drew a near sob from her. His stomach rubbed against hers as he began to move and plunge, while placing kisses all over her shoulder. He took her knees and tucked her legs around his waist. His curly pubic hair intimately tickled her and brought new groans with each plunge.

Each staccato movement brought them closer and closer for long moments as they continued to climb higher in their erotic union until Kathryn cried out and bucked hard enough to nearly push Chakotay off. He felt the way she came and it brought him his orgasm, making him spill his warm seed until he was drained and incapable of moving.

She felt as their mixed juices spilled down her bottom and made that notorious spot on the bed and it felt perfect. The moment he was able to breathe more normally and pulled free from her, she positioned herself until the whisps of hair touched his thighs, groin, and then proceeded to lick him clean while he squirmed.

Sometime later, while they were settling in to sleep, Kathryn asked, "Chakotay, I need to know something."

"Sure." he sighed and tucked her neatly into his embrace when she moved, placing a kiss on her forehead once she was still.

Kathryn looked at this man, laying there with the silliest, biggest grin on his face and she felt her heartbeat go wild. "Before, when you licked me on my tummy..."

"Your tummy?" His dimples showed as he repeated her word.

She smiled back and nudged him on his tummy. "Yes - tummy- quit that! Now. How did you know I wanted that?"

Chakotay opened his eyes and looked into hers a long quiet moment before he answered, "My love, I've dreamed of doing that to you from the first moment I saw you. Each night I would fall asleep with that thought and dream I would be doing to it you all through the night."

"Oh." was all she could reply before he pulled the covers up and around them and gave her a long good night kiss.

The End
