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Like writing poetry? Enter Silent Wolf's Poetry Contest Note: Eep! Silent Wolf has a way overbooked schedule and is behind! She appoligizes for anybody who has been waiting a long time for their poetry to be posted and they will be posted in order of incoming. Sorry!

Look for pages on Dendrology (Tree indentification) soon they are in the process of and should be up in a month or so. thanks for your patients. Silent Wolf is also in the process of making a sister site to her daughter site. *LOL* (who else would give her webpages a family tree??) ;)

Post a link to your Web Site in my Free-For-All Links page... Click Here.

Leave a Message/Poem or Contribute to Thoughts on My Message Board!


"Our bloods and hormones are fundamentally seawater and volcanic ash, congealed and refined Our skin shares its chemistry with the maple leaf and moth wing. The currents our bodies regulate share a molecular flow with raw sun. Nerves and flashes of lightning are related events woven into nature at different levels." -- Richard Grossinger in "Planet Medicine."

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