Greetings, Good Reader,

I understand that some of you might want to know something about the person who composed these pages. Please excuse me if give you limited information. I'm sure you'll understand my need for privacy.

I have been deeply in love and married to a wonderfully understanding man for over thirty years. I am mother to three sons and a daughter and have four grandchildren.

I work in a public library. I love reading (which, by the way, we don't get to do at the library--the library staff are usually about a year behind the general public in getting their hands on the books!), needlework of all types including embroidery, lacemaking and costuming. I am webmistress for several websites including my library's site.

One of the most important influences in my life (and the one many people find most interesting) has been the Society for Creative Anachronism, an educational and recreational group that studies life in the Middle Ages.

Due to health concerns, my husband and I have decided to end our SCA participation (the actual conversation went: "We're getting too old to play this silly game."), but it has been an important part of our lives for many years and will continue to influence our children's and grandchildren's world views.

The Society defines the Middle Ages as the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance (usually the mid-1600's). Each member develops a persona based on the nobility of the time period and country of his choice.

We study the arts and crafts, fashions, food and drink, philosophy, science and battle tactics of our chosen period and recreate as many aspects of day-to-day life as possible given the constraints of modern society. One bit of SCA wisdom is that "We recreate the Middle Ages, not as it was but as it should have been." (i.e.: With indoor plumbing and without the plague.)

In the Society, I had a "very early Period" persona. I was a Pict. I also have an interest in Viking culture and enjoy researching Scottish and Danish history, which often touched and influenced each other.

I have been an archer and am the premiere holder in my area of "Order of the Oleander" which is presented by the ruling SCA queen to female warriors, having received that honor in February 1994.

I am a Master of Stewardship in the Guild of the Golden Arrow. In spring of 2003 I also received the Fleur de Soleil, whichis given to those who have demonstrated excellence in the teaching and practice of the arts and sciences.

Besides a satisfying a life-long love of everything Medieval, membership in the Society has provided me and my family the opportunity to study history in a very concrete manner as well as providing a us with a social structure and an "extended family" in which truth, personal honor and the ideals of chivalry are more than abstract ideas. It is also a lot of fun and an activity which can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Our family has been active in the Society for over 17 years. Our children and grandchildren have grown up thinking that eveyone's family goes to "war" several times a year and that everybody's father carries a sword and occasionally wears a kilt.

My Arms were approved by the Atenveldt College of Heralds March 7, 1999.
The blazon is: Sable, on a plate a hedgehog statant gules. On a chief argent three hedgehogs statant gules.

To read Rhiannon's thoughts on living as a responsible Pagan, click here.

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