The flag of the State of Texas

Texas A&M History

Originally the Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas, A&M was founded in 1876 as a land grant college under the Morrill Act, and was the first state college to operate in Texas. A&M was an all-male military school until after WWII, when veteran students were allowed to return as "non-regs." Women were admitted in the 1960s.

Early History

World War I

"Give me an army of West Point graduates and I'll win a battle . . .
Give me a handful of Texas Aggies and I'll win the war."

--Gen. George S. Patton

World War II

"The men of Texas A&M can stand up to any men in the world and compare favorably their education and training for leadership -- leadership in the pursuits of peace, and if it comes to war, leadership in battle."

--Gen. Omar Bradley, 1950

The "Lost Battalion" & the Bridge Over the River Kwai

Aggies Are First into Tokyo, 1945

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Texas A&M Amazing Facts

(To Counter Those 'Aggie Jokes')

Famous Aggies




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© 1996-2002 Paul A. Hughes
Last updated November 2002. For more information, comments, or suggestions, write