Welcome to my Guestobook. Please find here what others have written. If you want to add something more after reading following messages, please go once again to Main Page and choose link "Sign Guestbook". God bless!

CIACHO - 06/27/99 23:44:48
My URL:http://www.aliens.bilbo.com.pl
My Email:ciachoo@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: link from other aliens dedicated page
What do I you like on my Site?: COOL !
Your favorite Site on the Web!: ALIEN LEGACY

Cant find your e-mail adres on page. If you are interesting with more details about ALIENS director cut which was 2 times (!!!) on TVN polish tv station contact me. And dont forget to take a look at my aliens dedicated page (contains about 150 MB of ALIENS multimedia !) CIACHO ciachoo@hotmail.com http://www.aliens.bilbo.com.pl

Dave - 06/03/99 23:05:54
My Email:dav142@hotmail.com
Birtday: 6/19/62
How did you find me?: AOL netfind(Aliens Movie)
What do I you like on my Site?: The Info

Nice to know that there will be another movie!!!! I think they could do an excellent movie with an earth setting, provided they get creative!!! But I guess they won't be taking off and nucking the site from orbit this time.... or will they????????????????????????????????????????????

Kat - 05/10/99 02:10:07
My URL:http://www.thingsetc.com/
How did you find me?: just suring alien pages
What do I you like on my Site?: Loved the look of the old_index.html site better :)
Your favorite Site on the Web!: mine of course :)

Cool Alien Site! Check out the Alien E-Shrits I have for sale on my website

http://www.thingsetc.com/thingsetc/eshirts.html If you are interested you can also sign up for our affiliate program...and sell them directly from your site and earn a commission for every sale! Kat

10/26/98 10:29:11
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Death656 - 09/16/98 19:17:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Nebula/1410/
My Email:rich4sman@hotmail.com
What do I you like on my Site?: --------
Your favorite Site on the Web!: mine

a little messed up and plain!! Get a background!!

Cindy - 08/27/98 13:35:24
My URL:http://www.sexoo.com
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page... cum see the free sex at the url above!!

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 06:45:03
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

True - 07/02/98 09:08:50
My URL:http://www.box.net.au/~cirillo/
My Email:true_essence@yahoo.com
Address: Get Stuffed!
Birtday: October 27
How did you find me?: I've been here before
What do I you like on my Site?: Just the info
Your favorite Site on the Web!: My site! Nah only kidding! It probably used to be Fiorina Fury 161 The Website but now it is The Ultimate ALIEN

Hey Jacek! How's it going? I just came back to download some movie clips. Any email if you want anything. Also ALIEN Home Planet is Reopening September 1st in Southern Hemosphere.

Dave - 06/07/98 03:52:04
My URL:http://www.come.to/hatenewt
My Email:hatenewt@hotmail.com
Address: -None of your business-
Birtday: 4/22/70
How did you find me?: GeoCities search
What do I you like on my Site?: It has lots of good info
Your favorite Site on the Web!: Mine

You have a great page here. I personally like the Newborn seen in the context in which it was created.

The Moron Patrol - 04/17/98 16:55:59
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Hollywood/1970
My Email:moronpatrol@hotmail.com
How did you find me?: Movie Ring
What do I you like on my Site?: The great Aliens info.

We really enjoyed your page. Alien: Resurrection was a big favorite of those of us who saw it. We haven't reviewed it yet, but we hope to soon. Come drop by our page at the address above.

Sal - 02/17/98 00:56:26
My URL:http://members.aol.com/syousaf536/index.html
My Email:SYousaf536@aol.com
Address: UK
How did you find me?: Newborn webring
What do I you like on my Site?: its not bad, better use of graphics would be good.
Your favorite Site on the Web!: mine of course

never under estimate the power of the xenomorph

Jerky Dawg - 01/23/98 19:31:26
My URL:http://www.cum.com/
My Email:jkingrea@alaska.net
Address: 9411 East Parkview Terrace
Birtday: 69th of June
How did you find me?: You live in my basement
What do I you like on my Site?: Stuff
Your favorite Site on the Web!: http://www.cum.com/



Katikat - 08/10/97 19:49:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Delphi/5681/
My Email:Creality@Bellsouth.net
Birtday: June 13
How did you find me?: Just surfing for cool sites that Glorify the Lord
What do I you like on my Site?: I like your graphic! It is cool!
Your favorite Site on the Web!: Don't have one yet

Cool testamony! I like how you decribed God's peace. Keep the Faith! God Bless you!

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