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butcherbirds, Cracticus spp.

albmoy (inh -)
albmoj (inh -)
puunchi (minha -)
in Uw Oykangand
in Uw Oykangand and Uw Olkola
in Pakanh

pied butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis, Chillagoe, NQ [PH]

pied butcherbird Cracticus nigrogularis, Chillagoe, NQ [PH]

black-backed butcherbird Cracticus mentalis (juvenile), Laura, NQ [PH]

Two species of butcherbirds (Cracticus spp. (family Cracticidae) occur in central Cape York Peninsula. Both species go by the same name in Uw Oykangand, Uw Olkola and Pakanh. They have black-tipped, slightly hooked beaks and are named "butcherbird" after their tendancy to wedge their prey into tree forks or impale them on broken twigs to aid in tearing them into pieces. Both species are shown below. The pied butcherbird, Cracticus nigrogularis, is a pied, black-throated butcherbird. The black-backed butcherbird, Cracticus mentalis, is a pied, white-throated butcherbird.

e-mail: Philip Hamilton.